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"Did you grab Jayden's bag? Where the first aid kit? What about the spare check bag?" I panicked as I was going through our check list. "Babe. Everything is here. The tickets are in your purse, all the bags are right there with labels of what they are." He said grabbing my shoulders trying to get me to calm down. "I hate flying." I whined. He kissed my forehead softly. "We will be fine. Go to sleep." He told me. I kept just babbling about all the what if's and Michael just started to undress me and put my pjs on me. He grabbed me, putting me on the bed. "Dre. Shut up. Go to bed." He said. I sighed. I laid down and just couldn't relax. We laid in bed for a while and Michael of course went straight to sleep. I tried to watch some TV to keep my mind off flying but that didn't help. I kept tossing and turning, I couldn't get comfortable. Michaels arm wrapped around me, pulling me to him. "Stop moving." He mumbled. "I can't sleep." I sighed. "Well I can't sleep either with you tossing and turning over there." He grumbled. "I'm just going to sleep on the couch. I don't want to keep you up." I said sincerely. I went to get up but he grabbed my arm. "No, stay in here with me." He said tiredly. "Babe, I don't want to keep you up." I repeated. "Dre. Lay down. Please." He said. I sighed and laid back down. He pulled me up against him and started kissing my neck. "I'm not in the mood Michael." I groaned. He sighed, he started rubbing my back, "wanna take a shower, then we won't have to shower in the morning." He suggested. I thought about it, I nodded. We both got up  and went to the bathroom.

"Why won't you just let me sleep on the couch?" I asked. "I don't like sleeping without you and I don't want you down stairs freaking yourself out." He said as we got undressed. We stepped into the shower, as the hot water hit our skin, I clung onto Michael. "What's wrong?" He asked, getting my hair wet . "Nothing. I'm just drained. I need to sleep but My brain won't stop." I sighed. He started kissing on my neck again, "Babe." I groaned. "I just want to love on you." He said then kissing my lips. He kept kissing me, his touch is just so magical. It always gives
me goosebumps. He started giggling, "you treat me too good." I said softly. "I love you." He told me. "You always make sure I'm okay, you don't let me get to myself." I said. "I told you, I am taking care of you. I'm fixing what I broke. I want to take good care of you. I want you to know it's okay to feel the way you feel sometimes but I'm going to be there through it. We've been through a lot with each other. You've adopted a child I had with someone that is not mentally okay, you went through the custody battles, you never left my side when I was in the hospital. This is how you're suppose to be treated. This is what a relationship is. You deserve nothing less." He told and I bursted into tears because that was just so cute. "You've been crying a lot lately though and that's a bit concerning." He giggled. "I know. I'm just so emotional." I laughed. He smiled as he grabbed some shampoo and started washing my hair. He massaged my scalp and i still held onto him. He rinsed my hair and I felt like i was in heaven. I start to wash him as he put conditioner in my hair. "I love the smell of your conditioner." He said. I giggled as I started doing funny things to his hair with the shampoo. I gave him a Mohawk then pushed it over. "Really?" He asked giggling. I then washed his hair out and put his curl hair conditioner stuff in his hair. "This is the fun part." He smiled seductively. "What?" I asked. "I get to wash your body." He smiled. "Oh god." I said playfully rolling my eyes. "Let's see if you can control yourself." I added "oh I'm not." He said. He started at my stomach and then my hips and ass. He brought my naked body against his as he washed my arms then my breast making me moan. He slowly washed down to my stomach again and then start to wash in between my legs. I could see his dick erecting as he kept washing me. I grabbed some soap then started washing him back.
He grabbed the shower head rinsing us both off then grabbed me back my legs lifting me up against the shower wall. "Are you still not in the mood?" He asked seductively. "I'm so wet." I moaned. He let out a seductive chuckle. "Just be gentle. Your sex drive lately is making me swore." I added. He slowly slid into me then started out with his gently slow thrust. He kept it that way till we got close to our climax. He was slow but sharp with his thrust making me come. He followed shortly after. He set me down gently. He kept leaving soft kisses on my face.

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