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I woke up to light kisses on my neck, traveling down my chest. "Hmmm." I hummed. "Wake up baby." He said then kissing my lips. "Fineee." I groaned. "Moommmm! The kitten chewed my toy!" Jayden whined. "Well keep your toys picked up." I replied. "But momm!" He cried throwing a tantrum. I glared at Michael cause it's too early for this. "Jayden Michael you stop that now. It's your own fault for not keeping your toys picked up." Michael said. "That's not fair dad!" He cried. Michael huffed getting out of bed. "I'll take care of this babe. Just get up & shower." He said kissing me. "Thanks baby." I smiled.

I got up and showered trying to get myself mentally prepared for today but honestly I felt stuck. Like I can't  get my emotions right & everything is perfect.... I don't know what's wrong. Maybe I should call Erin. I got done showering then called Erin and had a serious conversation with her.

"Here's breakfast babe." Michael said handing me my plate. I kissed his lips, "hmmm thanks baby." I said then sitting down with the kids as Michael followed. "When are we going to mamas?" Jayden asked. "In a couple hours." Michael replied.

"Should I wear this or this?" I asked holding up a peach colored sun dress and A periwinkle one. "The purple one." He said. I held it up to me looking in the mirror. Michael walked up behind me holding my waist. "How did I get so lucky?" He said kissing my neck making me giggle. "Stooppp, you're so cheesy." I laughed. "Hmm cheesy, just want my lady to know how much she means to me." He giggled. I smiled at him then kissed him. "Finish getting ready crazy." I told him. "Crazy for you." He replied walking away.

We finished getting ready but I couldn't shake this feeling. I am gonna  have a talk with Michael but later of course. "Ready to go?" Jayden grinned running into our room. "Yes little man." I giggled. "Mommy let's gooo. Hahaha I miss mama. Can I stay the night with her dad?" He asked. "Sure let me call her first & ask." Michael said then calling Katherine. Perfect, makes it easier for me to talk to Michael. "Alright jayden. I'll pack you a bag." Michael said hanging up his phone.

"Oh look at my baby boy." Katherine gushed kissing Michaels cheek. "Hey mom." He giggled. "Mom's favorite is here." Jermaine hollered. "Oh hush. I don't have favorites." Katherine said. Lies. Even I know he's the favorite, he knows he's the favorite which I don't understand because he's been the most trouble. "Yeah okay mother...." tito laughed.

The kids were wondering around and the adults were relaxing on the patio just talking. Michael held my hand and looked at my lovingly. "Mike stop with the googly eyes!" Jackie laughed. "What? I can't help it." He smiled. I blushed. "Babe do you have hoodie or jacket? I'm cold." I asked biting my lip. He nodded getting up to get it. He gave me the hoodie and I grabbed it smelling it. "Hmmm." I smiled. "Smells like you back in high school." I giggled. "Not to bring up the past but I'm surprised you like that smell. After all you guys went through. Just figured it would trigger bad memories." Jackie said. I shook my head, "no I love this smell. It comforts me honestly." I smiled putting it on. We cuddled in the Lounge chair as we all chatted and the kids ran around.

"Hey momma! Come play." Jayden said excited tugging on my arm. "Ughhh, fine." I giggled. "We're playing basketball." Ari said. "Oh no." Michael laughed. "Oh hush." I said swatting his arm. "Your mom isn't good at sports babygirl. Take it easy on her. " he hollered. Aria laughed pulling me to the basketball hoop. "Okay let's play Horse mom. You know how to play right?" She giggled. I nodded. Let's just say I got my ass kicked. "Ari, I told you to take it easy on her!" Michael laughed. "I did dad!" She laughed harder. I rolled my eyes playfully. Michael got up and played and beat Aria. "Dad! Not fair!" She whined. "Just because I'm your dad doesn't mean Imma go easy on you." He laughed rubbing her shoulder. She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Dinner time!" katherine hollered. Michael and I got our plates and got Jaydens plate ready. Everyone sat Down and we were about to say grace till Michael stood up. "Um actually before we start eating I'd like to say something." Michael said. Everyone looked at him, what does he have to say, he didn't say anything to me? Then he looked at me, with so much love in his eyes. "Dre.....these past months, a little over a year we've spent figuring eachother out has been my greatest journey besides fatherhood which you've given to me. I can't imagine life without you and...." then he got down on one knee in front of me, my hand covered my mouth realizing what was going on, "and that's why, in front of people who have been on this journey with us through it all, I am asking you to marry me, so, Audrey Rose will you marry me? Spend forever with me?" he asked opening a box with a ring. I froze...."babe." He giggled. "Yes. Yes!" I squealed hugging him. Everyone clapped as I kissed him then he grabbed my hand placing the ring on my finger. "Yes!" Ari hollered the  running and hugging us. We hugged her and Jayden and I couldn't stop crying. "Alright, let your parents have their moment." Katherine giggled taking the kids to their seats. I looked at my ring as it shined beautifully. "Do you like it?" He asked. I looked into his Goregous brown eyes, "You could've proposed with a ring out of a vending machine and I would've still loved it. It's beautiful baby." I sniffled. "Good.... and I did ask Josh's permission. I know that matters to you." He smiled. "Really? Thank you baby, his opinion really matters to me." I smiled. "I know it does, though he did threaten me like usual he was supportive." He giggled. I looked over at Josh, he was nodding, smiling. Michael wiped my tears, "let's eat baby." He said then kissing me. I nodded.

We finally ate dinner and I couldn't stop looking at my ring. "So are you guys gonna enjoy being engaged for a while or are you guys gonna start planning the wedding?" Joe asked. I looked at Michael. "I mean I'd like to be married soon, not right now but I don't wanna wait a while." I said looking at Michael, wanting his opinion. "If she'd let me, I'd take her to a chapel right now and marry her." He giggled. I smiled widely at his eagerness to marry me. I kissed his cheek, "I would. I wish I could marry you right now." He said. I held onto his arm, laying my head on his shoulder. Katherine was looking at us with so much love, "Why are you looking at us like that mom?" He giggled. A tear fell from her eye, "I'm just so happy. You know when you proposed to Nina that tore me apart cause she was not meant for you and I was scared you'd never see it but here you are with your first love and you guys have 2 babies and now engaged. I always knew deep down inside, you two would find your way back to eachother." She said still crying. "Mom don't cry." Michael said worried. "No, these are happy tears. I'm happy." She smiled. "And we also have to give credit to our little helper for us coming back together." I said looking at our beautiful daughter as she sat with Liz and shawn. "Yeah, that's for sure." Michael smiled as Ari smiled back at us. "What about me daddy?" Jayden said. "You were our little bonus." He smiled. "He kind of brought us closer too. I mean I did spend a lot of time with you because of him." I admitted. Michael nodded. He held my hand, as Jackie turned on some music for the night. Michael pulled me into the yard and made me dance with him. I laid my head on his chest as we swayed back and fourth. Everyone else was dancing now too, the kids were being silly and holding hands doing crazy dances.

The night ended and Ari went home with her parents and Jj was staying with Katherine. We got home and we just couldn't keep our hands off of eachother. We didn't waste time, we skipped the four play and just started the love making. I couldn't get enough of him, I swear I've never craved someone the way I crave him. "Yes, yes!"i moaned loudly as he had me up against the wall fucking me. My nails scratched down his back as I started cumming. Then I felt him shoot his fun inside of me making me moan louder. He slowly set me back on my feet, I held onto him as my legs felt numb. We were breathing heavy then I kissed him again resting my head on his. He kissed my neck tenderly then my collarbone then my shoulder. He left loving kisses all over and they made me even weaker. He carried me to the bed, laying me down then getting in bed next to me. He pulled me close, "I can't wait to make you Mrs. Jackson." He said. "Me too. I can't wait to be a Jackson." I smiled. I held out my hand again, looking at my ring. "It really is beautiful." I said. "Not as beautiful as you." He giggled kissing my cheek. "Why are you always so cheesy!" I laughed. He rolled his eyes playfully,  pulling me to him, nuzzling his face into my neck going to sleep.

I went to sleep and flashback started to haunt my brain. Images of Michael slapping me, and the feeling of my heart break was haunting me. Images of me crying on my bed trying to figure why Michael didn't love me keep flashing through. Then Handing Aria over to Her case worker came through, I was watching it all over again. I jolted awake, holding my chest. My heart felt like it was breaking all over again. I quickly put clothes on going into the bathroom. Tears was sliding down my cheeks as I was trying to calm myself. "Babe?" Michaels sleepy voice said. I heard him get up, the closer I heard him get the worse my anxiety got. The tears got heavier. I was now sobbing, "babe? What's going on?" He asked through the bathroom door. "Open the door baby. Come on. Please." He begged. I slowly unlocked the door letting him in. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked worried. I shook my head crying still. I was shaking bad. He wrapped me in his arms, i buried my face in his chest. "Come on, talk to me? Did I do something?" He asked holding my face. I shook my head, "I - i think I need to go back to a therapist." I confessed. "Wow, why, what's going on?" He asked even more concerned. I shrugged, "I don't know. I feel stuck... like my emotions aren't growing with me. I have a beautiful life and I feel terrible, I can't feel anything." I cried. "Okay let's see a therapist then but I'm going with you so I can learn how to help you better." He said. I nodded. "What triggered this? Why did you jolt awake?" He asked confused. I opened my mouth to speak but tears flooded my face. "I-i was having flash backs of our first relationship and giving up ari. I wish I wouldn't of ever done that. We missed so much! I miss my baby!" I cried. "Sshhh. It's okay baby. This all happened for a reason. We'll go to a therapist and get help. Okay?" He said still worried. "I ruined our night." I said still upset. "Don't worry about it, you can't help the way you feel. Let's lay back down." He said leading me back to bed. I laid my head on his chest as he held me close. "Its gonna be okay, baby. I'm here." He whispered.

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