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After a couple more days, Michael finally got to come home. Aria went home the next day and is recovering fine. Michael on the other hand is struggling. He wants to be on the move but he's on bed rest for a little while and in a wheel car due to his foot. "This is fucking stupid!" he grumbled tossing in bed. "Baby, relax." I said softly trying to find a way to make him more comfortable. He gave me a death glare. "That's it. I gotta get up!" He said frustrated, throwing the blankets off him. "Baby don't-" "I'm not laying in bed!!!" He hollered. I grabbed him a crutch and tried to help him out of the room. He sighed. "I didn't mean to yell at you." He said apologetically. "I know this is frustrating for you baby. I'm not mad." I told him. He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. "Let me help you down the stairs." I suggested. He nodded. We finally made it down stairs. "Hey dad." Jayden smiled coming out of the kitchen. "Hey buddy, what are you doing?" Michael asked. "Nothing. Been bored. You left me stuck with a bunch of girls." Jayden joked. "Don't worry. I've been stuck with a bunch of girls too. When I get better we'll have a guys day." Michael giggled, as i playfully rolled my eyes. "Love you Baby." He giggled giving me a cheeky smile. "Mom I'm home!" Aria hollered coming in the door. "Dad?! You're suppose to be on bed rest!" She exclaimed. "Don't even try, he already yelled at me." I giggled. "Daddy." She said in a warning tone. "I am not going back to bed." He said sternly. "How's your wrist babygirl?" I asked, "a bit swore but it's fine. I'm just still getting head aches." She sighed. Michael was limping around and it was amusing to watch honestly. Aria walked up next to me. "He looks like a three legged dog." She giggled. "I heard that!" Michael hollered. " love you daddy." She laughed. I shook my head laughing.

This whole experience was quite exhausting. I couldn't imagine how exhausting it was when i got into my accident. Getting Michael back into a car was a head ache but I understand how scared he was. Flashback "C-can we just walk home?" He asked scared. "Baby, you're in a wheel chair." I reply. "Wheel chair me home then." He begged. "The house is 15 minutes away. Come on baby. I promise it will be okay." I told him. He shook his head, "I'm not getting in that car." He stated. "Baby, I know you're scared. But we have to drive you home. Aria even got back into a car. You can do this." I explained as I held his face. He thought for a minute then nodded. He finally let Josh and a couple of his brother help him into the car. I sat next to him and he was quick to hold my hand. He was shaking. Flashback over

He slept the first couple days we were home and I waited on him hand and foot. He had a hard time with the memory of Ari unconscious in the back seat. He cried a little more and so I thought it would be a good idea to bring Ari over flashback "is daddy doing okay?" Aria asked after I picked her up while Jackie and Marlon stayed at the house with Michael. "Daddy is still a bit upset. I think he still thinks this accident was his fault. He was really scared that you were seriously injured when he pulled you out of the truck. He kept telling me you wouldn't wake up or move. I think he needs his babygirl right now. Daddy has been crying a lot lately." I told her. "But it wasnt his fault." She stated. "I know but your dad thinks he should always protect you and he feels he let you down." I replied. I pulled into the driveway. I open arias door for her and we walked into the house. I walked behind her as she went up the stairs and into our room. Michael was laying on the bed, covering his face in dis stress. "Daddy?" Ari asked. He quickly pulled his face away from his face. "Aria? Why aren't you resting?" He asked worried. She crawled into the bed with him and cuddled up to his arm. " just miss you a lot." She smiled. "I miss you too but your suppose to be resting." He softly as he kissed her head. " I am resting. I'm resting with you all day. Right here." She smiled. He smiled back. Flashback over

Michael spent his day trying to limp around. He eventually tired himself out. He sat in the couch and relaxed. Jayden wasn't letting him get away so easily though. Michael decided to take a nap. Jayden decided it was time to do a prank. Everything was in perfect position.  Michael sat there with his hand relaxed wide open. Perfect for whipped cream. Jayden giggled as he put a glob of whipped cream in Michael hand. Michael shifted. Jayden grabbed a feather and tickled Michael nose quickly. He didn't move, he scrunched his nose. Jayden tried again. Michael lazily lifted his hand to his face, getting the whipped cream all over his face. "What?" He groaned waking up as we all laughed. "Are you kidding me?" He groaned. We all ran, "Jayden get your ass back here!" Michael hollered. Jayden's eyes widened. "Is he mad?" He asked. I shrugged. I decided to take one for the team & went back and grabbed a wet cloth. Michael sat there on the couch mad with whipped cream all over his face. I couldn't help but laugh. "It isn't funny." He stated. "It was a joke Michael. Calm down." I said sitting next to him. He shook his head, "Well it would be funny if I could get up and clean myself up but I can't." He snapped. "It was a joke." I stressed. He just rolled his eyes. "Just take me up to our room." He stated. "What is wrong with you?" I asked irritated. "I'm fucking crippled Dre! I can't fucking move! I can't even fucking bathe myself!" He shouted. "You know what, get yourself up the stairs asshole." I said walking away. I walked into the kitchen throwing the rag into the sink. I looked down the hall and Jayden was upset. I walked down the hall and sat next to him. "Daddy's just having a rough time. He wants to play these pranks but he can't play with you cause he can't move." I explained. He nodded. "Can I go to uncle joshs to play." He asked sad. "Of course Baby. I'll call him."

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