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The doctors hooked her up to a breathing machine and an iv. I couldn't stop crying seeing my little baby hooked up to machines like this. "She looks so exhausted." Michael said holding my shoulders. "I know, my poor baby." I cried. He kissed my head, "shes okay baby. Kids get sick." He said. "I know but it's hard." I replied. "Daddy." She whined. Michael and I jumped up and were right next to her. "Daddy's here," He said holding her little cheek. "I don't feel good." She said finally opening her eyes. "We know babygirl. We're getting you better." He said. "You sick Daddy?" "Daddy is feeling better." He smiled softly. "I'm hungry mommy." She whined. "I'll get you food." I said getting up then kissing her head.

The whole night at the hospital was just exhausting. Jayden was passed out on the couch and Michael and I just worried and watched her the whole time. "I love you baby." He said holding me. "I love you too." I said turning to him kissing him. "Are you feeling better Demi?" I asked her. She nodded. "We go home." She said making us giggle. "We will soon hopefully." Michael told her. We sat down and she just watched tv. She was finally looking herself. "I can't believe your mom just pushed her way into the house like that. That pissed me off." Michael said. "Me too." I replied. "You should've seen the way she looked at my dad though." "What do you mean?" He asked. "She looked at him as if She was heart broken. Like she still loves him." I replied. "Your mom showed emotion?" He laughed making me laugh. "Yeah it was weird." I giggled. "Your Dad is such a good papa to our kids." He said. "He really is." I smiled. "He's a good dad too, he takes good care of us all." I added. "He does. I appreciate all he does." Michael replied. "You're a good dad too." I told him. "Thanks baby, your a good mom too." He said kissing me. My love for this man is never ending and he just makes my heart so happy. I've got a lot better through the years and have very minor to almost no panic attacks since I've had Demi. "Babe, Liz is calling you." Michael said. "Hello?" I answered yawning. "Our daughter has snuck out." She sighed. "Are you serious?" I groaned. "Yep." She said tired. "Well Michael and I are at the hospital with Demi. She was running a high fever but she's fine. I'll text her that Demi is in the hospital and see if i can get her here." I sighed. "Thank you, this girl is going to make me pull my hair out." She groaned. "Same." I replied. I hung up and texted Aria that Demi is in the hospital. She texted back so quick then called. "Is she okay?" She asked worried. "She has a very high fever. She's been asking for you." I said. "Sissy!" Demi cried. "I'm on my way!" She said hanging up. "What was that about?" Michael yawned. "Your daughter is now sneaking out." I sighed. She texted me asking what room and all that stuff. Once she got here it wasn't pretty.

"Hey sissy!" She said walking into the room. "Arweee!" Demi cried reaching for her. Aria sat by her and hugged her. Michael glared at her angrily. "Is dad feeling better?" She asked looking at us. "I'd really start to feel better if you started acting right." He snapped. Her eyes widened. "Who did you sneak out to see?" I asked. Her face went pale. "I-I was just hanging out with some friends." She said softly. "Don't you dare lie to me Aria Katherine." I stated. "Kenny." She said. "I told you guys, she was going to start sneaking out if you told she couldn't see him anymore." I sighed. "I don't know what to do with her anymore." Michael sighed. I shrugged. About an hour past and Liz and Shawn showed up to pick her up. She was scared but honestly we all are so tired of her sneaking around and lying. "Let's go." Shawn said disappointed and tired. "Dad-" "not a word Aria. Just listen to your dad." Liz said equally as exhausted.

Once we finally got Demi home, Liz Shawn Michael and I have a group chat. And I think we've all came to a decision with Aria. We're going to have one last sit down with her and hopefully this works. Once we had Demi down for a nap and sent Jayden's to Joshs, they all came over.

We sat around the kitchen table and Aria looked so scared. "Look I promise-" she began but Liz stopped her. "Stop. We don't want anymore promises. You don't keep them." She said. "So we have all came to the decision that this will be our last sit down with you." Shawn began. "We're not going to punish you or yell at you." He added. "We're not going to stop you from seeing Kenny." Liz said. "You want to sneak out and lie to us. Go ahead. If you can live your life like that, you aren't the kid we raised. We did not raise you to be dishonest." Michael said. She had tears streaming down her face. When her dads are disappointed in her, it really gets to her. "We just hope you will realize that you are a 15 year old girl. You are not in love, your relationship will not last, and we hope the mistakes you make you will learn from and not suffer from." I said. "But you loved daddy when you were 15." She cried. "I thought I did. But whether we had you or not our relationship was not going to last. We thought we were grown and look where it got us." I said. "You guys don't care anymore?" She asked crying. "No we care but you don't." Shawn said. "I care." She said wiping her eyes. "Then start acting like it then we will start to trust you. But you've broken your trust with all of us and we're exhausted. We don't know how to make you realize what you are doing is wrong. So we are going to let you do what you want and hopefully you are the child we raised and will no right from wrong." Liz said. "You have 2 little siblings looking up to you, is this what you want them to see? Their dishonest big sister sneaking out and everyone has to go looking for her and constantly having to punish her?" I asked. "No." She said. "Okay I think we're done here." Shawn said. "Yep." Michael said getting up. We all left the table and Demi was awake. "Mommy!" She hollered. I got up to her bed and she was just smiling. Shes feeling a lot better. I brought her downstairs to see everyone for a minute. "Sissy!" She cheesed. Aria gave her a big hug then sat on the couch with her, cuddling her. "Sissy you crying." Demi said sad. "I'm okay." Aria told her.

Aria stayed with us and her and Demi just laid around watching movies. Michael went and got Jayden and of course Ari uses that time to talk to me. "Is everyone mad at me?" She asked sad. "We're not mad babygirl. We just don't know what to do anymore. You are being disobedient and dishonest. We trusted you and you just keep breaking it. We don't ask much rule wise." "I'll do better." She said trying to give me hope. "We'll believe it when we see it." I told her. Michael got home with Jayden, "Aria!" He said excited. "Hey bubba." She smiled. "Aria, when you have kids, you'll look back at this and think wow I really put my parents through that?" I told her. "Yep." Michael said agreeing. She just sighed.

Everyone was in bed and Michael and I finally had alone time. "Babe." Michael said. "Yes?" I replied as i got into my pjs. "I really hope this works with her." He said. "Me too baby."  I sighed. "But enough about that, I finally have you to myself and I'm not sick." He smirked. I giggled grabbing his face as he kissed my neck. I kissed his lips, and just savored the way his lips felt on mine. He climbed on top of me and holding my leg up to his hip.

We laid naked next to each other still holding onto one another. "I love you." He said resting his forehead on mine. "I love you more." I smiled. "Not possible." He replied. "Are we done having kids?" I asked randomly. He shrugged. "I don't really feel the need to have anymore kids. I'm happy with our three kids." He said. "Okay, me too." I sighed in relief. "Demi is exactly what we could've always hoped for." I smiled. "She is. I hate how cute she is. I can never yell at her and not feel bad. Especially when she gives me her puppy dog eyes." He laughed. "Sucker." I laughed. "Whatever." He laughed. "We need a date night." I said. "Yes we do. We need a date weekend. We haven't been out in nearly a year." He said. "What do you want to do?" I asked. "We're going to rent a small beach house, right on the ocean. 5 star restaurants every night, lots and lots and lots of sex." He laughed. "Ugh we better get dressed." I groaned. We got up putting clothes on. We finally laid down to sleep until i felt our 15 year old climb into bed with us. "What are you doing?" I laughed. "I want to sleep with you guys tonight." She said softly. "Aria, you are 15." Michael laughed. "And I still want to cuddle with my parents sometimes!" She giggled. I never mind having our kids in our bed. I held her curly head and was just running my fingers through her hair. "I don't know why I keep doing stupid stuff." She sighed. "We don't either." Michael snorted. "Michael." I said. "I'm going to do better, I'm not going to sneak out and I'll text all of you guys letting you know where I am and everything." She said. "Do you understand why we worry? Like when you snuck out the other night, what if something happened to you. We'd have no idea! That scares me." I told her. "I know." She sighed. "But I really want to be a good role model for Jayden and Demi." She said. "Good.cause you either can set the example of what to be or what not to be for them." Michael yawned. "Right." She said. "Daddy!" We heard Demi crying. "Might as well bring her to bed too. Thank god we have a huge bed." I said. Michael groaned getting Demi. He changed her diaper then brought her to bed. Demi cuddled with Michael and I just held Arias head, brushing through her curls. "You know you've been a real mamas girl lately." Michael told her making us laugh. "Well she's the only one who doesn't yell at me." She joked. "Cause she's a softy." Michael said laying on his back. Arias eyes couldn't stay open. She sighed softly going to sleep. I kissed her head. Michale and I laid there with both our girls. Then we heard the door crack open. "Mama?" Jayden whispered. "Come in Love." I smiled. He crawled into our bed too and cuddled up to Michael and I. "What are you doing buddy?" Michael smiled. "I wanted to sleep with you guys too." He smiled.

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