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I'm and 8 months pregnant and you could definitely tell. Why yes, I can no longer tie my shoes or see my feet, I know I wearing Michael out and he's getting tired. I'm trying so hard to leave him alone and let him rest before Demi gets here.

I waddled down the stairs as I was determined to go to Jayden's parent teacher conference. His last one before school ends. His little slut teacher is dumb if she thinks my 8 month pregnant ass isn't coming. "Babe, you're not going." Michael laughed. "You bet your ass I am. Let's go. Demi and I are ready." I told him grabbing my purse. I saw Jayden and Michael share a glance rolling their eyes. "Did you guys just roll your eyes?!" I gasped! Jayden's eyes widened. "No, Daddy did!" He hollered. "Way to throw me under the bus!" Michael laughed. I took a deep breath. "Let's go before we're late." I announced. We drove in silence, I grabbed Michaels hand holding it. He pulled my hand to his lips, kissing the back of my hand. "She gonna be here in a month, can you believe it?" Michael asked. I bit my lip smiling softly looking at my stomach, "I think she's gonna come early." I commented. "Well she getting to the point where if she does come early it won't be a big deal, right?" He asked. "Yeah, she'll be okay." I smiled. "You better enjoy the quiet while you can Jayden Cause in a month there will be a Screaming baby." Michael giggled. "Ugh, why does she have to cry?!" He asked frustrated. "Babies cry buddy. You cried all the time and kept me up allll night." Michael told him as we pulled into a parking lot. "I was a cool baby though. Demi is a girl." He said with a attitude. Michael helped me out of the truck and Jayden rushed to hold off my hand cause for some reason he loved showing off his pregnant mommy, as we walked through the halls to his room he stopped multiple teachers to let them know he was getting a new baby sister very soon and that her name was Demi Grace. We sent Jayden off to the playground and waited till his teacher was ready for us. "Oh god." I winced. "Are you okay?" Michael asked worried. "Braxton Hicks contraction." I told him. He felt my stomach, feeling it contract. "Yep, we're getting to that point." He smiled excited. It was finally our turn and this dumb bitch had one chair. I looked to Michael. "Oh mrs. Jackson. I didn't think you'd come." She said with a fake smile. "Well Jayden is my son." I replied back with a fake smile. She grabbed this tiny little chair for me to sit in. I looked to Michael, "you can sit in the other chair baby." He said. We sat down and she made sure to address me also this time. "Jayden, has always been the perfect kid. Never in trouble and behaves well. But lately there have been minor behavioral issues. If this was any other kid I wouldn't be concerned but Jayden isn't like this." She sighed. "We suspecting he's acting out due to all the attention already going towards the new baby and we are aware of this. We're doing our best to get on top of it." Michael replied. "Perfect.  Other than that he passing all his test does wonderful on all his homework. He's a great kid." She smiled. "Thank you." Michael replied. "I will definitely miss Jayden next year but he's going to do amazing and I know his other teachers will love. That's all I have for you guys." She smiled. We made our way out and we discussed Jayden's behavior a little. "I'm not worried too much. He's going to act out, it's going to happen. We just have to let him go through and make sure he knows we love him." Michael said. I nodded agreeing. "Okay." I miles lightly. "Can you believe that bitch was gonna have me sit in that tiny chair?!" I asked. He threw his head back laughing, "it's our last parent teacher conference with her." He pointed out. As we walked down the hall way a couple of the moms said Hi to Michael. And I was not having it. I am way too pregnant for this. "Hi Michael," another mom smiled then winked. I stopped and introduced myself t her. "Hi I'm Michaels wife. I might be very pregnant with his baby but don't try me." I said pissed. Her face was priceless. "Wink at my husband again, I dare you." I said as Michael grabbed my arm pulling me away. "Babe, you've gotta calm down." He hissed as he dragged me away. "It's disrespectful and you don't even care." I stated. "I do care but I'm not about to make a scene in Jayden's school!" He hissed. I shook my head. "Get Jayden. I'll be in the car waiting." I said walking away from him with the keys. I'm pissed. Because for one, my pregnancies hormones are a curse and Michael never stands up fo me against these women! Never! I sat in the car pouting. Michael and Jayden finally made their way to the car. "About time." I huffed. "Can you stop?!" He freaked. "Oh yeah you're right. Next time I'll give you more time to stop and talk to all the single moms." I replied and that set him off. His face was beat red. And he didn't say a word. We drove straight home and not a word was said. We got home and he was walking around the house slamming shit. "Mom, is Dad mad?" Jayden asked worried. "He's fine." I told him as I pulled him to cuddle with me on the couch. Jayden loves cuddling my belly even though I was uncomfortable, I enjoyed the sweet moment. "Let's eat dinner baby boy." I told him. I made him some dinner then we did his homework. "Bed time Jayden." Michael told him. Usually Jayden would argue but he knows Michael is pissed so he knows better. He Got ready for bed gave me a hug and kiss then the same for Michael. Jayden went to bed then I heard our bedroom door slam. I've had enough. I waddled up stairs to give him a piece of my mind. I opened our door to see him throwing his clothes around in this draw. "You better stop slamming shit!" I told him. "Don't start with me Dre!" He hollered. "Or what? You gonna go talk to one of those single moms?" "God Damn It Dre! Stop it! If you were going to be so insecure about me cheating on you again then why the fuck did you marry me?!" He freaked. "You knew I was never gonna ever fully trust you when we got married. I told you that!" I yelled back. "Well maybe we shouldn't of got married!" He yelled. And that just stopped everything. I swear my heart just dropped. I shook my head. "Maybe you're right." I replied. I felt the tears starting to surface. He still held that same mad look. I grabbed my clothes and the car keys. "Where the hell are you goin?!" He shouted. "To Joshs you asshole." I yelled back as I walked down the stairs. "Good." He replied. "Fuck you!" I replied crying. I got in the car, I immediately called Erin. "Hello?" Erin answered. "Me and Michael got in a really bad fight." I cried. "What happened?!" She asked worried. "Can I stay with you guys tonight?" I asked. "Of course!" She said.

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