In Laws

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I'm so nervous about this dinner. I've been cooking and cleaning all day. Michael talked me into having Josh and Erin over too, hoping they'll ease the tension. I'm wearing myself out, "Babe. Don't let them stress you." Michael said holding my shoulders. "Mommy! Do you like my clothes?" Jayden asked showing off his outfit. "You look so handsome baby boy." I smiled. He smiled walking away. "Mom dad! I'm here." Ari hollered coming in the door. "Go get ready baby. I'll finish this." Michael said taking over the food.

I showered than got ready. Erin got ready with me. "I hope you're parents get their heads out of their ass. They're missing out on so much." Erin said as she put on eyeliner. "I know. I don't know why i always try to connect with them. I always wondered what it was like to be a daddies girl." I said lost in my thoughts. "When my dad was alive I never left his side. I wish he could've met josh. He'd love Josh." She half smiled. "Yeah. Josh is great. I don't know if i would even be alive without him. I don't know what i would've done if he wouldn't of came and got me and Ari. After we got kicked out." I said. "He loves taking care of you. He tells me he saw the way you were treated from the day you were born. Never got much attention, couldnt do anything right in your parents eyes. Josh told me the look on your face as a little girl just trying to do your best and it never being Enough scarred him. He just wanted them to love you like they do him and he always felt guilty for it. He always tried to make sure you knew you were loved by him." She smiled softly. I smiled back, " he did. He's always loved me and took care of me." I smiled happy.
"Mommy people here." Jayden hollered. "Here goes nothing." I huffed

"How's the business josh?" Dad asked. "Good. Dre helps me a lot especially with figuring out my paper work." Josh said trying to direct the conversation towards me. "Erin how's the baby? Know what your having yet?" My mother asked. "No not yet."Erin smiled politely. "Can you guys believe you have 6 grandchildren?" Josh said giggling "6?" My dad questioned. "The triplets the new baby, ari and Jayden?" Josh said like it was obvious. "Oh." My dad with a unpleased look. "Mom, our new house is close to you guys so it won't be a far drive for you guys to come over and see Ari and Jayden." I told her. "That's nice sweetie." She said interested as she kept eating. "Yeah maybe me and Jayden could have a day with grandma and grandpa." Aria said hopeful. There was no response. I give up I sat back in my chair. Michael grabbed my hand. I'm fed up. I'm done. I can't do this anymore. This takes up too much of my energy. The negativity they put in my life is unnecessary.

"Do you guys want a relationship with me and my family or not? Cause I'm tired of wasting my time trying to please you guys." I snapped getting frustrated. "Dre-" josh began, "no, it's a yes or no answer. This dinner was meant for us to settle our differences and be a family. But you guys have yet to say a word to me Michael ari or Jayden. Me and aria are your own blood!" I said. My dad looked to my mom, "told you she was still mentally unstable." He said. "Get out." I told them. "You know what, I don't want a relationship with you guys either if this is how you're gonna treat my sister. I'm tired of it, she tries so hard and it's never good enough. I don't want you guys around my kids. I don't want them to think that's okay." Josh said. Everything went silent. My parents jaws dropped. "Josh, how could you?" My mother gasped. "How could I? How could you guys treat your own daughter like this? It's sickening. She is smarter than you guys, makes more money, has better family values. She's more successful than both you. No thanks to you guys, I had to fucking take her in, get her help, took care of her like she was my daughter, got her through college, helped her figure out adult hood. I shouldn't have to do that, that was your guys job to love her and raise her but you didn't. So I did." He said pissed as hell. "Aria is the best little girl you could ever meet and Jayden is the most loving little human being for someone who's been through hell. You guys are missing out. And Michael takes good care of Dre. Better care than you guys ever did." Josh said pissed then walking out. I held Michael's hand shaking. "We're leaving." My parents said. "Good. Don't come back, don't come to the wedding. And don't come back into my life. I'm done with you guys." I told them. They hurried out the door. I held onto Michaels arm. Resting my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head, "it'll be okay." He said softly. "At least I don't have to worry about raising up to their standards now. It's just us. They don't matter." I told him. He nodded agreeing. "I'm going to check on josh." Erin said leaving the table. "Are you okay mom?" Ari asked. "I'm fine. Just exhausted." I smiled weakly. I'm not crying this time. It's not worth it.

*ERINs pov****

I found josh sitting outside on the patio angry as hell. "Are you okay baby?" I asked sitting next to him. He shook his head. "I keep thinking about when Dre was little how she was bullied a lot. She'd cry to them and they didn't care. She even got beat up one time and they did nothing. She told me who it was so I had to take care of it. I was 11 years old. She had a busted lip, a black eye, I'm pretty sure they almost broke her nose too." It was silent. Josh never really talks about his childhood, "you know most of us thought Michael caused all this damage but I've really came to realize it's them. They're the reason she was so insecure, scared, anxious 24/7, and unhappy." He said as a tear ran down his face. "And look how good of a job you did helping her." I smiled trying to lighten the mood. "I know we did good. But We'll never be her parents. I just feel guilty for the way she is treated compare to me. I don't want them around my kids Erin." He said in a serious tone. "Okay baby. That's fine. It's whatever you want." I told him. "I feel like I was her parent her whole life. As soon as she called me when her and Ari were on the streets I drive up here so fast. Straight through the night. It was my actual chance to take her from my parents and help her. Show her what family is. Just everything is making sense right now. Why things went bad between her and Michael the first time." He said staring into space. I looked at him confused, "what do you mean?" I asked. " she loved and relied on Michael too much because of our parents she had no one but him. I know that sounds stupid but could you imagine me and you at 16 and 18 living together going to school to together, sharing the same room, then popping out a kid? She relied on Michael for everything. Food, money, shelter. That wasnt Michaels job, that was our parents job." He said. "That does make sense." I said. "I've never thought of it that way." I heard Dre's voice say as she stood, leaning up against the house. "Me either, it's all just rushing to my head." He said covering his face. I heard Dre giggle, "I remember when you came to my recess and made me point out who beat me up. You and Samuel. Never seen Josh handle a girl so rough before but she deserved it." She said. "First and only time I've done that. I blacked out I was so mad, it was 2 boys and a girl." He replied. Dre Came over and hugged josh. "You'll always be my hero." She said. He smiled.

Dre's POV

I walked in side finding Michael. I wrapped my arm around him. "You okay baby?" He asked hugging me. I nodded, "I'm so lucky to have you." I smiled then kissed him. He smiled kissing me back. "Is josh okay?" He asked. "Yeah. He just finally snapped on them." I said. "Aria is upset." He said. I sighed. "Let's go talk to her." I said.

He found aria sitting on the bed in the guest room. "Hey babygirl." I said softly as we walked in. "Hi."  She said wiping her tears. I sat next to her, "It's okay babygirl." Michael told her. "Why don't they like me? I'm their granddaughter too." She cried. I kissed her head, she making me tear up. Her pain was way to familiar. "Ari. Do not let them get to you. It's not worth being upset over because they'll never change. I've been trying to make them happy my whole life and it's gotten me no where. It caused me more pain. You have your mom and dads grandparents and grandma Kate and grandpa Joe. You have so many people that love you, don't worry about the people who don't." I told her. She nodded.

We all went down stairs and finished the night with watching a movie. I had Jayden and Aria cuddled with Michael. They both fell asleep so we carried them to bed. Michael and i laid down, "Josh said something that made a lot of sense today." I said. "What was that?" He asked. " we blamed a lot of my problems on you for a long time, when really it was all my parents. They weren't there for me to help me like parents should. Like your mom and joe were so helpful. That was a lot of pressure for you. I depended on you for everything, clothes, food, shelter, hygiene. That wasn't fair to us." I told him. He nodded, "I agree. It wasn't fair to us. We handled it the best we could and it wasn't good enough. It is what it is." He said wrapping me in his arms. I kissed him passionately. He got on top of me kissing me back, "I can't wait for you to be Mrs. Jackson in 2 months. I'm cannot wait to tear you out of that wedding dress." He groaned. I giggled, "me too."

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