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There was a certain peace I received when Josh and I talked about how we really think my parents are responsible for the things I struggle with, looking at Michael and knowing he did try his best in the past actually warmed my heart because he cared enough to try that hard. Being married to Michael is the greatest adventure I could ever ask for, the kids love our new house and Aria loves that she has a actual room here.

"Mom, can my friend Stephanie come over?" Aria asked over the phone. "After your volleyball practice?" I asked confused. "Yeah, we have homework that we wanna work on." She replied. "Um sure.  I'll let your dad know." I said. I texted Michael and told him. I'm so happy she's making friends. Now Michael is calling me, "Yes baby?" I answered. He sighed, "Can you pick the kids up? I'm going to be here late today. This paper work is killing me." He said exhausted. "Okay, why don't you let me come in with you tomorrow and I'll help you with it." I suggested. "That's fine. I'll be home in time for dinner though." He said. "Okay baby. I'll talk to you later. Love yah." I said hanging up.

Erin is due in a couple weeks with their baby boy. I've been making sure to be home as much as possible so when she goes into labor I can go get the triplets.

I did my rounds picking the kids up. I got Jayden then picked Ari and her friend up. "Hi!" Jayden said to arias friend. "She doesn't want to talk to you Jayden." Aria replied. Aria has official hit puberty. So yes she has gotten her period. She is now a hormonal 12 year old. "Aria, don't be a brat." I warned her. "Yes mom." She groaned. "Why didn't daddy pick us up?" She asked with an attitude. "Daddy is stuck at work." I replied, "I'm happy you picked me up." Jayden smiled from his car seat. Aria made a face making fun of him. "Aria, stop now. Or I will take your friend home." I warned. She didn't reply.

We all sat around the dinner table eating and conversing. Michael is having a hard time learning how to deal with arias hormonal self. They bicker 24/7. "Did aunt Erin have her baby yet?" Jayden said excited. "Not yet. Baby Dallas will be her soon enough." I giggled. "So Stephanie, you like playing volleyball?" Michael asked her. Stephanie is super shy and doesn't talk much. "Yes sir." She said quickly. "She plays softball too." Aria added. "Cool. What position?" He asked interested. "Short stop." She said softly.

"Aria will hopefully be playing second or first base this year. Right?" I said looking to Aria. She rolled her eyes. "Yes dad." She groaned. "Lose the attitude." I warned. She rolled her eyes. Stephanie's phone went off. We all looked at her, she looked like a deer caught in head lights. "I'm so sorry, it's my mom." She said embarrassed. "It's fine. You can answer it." Dre reassured her. She excused herself and spoke to her mother. "You guys are so embarrassing." Ari said. "We're your parents. We're suppose to embarrass you."  I told her. She shook her head. "I really don't appreciate all the attitude we're getting lately from you. It needs to stop." I said getting irritated. "Yes sir." She said mad.  Her friend came back and said she needed to be home by 8.

"You need to just let her be Michael. She's going to be hormonal, she becoming a woman."  Dre said as we sat on the couch together. I stuck my hands over my ears, "Michael." She giggled. "I don't want to think about my little girl becoming a woman." I told her. She just giggled. "She'll always be your little girl." She told me. "I know but eventually she's going to start dating teenage boys and they only have one thing on their mind. Our daughter is beautiful and I'm going to have to hurt some teenage boys. I just know it!" I said freaking out a little.
"Dad, steph needs to go home." Aria hollered. "Alright let's go." I yawned grabbing my keys.

The car ride there was silent except for the bits of whispering Aria and steph did. I dropped Stephanie off and met her parents. They were super nice. Aria and I got back in the car. "Daddy, can I sit up front?" She asked with her cute little smile. I thought about it maybe she's old enough to sit up here now..... "No babygirl. It's safer for you to sit back there." I told her. "But daddy!" She whined. "Aria." I warned as we drove down the road. It was silent. I know she's mad at me. "I love you babygirl." That always softens her up. Her grumpy look disappeared. "I love you too daddy." She sighed looking out the window. "I don't like fighting with you." I stated. "I don't like fighting with you either." She replied. "Okay then let's try to stop. I know you are becoming a teenager and it's going to happen but let's try our best." I said as we came to a stop sign. She smiled. "Okay daddy." I smiled. I drove further down the road, as me and Aria made small talk, joking around. "See babygirl. This is what we should always do." I smiled she nodded agreeing. I looked back at the road to see head lights coming right at me. The car sped into my lane and I didn't even have time to think, I swerved off the road but the car still hit us, send my truck tumbling down into a ditch. All I could hear is aria screaming 'daddy!' Everything went black

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