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I froze. This Cannot be happening. God please don't let this be what I think it is. I guess I had been sitting there for a while, froze. "Babe what are you doing?" Michael yawned then looked. He froze. Tears just started dropping down my face. "Dre we have to go to the hospital." He panicked immediately. He took the toilet paper out of my hand and threw it away. He helped me up and pulled my pants up as i just stood there.... still... heartbroken... possibly babyless. "I knew it was too good to be true." I cried. "Babe we have to go now." He panicked grabbing our things. I stood in the doorway of the bathroom just watching him, he was scared. "Mom, dad? What's going on?" Ari asked coming into our room. "Moms throwing up really bad again. We have to take her to the hospital." Michael told her trying to hide his panic. "Do you want me to stay here with Jayden?" She asked. "Please? I don't want to drag you guys to the hospital tonight." He said. She nodded.

He rushed me out of the door so fast. Before I knew it we were In The car. "You only bled a little bit, it might be nothing baby." He told me. I sat in the passenger seat already accepting our baby was gone. I got to be pregnant for a little bit at least. I rest my head back and just cried. I knew the baby was gone. I held my stomach wishing it all to be just a nightmare. He grabbed my hand, "baby, you don't know what's actually going on yet." He said. "I was so close to my second trimester." I cried. He pulled In to the parking lot and helped me out of the car. We walked into the ER and they sent us to the maternity section of the hospital. They were quick to get me into a room.

Michael held my hand and kept kissing it. "Whatever happens. Everything will be okay baby. We will be okay." He told me. I nodded. I honestly think He is more scared for me, he knows I'll slip backwards into a depression if we lose the baby. Our doctor finally got here and was ready to see us. After the nurse did my check up, the doctor came in with his assistant from last time. "What is going on Mrs. Jackson?" He greeted concerned. "I'm bleeding." I said. He sighed. "Well let's take a look. We'll do an ultrasound then after that we will see where we go." I nodded. He excused him self as he went to go get the machine. Michael kept wiping my tears. "I knew I couldnt do it." I said softly. "Stop. We're not doing that. Stuff like this happen. We don't even know what is going on. Our baby might be just fine." He said I nodded. The doctor made his way back In. I already pulled my shirt up and they put the gel onto my stomach. I wasn't ready to hear that there's no heartbeat. I was shaking, I was almost crying again. I close my eyes, I felt the stick rub across my stomach, he moved it around then down a little bit and there it was. It's heartbeat. "There you are." He said, he moved the ultrasound around my stomach a bit more "I think it's just trying to see how bad it can scare yah. The baby is fine." He smiled. I sighed in relief. My whole body relaxed. "Why was she bleeding then?" Michael asked confused. "Was it a lot of blood?" The doctor asked. "It was enough to scare us." Michael said. "The thing of toilet paper was had a huge blotch of blood." I added. "You were just spotting. Nothing serious." He smiled. Michael laid his head down in relief. "One of the nurses with get you your discharge papers. I'll see you guys in 2 weeks." He said then leaving.

We took a moment to just breath. That was scary. "Shit, don't scare us like that." Michael said rubbing my stomach. "You were pretty calm." I commented. "I had to stay calm for you but I was still scared." He sighed. I gave him a light kiss, "I can always count on you." I smiled. The nurse came and discharged us and we went home. I am exhausted.

Luckily both kids were asleep but in our bed. I giggled as we got in and I snuggled Jayden. "Momma." He mumbled. "Yes baby boy?" I replied kissing his head. "Are you Okay?" He asked with his eyes barely open. "Yes I am fine. Just had a little scare." I said. He went back to sleep.

The next morning the kids didn't ask much questions luckily. Michael worked from home to be with me to make sure nothing happened through the day. We sat on the couch as he did work on his laptop with his glasses on. I couldn't help but giggle. "What's funny?" He asked as he kept typing. "You look so cute With your glasses on ." I replied. He gave me a eye roll with a smirk. I hugged onto his arm and I guess I fell asleep. I woke up to Jayden coming into the house. "Hey mom." He sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked yawning. "I'm so tired mom. But dad said I need to stay awake." He sighed. I looked to Michael and Michael gave me that look where I knew I had to back him up. "Your dads right. If you take a nap then you'll be up late again and it's a never ending cycle of being tired." I explained to him. "That's What Dad said." He sighed. "But mom, you slept all day." He whined. "That's because I'm still trying to get better. I need lots of sleep." I told him. "You'll just go to bed earlier." Michael told him.  Jayden sighed and walked into the kitchen. "You were passed out." Michael giggled. "I slept good." I laughed. "You were snoring." He said. "You are such a liar!" I giggled. "I have a video so don't test me." He winked then followed Jayden into the kitchen.

The next two weeks were torture. Everyday I was scared to go to the bathroom and see that blood again. I did my best to stay calm. I worked a lot to stay distracted and thankfully that worked. My little bump was getting a bit more visible and I loved just looking at it.

"Hey mom, is it okay if Terrence comes over?" Aria asked as she came home from school. "Sure. Does daddy need to go get him?" I asked while I was staring at my computer screen. "No he's going to walk." She stated. "No he's not walking across town. We will go get him." I stated. "Okay can we leave now." She asked. "Yeah, let me make sure your dad picked up Jayden first." I said calling Michael.

"So how are you and Terrence doing?" I asked her. She shrugged. "Good. Mom and dad really like him. He's really nice to me. He insist on getting my lunch every day." She smiled. "He's a good kid." I smiled back. It got silent for a minute. "Have you had your first kiss?" I asked. "Mommm!" She said embarrassed. I couldn't help but giggle. "It's just a question." I said shrugging. "Don't tell daddy!" She warned. I nodded agreeing. "We had our first kiss the other day. I was scared." She said. "We all are the first time we kiss someone." I smiled. "We're you scared the first time you kissed daddy?" She asked. "A little. It all happened so fast, I don't think I had time to be scared." I replied.
We picked Terrence up and then went straight home. We pulled up as soon as Michael did, "hi mr. Jackson." Terrence greeted with a smile. "Hi Terrence. Hey, Get the door for her." He told Terrence. Terrence ran around the car and opened the door for Ari to get out. "Really Michael." I said. Michael shrugged. We went inside and the kids went up stairs then we heard "your dad said we have to keep your door open." Terrence told Aria. "Aria Katherine!" Michael hollered. "Good job Terrence." He added. I could Her Ari groan. "You shouldn't be so hard on them." I told Michael. He gave me a look like I'm crazy. "They're thirteen. That door stays open." He said. "Ari!!we should play a game!" Jayden said running into her room. "Go away Jayden!" She hollered frustrated. "But Ari!" He said upset. "This is why I keep my door closed Dad!" She hollered. "Suck it up!" Michael told her. "Jayden come here." I said. His little feet ran down the stairs, "What mom?" He asked. "Come hang out with me." I said. He shook his head, "you're not cool mom." He told me. My jaw dropped and I looked over to Michael and he was just laughing. "Yeah you're not cool." Michael said mocking him. He ran back up to bug Aria. "I am cool." I stated. "You're old. You're not cool." Michael said. "You're older than me!" I exclaimed. "I'll always be cool." He shrugged then Wrapping his arms around me. "Doctors appointment is tomorrow at noon, right?" He asked. I nodded smiling. "I think we're finally in the clear."'i smiled big. He couldn't help but smile. "This has to be the best thing that's happened to us. This is a true miracle." He said. I nodded agreeing.

"Wake up Babe." Michael said kissing my cheek. I groaned pushing him away but it only made him get closer. "Wake up. It's 9:30am." He said. "The kids aren't here?" I asked. "They're at school. You need to start getting ready for our appointment." He said kissing on my neck. "I just need some loves first." I told him. He kissed my lips again and again. "Is that good?" He asked. I nodded. I got up and showered. I got ready and ate A little also. Michale was being so impatient He always wants to be early for the appointments. No. Not me. I hate waiting in those waiting rooms. It hit 11am and I was good to leave and now Michael was a bit grumpy i wasn't on his time schedule. Oh well.

"There's it's head and little feet. See that little flutter right there?" The doctor asked. I nodded grinning ear to ear. "That's the heart beating. It's moving a lot today." He commented. "Can you feel it?" Michael asked. I shrugged. "Sometimes I feel like i do but I'm not sure." I replied. "And all the blood work came back fine." The doctor added. Michael held my hand and we were so excited. "We can tell people." I said. "I'm so ready to tell my mom." Michael said.

We spent the whole ride home planning on how we are going to tell people, they're not even going to believe us when we tell them!

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