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We did the DNA test and it came back that Dennis was in fact my father. Josh is actually meeting him first, to make sure this will be a safe environment for me and the baby. I was very anxious to meet him, Aria was getting excited for me, it brought her back to when she met Michael and how happy she was to meet him. "Are you worried about me meeting him?" I asked Michael. He sighed. "I just wish I could go with you but I know this is something you need to do and just you. Just like Josh we want to be there to protect you, we don't want you hurt." He said. "I'm a big girl you know." I giggled. "We know." He smiled. My phone started ringing, "Hey."'I answered seeing it was Josh. "Do you want to meet him today?" He asked. "Today?" I asked. "Yeah. He's very eager to meet you." I could tell Josh was smiling. "Yeah I'm just -let me get ready. How soon?" I asked nervous. "As soon as you're ready." He replied. "O-okay." I said the hanging up. "He wants to meet me now." I said happy. "Well go get ready. I can handle the kids." He smiled. I got up and got ready, while shaking. I was so nervous. I can do this. He wants to meet me so he must be interested in me.

"Do i look okay?" I asked Michael and the kids. "You look beautiful baby." Michael said hugging me. "Do you want me to drive you?" He asked seeing how nervous I was. I nodded. We loaded the kids up and we went on our way to this place. It was a private place. Josh said it was at a restaurant that had a private room. Michael pulled up to the place. "Do you want me to walk you in there?" He asked. "No ,but thank you." I smiled then kissing him. I went to get out but Michael grabbed me, "Hey. If You need me, call me. If you are uncomfortable please text me. Okay?" He said. "I will I promise." I said giving him another kiss then leaving. I slowly walked into the restaurant where Josh met me. "Woah you look pregnant." He giggled. "I know." I groaned but laughing. "You ready?" I nodded. He walked me to this back room where the door was shut. "He really wants to meet you. So far he seems like a good guy but I will be outside on the deck if you need me, Okay?" He said. I nodded. I slowly grabbed the door handle and slowly opened the door. I opened the door and there stood this man. We both just looked at each other and he just smiled big.

 We both just looked at each other and he just smiled big

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"You're definitely mine." He said and that nearly brought me to tears that he was happy I was his. "I guess so." I said softly. He approached me, "can I hug you?" He asked. "Y-Yeah." I stuttered. He placed his arms around me hugging me. I hugged him back. "You look a lot like my mother." He told me. I just smiled, "and you're pregnant!" He gasped. "Yeah, I'm 18 weeks." I said. "Wow." He said holding my hands. "I can't believe I have another kid. This is just...." He said unable to find the right words. "Do you want me?" I blurted out on accident. He looked shocked. "Of course! I want to be in your life... if you'll let me." He said. Tears started to pour, "im sorry, I don't mean to move this too fast!" He said worried. "No, I'm just happy. Me and my-my um who I thought was my dad never connect and now I know why. I wasn't his and he didn't want me." I breathed. Dennis embraced me like a father would his daughter, "I'm sorry I wasn't there. I wish I could've known." He said. After hugging for a minute we sat to talk. "I'm going to be a grandpa." He smiled. "You are a grandpa." I corrected. "No way." He gasped excited. I nodded. "I have a 12 year old. And a 5 year old." I said. "A 12 year old?" He asked with wide eyes. I nodded, "I had Aria right before I turned 16." I replied. "There's so much I need to know. How was that? I just have so many questions. Are you married? What are your kids like." He laughed. "I can answer them all. When I had Aria Michael my husband and I were dating but a lot of stuff happened and we broke up and we couldn't care for Aria like we wanted so we had to put her up for adoption. I moved in with Michael before I got pregnant, but after all that I moved in with Josh and got back on my feet. About 4 years ago Aria contacted us and wanted to meet Michael and I. Michael had a 2 year old with another woman who is no longer in the picture. Michael and I fell back in love. I adopted his son and we got married and have Aria 2 days a week and have our third baby on the way." I smiled. "That is quit a journey. Where is your mom and Dad during all this?" He asked. "I ran away after mom took a punishment too far. Once they found out I was pregnant they told me I either get an abortion or they would disown me. So they disowned me." I said. Dennis got tears in his eyes. "I wish I could've been there for you. You didn't deserve that." He said. "So are you married?" I asked curious. He nodded. "Married with 3 kids now 4." He smiled. "You have 2 sisters and a little brother." He said. "How old are they?" I asked happy. "Cami is 23, Layla is 19 and Ronnie is 13. Ronnie was a surprise. We were way done having kids but Ronnie thought other wise." He smiled. "I just can't believe I'm a grandpa. I have a 28 year old daughter with 3 babies of her own." He said in disbelief. "Can I call you Dad?" I asked shyly. "I would love that. You're my daughter." He said. "Well we're having a gender reveal Saturday if you'd like to come." I invited him. "Can all of us come?" He asked. "Yes of course! Maybe I should meet everyone before though." I suggested. "They want to meet you so bad." He said eager. "Maybe we call can meet today?" I asked eager. "Yes! Please," he begged. "Do you just want to meet them? Or you're whole family?" He asked. "Maybe just me and my husband. And maybe you can meet my kids the Friday before our gender reveal." I suggested. "Yeah. I would love that. I really hope we can build a good relationship." He said. "Me too." I smiled. We were already creating a connection and I maybe moving too fast with this relationship with my dad but we already lost so much time.

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