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We walked into the house and we were tackled by Jayden. "Mommy!" He hollered. "Are you okay?" He asked worried. "Yeah, i just has really bad food poisoning. But mommy's allllll Better now and can snuggle you." I gushed kissing his cheek. He smiled big giving me a kiss. "Food poisoning got you that sick?!" Shawn exclaimed. I nodded, "seafood can give you extremely bad food poisoning." I replied. They all just shrugged and believe us.

We took Jayden home and brought him into bed with us. I promised him snuggles. He held onto me like usual. Held my head and brushed my hair back. Silly boy. He eventually gave Michael some attention, mean while I took my chance to go to sleep.

I slept all day, I was so exhausted and I had the house to myself. So i took the time to pig out. I sat at the kitchen table just looking at the ultrasound picture. "Now you listen here little one. Don't be scaring us now, we're really excited for you to be here and can't wait to meet you. Don't give us too hard of a time. You're our little miracle, you have two older siblings that are going to be so happy about your existence." I said talking to the picture then looking at my stomach. "Please stay." I begged. I was getting impatient already, wanting to feel it move, find out the sex, tell everyone. But yet I was still in shock. This can't be real. I am pregnant. I get to experience motherhood again. I'm having a baby.
"Babe?" Michaels voice boomed scaring the shit out of me. "What are you doing home?!" I asked freaking out. He just started laughing. "I'm taking my lunch break." He laughed. I rolled my eyes annoyed that he thought it was so funny to scare me. He walked over and kissed my cheek, "I'm sorry babe. I just wanted to check on my beautiful pregnant wife." He said kissing along my neck. I couldn't help but smile. His hand traveled down to my stomach. "Come here," He said moving my chair out. He kneeled down and lifted my shirt. He kissed my stomach, "Hey Baby." He said talking to my stomach. "We're really excited for you to be here. Don't give us too tough of a time. We can't wait to hold you and give you kisses." He said kissing my stomach again. "Is it bad that I'm afraid to get attached?" I asked softly. "Get attached babe. If something happens, you'll always know you loved on it as much as you could. Enjoy what you can of it cause this with probably be the only one we will get." He said. "You always know the right thing to say!" I exclaimed. He smiled and just kissed me. "Let's eat some lunch." He said. "I already ate." I replied. "What did you eat?" He asked looking through the fridge. "Where the hell did those sandwiches go?" He asked looking through the fridge. I ate them. "I'll just eat that.... where's the hamburger-helper?!" He exclaimed. He looked over to me to see my guilty expression. "Did you eat all of that?" He asked surprised. "Maybe...." i replied. "Holy shit Dre. Man you really are pregnant." He said. He grabbed some bread and peanut butter and jelly, making a sandwich. He sat with me and we just talked about our doctors appointments. I don't have one till next month, but we're just being prepared.
"Are we putting a restraining order against Nina?" I asked randomly. "Already did it. My lawyer contacted hers and after all that, apparently she had a handful of letters waiting for us." He said displeased. I shook my head, "I don't understand how this happens. I mean she was normal before you guys had Jayden?" I asked. "I guess so. I mean I guess I should've noticed she was crazy when she kept trying to pursue me when i was with you. That's it though. I don't even know. I fucked up." He sighed. I just shrugged. "Don't be a playa then." I joked. He looked at me surprised. "I am not a player." He stated. "You were." I laughed. He playfully rolled his eyes. "How many girls you really been with though?" I asked giggling. He gave me a death glare. "It doesn't matter." He said eating. "Man. That many. Come on just tell me!" I laughed. "I don't know." He stated. "You don't know how many girls you been with?!" I exclaimed. He just shrugged. "A couple here and there in high school, then i was with you then Nina, a couple girls when Nina and I broke up for that month, then after the whole Nina thing, every couple months Wesley and i would spend a weekend out on the town and there was a couple each time. Then Quin and now I'm back to you. Happy?" He asked. "Quin..... you and Quin What." I asked. His eyes widened. "Is there something you need to tell me?" I asked a bit irritated. "Listen, it wasn't anything serious. It was literally just sex. I had needs as a single father and she fulfilled my needs." He said. "She comes to our sons birthday parties, She was at our wedding Michael! I don't want one of your whores around our family!" I exclaimed. "She is not a whore. So just stop. Quin is a good person and we just enjoyed having sex every once in a while. She pushed me to pursue my feelings for you and wanted us together." He replied irritated. "Well if you enjoyed having sex with her-" "Stop Dre. Now. You're making a big deal out of nothing. You're stressing out the baby!" He said getting up. My jealousy does get the best of me sometimes. "It makes me uncomfortable." I stated calmly. "Why?! Her and I didn't have a relationship." He exclaimed. "Do you want me to start inviting the guys I've slept with to our kids birthday parties?" I asked with an attitude. "It isn't the same. Jayden is always excited when she comes around and she's my  colleague." He said. "Oh even better." I said rolling my eyes. "Is this ever going to end? Are you always going think I'm going to cheat on you again?" He exclaimed. I stayed silent. "I do everything possible to show you I'm not the same person, that you can trust me. For fuck sakes you married me, When is it going to stop? I'm tired of being put under this shadow of having to watch the people around me because you don't trust me." He snapped. Tears swelled up in my eyes, "I trust you." I managed to get out. "Then why are we constantly going at this?!" He hollered. "Fuck this was a nice lunch but now look. I'm yelling. I'm going back to work. This is bullshit." He said walking out slamming the door. It's crazy how we can go from being so happy to slamming doors within minutes. I hate when I make him that upset. I hurried up and grabbed my phone. I called him. "What Babe." He sighed irritated. "I'm sorry." I cried. "Babe, we'll talk when i get home. I love you." He said. "I love you too." I sniffled. "I gotta go okay?" He said. "Okay."I said  hanging up.

A Lovely Surprise IIWhere stories live. Discover now