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Some how Michael has talked me into meeting Ninas parents. I wasn't happy about this, he guiltied me by using Jayden. He held my hand the whole ride there, "Daddy who are we seeing today?" Jj asked. "Your grandma and grandpa." Michael said. "Mommies parents?" He smiled. Michael sighed, "No, Ninas parents. " Michael said. Jaydens smile instantly disappeared. "I don't want to." He stated. "To bad." Michael told him. "Mommy. We're not going!" He said getting upset. "Jayden Michael. Behave." Michael told him and Jayden was throwing the tantrum of the year and I did nothing. I don't like this either. He pulled up to the house and Jayden was screaming and crying. "JAYDEN!" Michael shouted scaring us both. He's pissed. He slammed his door shut then getting Jayden out, "come on Dre!" He shouted. I quickly got out, I followed him to the door, Jayden pushed away from Michael & ran to me. I picked him up, holding him tight. "Thanks for the fucking help." He grumbled. I felt bad honestly but I didn't know what to do. The front door opened and there stood two older people. "Michael," the older woman smiled hugging him then the older man shaking Michaels hand. "This must be Dre." The woman smiled walking to me, but Jayden started freaking out. "Hey you are okay. I promise, nothing is going to happen to you. Daddy and I are both here." I told him. He nodded wiping tears off his face. "Daddy." Jayden whimpered. Michael came and got him, "you'll be here the whole time?" He asked softly. "I'm not leaving you Jayden." He said softly. The older woman came and shook my hand, "hi I'm Olivia and this is my husband Kent." She said. I was panicking, I looked to Michael. He quickly came over, "This is my fiancè Audrey but we all call her Dre. She is the mother of our oldest, Aria." Michael said saving me. Their eyes showed that they realized why I was so shy. "Oh." Her mother said. "We cannot apologize enough for the things that have happened-" her father began, "You guys aren't responsible for her actions." Michael told them. I nodded agreeing. "He's our only grandbaby and we would just really like to be apart of his life." Olivia said like she was begging. "He doesn't like seeing pictures of her. It's scares him." I told them. Both their eyes get wide. "Kent go and take them Down." She shoed him in the house. Michael gave me a warning look, "What? If we want this to go smoothly we need to tell them that. He's not gonna want to be in this house if he sees pictures of her." I told him. He sighed. "It's okay Michael, we understand. Is there anything else we need to do to make him comfortable?" She asked eager. "Jayden has basically disowned her. He does not like when someone says she is his mom." Michael said. Olivia had tears in her eyes, "we understand." Kent came out, "I think I got them all." He said. "Do you want to come inside Jayden, I heard you like dogs and we have a puppy." Olivia said. Jaydens eyes lit up, "Yeah! I wanna see the puppy daddy!" He squealed. We walked inside and the puppy came running, Jj got on the ground and the puppy loved him. He giggled, "what's his name?" He asked petting him. "His name is Bo." Kent said kneeling down beside Jayden, showing Jayden the tricks Bo can do already. "We really appreciate you loving Jayden the way she should have." Olivia said. I could see she was tired, as in sad, disappointed, she felt like she was responsible for the things her daughter had done. I smiled at her, "He's exactly what
I needed and I was exactly what he needed. It was fate. I'm happy I get to be his mom." I replied. "So how are you Michael?" She asked. "Good, trying get this wedding plan finished & we bought a house that's being updated and stuff." He smiled pulling me to him. "So you guys have a date? No interruptions?" She asked excited. "Yep, nothing is stopping us." He giggled kissing my head. "Mommy, we should get a puppy!" Jayden hollered. "No way. Not happening." I told him. "But mom-" "jayden." Michael warned. He sighed. "Blake really wants to see Jayden too." Kent told Michael & I as he let Jayden play with bo. "You guys are welcome to see him all you want. We just want you all to respect us not wanting her near him or us and we don't talk about her unless Jayden brings her up. We would love for you guys to come to family functions. I want you guys in his life." Michael told them. Olivia smiled widely. "Thank you Michael." She replied. "I, we have nothing against you guys. I really hope you guys know that." He said sincerely. "Thank you Michael, we always thought of You like a son." Kent said. I feel so out of place..... I felt like her replacement and I hate it. Michael doesn't bond with my family like this and it's making me jealous. "So Audrey what do you do for a living? Olivia asked. "I help run RG&B (rose goods & business)." I said softly. "Oh that's amazing, how's you get that job?" She asked. "My brother is the CEO." I replied. The conversation went on & I just knew this day needed to end. Jayden was enjoying his grandparents & didn't want to leave.... great. It hit 9pm & they finally were ready to leave.

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