Chapter 15 [Friend]

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Kiran POV

After you arrived by the door from the basement you open it. It was cold down there. It was very dark and scary. You stepped carefully on the wooden stairs and cracked. You hoped that there wasn't any scary thing was living there.

When you were down you searched for some lights switches. You tried to stretch your arms so that you could feel what was in front of you. Suddenly you felt a light switcher and turned it on.

Everything was under the dust. You tried to search for some cleaning supplies. When you found them the lights switched off and the door slammed close . You stood frozen. You was scared and run to the door, you tried to open it but is was locked.

"HEY!" You shouted while slamming on the door.

Suddenly you felt one hand on your right waist and the other hand covered your mouth while you almost wanted to scream. You felt someone was breathing against your neck. Your heart was beating like crazy. The person behind tried to calm you down.

You heard the person shushing against your ear. You knew that it was a boy after he shushed you. You felt on your left arm that his hands was sliding down, it tickled a bit. You've got some goosebumps on your soft skin. You began to calm down. Suddenly he began to stroke both of your arms.You felt his breathing in your neck that was shivering through your spine. You began to feel uncomfortable.

Who are you?

Suddenly the lights turned on and the door unlocked.

Who was that?

You went back to grab the cleaning supplies and went to the girls restroom. While on your way to clean the restrooms Momo, Jeongyeon and Ha-na walked over to you.

"What's that?" Momo asked and pointed at the cleaning supplies.

"This is my punishment because I slapped Ji-su" you sighed.

"And what's her punishment?" Momo asked

"She have to clean the plaza" you said.

"But that's unfair!" Jeongyeon raised her voice.

"It's my fault" Ha-na spoke out of nowhere.

"Naahh" you said, "it's okay, your my friend right?"

She was shocked after the you said the word 'friend', "f-friend?" Ha-na stutter.

"Yea, why not? You look nice" Momo gave Ha-na a sweet smile.

"Well, if we are friends, I should help you" Ha-na said.

"Yea, lets help her" Momo said while looking at Jeongyeon.

"I'm sorry guys" Jeongyeon apologized, "I have some work to do"

"It's okay" you said.

Jeongyeon headed back to our room and the three of us just stood in the hallway.

"Let's start" you said and grabbed the cleaning supplies.

Momo and Ha-na were helping you. You were a little bit bored. Suddenly you've got an idea.

"Guys" you said to them, "do you want to listen to some songs?"

Since you can't use your phone, cause there wasn't any signal you decided when your bored to listen to some music. If your phone died you'd asked Momo for some help, cause her ability was electricity, she can make your phone live again.

"Yea, sure" Momo answer, "I didn't listen to music ages ago!"

"I've only listen to classical music" Ha-na said.

"Well" you said, "let's take a break and after I've got my phone I come back and listen to some music"

"Sounds nice" Ha-na said.

You headed to your room. You saw Jeongyeon was on her bed and reading something.

"Are you done with cleaning?" She asked.

You shook your head while looking for your phone.

"But what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Searching for my phone" you reply, "we're bored and it was quite so we decided to put some music on"

"Well, I'm done with studying" she closed her book, "you need some help?"

You finally found your phone, "yes please!"

Jeongyeon get up her bed and the two of you went back to the restroom.

You put some music on and began to clean every restrooms.


After you were done with cleaning the rest of the girls went to their room and you went back to the basement to bring the supplies back. After that you went to the principal office.

You knocked, "I'm done"

"Well that's good, now don't pick a fight with people okay?" She said, you nodded and went back to your room.

Jeongyeon and Momo we're already sleeping.

You decided to write another letter for your aunt.

Dear auntie,

I'm sorry that I didn't write a letter, I was really busy. I've got new friends, Momo, Jeongyeon and Ha-na. They are really sweet!

There's a boy that's going to teach me how I'm going to use my special ability. I still don't know what my ability is, even I can do a lot of spells I can't still use my real power. Wish I will discover it soon!

Well, hope I will get an letter from you, cause I still don't get a letter back from the last one.

Loves, Kiran

You went to the post office and put it in the mail.

Aunt Eun POV

I was busy with cooking. Suddenly a bird was ticking on the window. It had a paper on his feet. I opened the window and grab the paper.

It was the first letter from Kiran. I was really excited what stood in the letter. I open it and read it.

After reading it I became worried. Now she knows about her parents and her family history.

Please hold that necklace on your neck.

Suddenly it became what colder. I put the heating on, but it didn't work. But then the lights switched off. I'd tried to switch the lights but they didn't light up.


I grab my phone and put the flashlight on. I'd tried to fix it but nothing happen.

"Well hello sister"

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[Did I already told y'all that I've made a Taehyung FF? Please go and check the FF]

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