35. Winter time

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First of all I want to thank y'all for being patient for my slow ass chapters ;-; I seriously need to write faster and I make every time a promise that won't come true :( but I'm really busy with school guys and I hope y'all understand... I'm trying to get my grades up Bc they are kinda low.. but ogay lets go further with the FF ^3^ and yes i read all your comments and I SARANGAY YALL =3=


Weeks passed by as it became slowly winter. The snowflakes falls dancing down on the ground as Jimin watch it from the inside of his cabin. He saw the forrest coated with a layer of snow.

He smiled at the atmosphere, bright blue. He puts his jacket on and step outside as he already smell the fresh air through his nose. He took one deep breath and went to school.

Kiran and Jimin became again what closer. He lowered his head in his jacket as a flashback in his head came from their kiss. Jimin began to smile even brighter as he thought about the kiss.

Kiran woke up and did her morning routine. She put her uniform on and went to class with Momo and jeongyeon. They enter the class giggling and talking. As Kiran enters the class she immediately spotted Jimin and smiled. She went to his desk and greet him, "good morning" she says while sitting next to him.

"Good Morning" he replied with a smile on his face, "have you seen the snow outside?" He added while turning his head to the window. "Snow?" Kiran says questioning, she hasn't see the snow yet since she was busy this morning until now. Kiran looks to the window and saw the white coated snow outside. "Woah! It's so beautiful" she says as her eyes began to shine brightly looking outside. Everyone's gaze went to the window and 'wow'ed'. It was a beautiful view especially the snow on the trees were beautiful and the icicle hanging.

"Aigoo~ can't wait to play in the snow!" Kiran says like a child who was really excited and couldn't wait to play with the snowballs and makes snow man and angles in the snow. Momo and Jeongyeon began to giggle at the cute reaction of their weird room mate.

"Yah what are you two laughing at" Kiran pouts as she folds her arms around her chest. "N-nothing" Momo giggles softly and turns around as the teacher came to start the class.

"Ok class... few more weeks and Christmas break will start... who's excited?" She asked as everyone sticks their hands except Jimin.
Since Kiran sat next to Jimin she grabs his wrist and sticks it up like the others. Jimin looked confusedly at Kiran as she smiled back at him. Jimin shakes his head playfully and lowered his hands like the rest of the class.

"Good" the teacher said, "cause y'all know that you can spend your break with your family and friends.. but be careful... don't use your abilities towards humans" she reminds her students with a serious face. Everyone nods or said 'yes' as their answer and made a promise. "Good~ now let's continue class" the eldest female in the room said while opening her book and the class started.


After they finished their first two periods the bell rang. It was break time. Kiran couldn't resist anymore and ran immediately out class leaving her bag behind and her stuffs on her desk. The first exit she found, the one she takes to go outside to play with snow.
Winter is her favorite season. She loves the snow, the cold, the coziness in house and the hot chocolate milk with marshmallows in her cup. The air of a fresh new start was coming up. New year. Even there wasn't really special thing that will change in her life, but she always thinks; 'new year, new start'. And she will have a new start since she knows about these students in her class and school.... Jimin....

Kiran smiles happily as she let herself fall onto the snow like a star, looking at the bright blue sky. Making a snow angel. Out of nowhere someone threw a snowball landing on her face, "Yah" she whines while whipping the snow off her face, sitting up.

She looks around and saw nobody, "heh-" and again, someone threw a snowball but from behind and turned her head to the direction where the snowball came from. She saw a tall, skinny boy squatting to grab some snow with silver hair, "Taehyung!" She pouts as he gave her his body smile.

She hasn't seen Taehyung for a while, and appears again out of no where. They threw snowballs at each other and tried to dodge it as well. The two teenagers were having fun as the rest of the students joined them.
After a while Kiran and Taehyung were already exhausted and lay on the ground as they catch their breath.

"Yah where were you" she slaps his stomach while pouting. "A-ah-" he groans as it sounded like a moan, "I was visiting my family" he cooed, slightly pouted. "Ah... how was it?" Kiran asked with a soft voice thinking about her aunt still missing.

He shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know.. it was just.. normal I guess?" He Answer her question.
"Wish I could see my family, my mom.. dad... brother..." she slightly chuckles as her smile faded away, thinking of what they could do if they were with her.

Taehyungs eyes widen up and comforted her with a hug. He felt sorry for her for not seeing her family anymore...


Jimin was walking in the hallways as he spotted Taehyung and Min-Ji hugging. He watch them from above in the school building as a little smile appears on his face. He saw how protected Taehyung was, how cheerful he was. He deserves her more than himself...

'I didn't deserve that kiss from your lips' Jimin thought and walked away.

He walks through the hallways and made a fist of his hands, feeling guilty about what he did. How many times he hurts her. Questions filled his brain and made himself more guiltier than ever. His steps went bigger as the demon in his body was trying to take his body over. He was so sick of it.. that someone else had more power over his body than himself. 'Does that mean I'm weak?' He asked himself, walking to the restroom and locked himself there up. He needed a break. Just a few seconds.. minutes.. He sat on the cold, dirty ground of the bathroom, trying to make his mind blank. He closed his eyes for a while and fell asleep...


As soon the class started again. The fun was gone as Min-Ji looks again to the window enjoying the view and notice that Jimin wasn't in the class.
As Momo and Jeongyeon walked into class Kiran immediately walk up to them and asked them where Jimin could be, but they also don't knowhere he could be. Kiran sat back on her chair and just waited as she scanned her classmates coming in.

The teacher closed the door... there was still no Jimin...
Kiran chew her bottom lips as she folds her hands, wanting to know where Jimin was. Kiran sticks her right hand up to ask permission to go to the 'bathroom' and the teacher allows her.

Kiran walk slowly out the class so that she didn't disturb the class and searched for Jimin. Suddenly Kiran saw a bunch of boys standing in front of the boys restroom. Kiran frowns and asked one of the boys what's wrong.
"There is someone locked up in a toilet cubicle.. we asked if he was ok but he was groaning and suddenly blood streamed on the ground.. we can't open the door" One of the tall boys explained. Kiran pushed the boys away and enters the boys restroom without hesitation. "A-a girl!!" One of the boys said who was peeing and put his pants back on as Kiran saw blood on the ground.

She pounds on the door, "Jimin?! Hello?!" She raise her voice and hoped he would answer. There was no answer until she heard another voice... it wasn't Jimin's voice.. but Taehyung...

"M-min Ji?" He says weakly behind the close door. "T-Taehyung?!" She wasn't expecting that it was Taehyung replying back. "Hold on!" Her Voice cracked a bit and tries to open the toilet cubicle.

As a few boys helped her with opening the door Taehyung was laying on the ground. With his blood... "J-Jimin..." that was his last word and closed his eyes.

-Don't forget to vote ⭐️
Sorry if this chapter is boring but I tried to make it more exciting at the end haha~

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