20. Missing Aunt

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Kirans POV

"Her aunt is missing"

You began to feel dizzy. Your head began to feel light.

"Are you okay?" Jimin approach you.

You slightly nod your head as reply.

"We need to go to the principal" you said weakly.

"We better wait, look at you!" Jimin said worried.

"Jimin, it's my aunt" you said, "she's the only one that I've got, please"

"Okay, I will say to the principal that she have to go here" Jimin said.

"Jimin I can walk, I'm not that weak" you said.

"Just look at you, you're always hurt" Jimin his voice tremble a little.

"Why are you so worried about me!?" You raise your voice.

He gulped, he doesn't even know why he's that overprotective. He threw some new clothes to you, "change clothes and then we can go"

He left the room, Jungkook was still in the room. "Sorry for my brother" he scratch his neck.

"It's okay, I understand what he means" you said.

After Jungkook left you changed your clothes. After that you went to the principal.
Like always, she's in her office. You politely knock, and it open. She look down at the table, her hands supporting her head.

"Ehm" clear your voice.

"Oh Ehm" -she cleared her voice while cleaning her desk up-, "Sit down please"

You look at Jimin and walk forward and sit down on the chair. You was pretty nervous what's she going to say about your missing aunt.

"So, about your aunt" she said, "she's missing"

"Y-yes we know" your voice tremble from nervousness, you play with your fingers. They shake a little.

"The post dove returned with your mail in it, so we checked you aunt her house and it was completely a mess" she said.

"So she's kidnapped!?" you couldn't control yourself anymore.

Jimin placed a hand on your hand to calm you.

"We don't know, we're searching for her" she said.

You look at Jimins direction, he was worried about you cause you were still injured. He softly stroke your hand, and you tighten your grip on him.

"How about a spell?" You ask calm.

The principal rub on her chin, "we tried that, but a strong magic is hanging in there"

The principal look you deep in the eye, without Jimin would notice it.

"If you have more information, we like to hear" -Jimin stood up-, "Min-Ji is a little bit injured, if you excuse us"

You also stand up like Jimin did, not realizing the two of you were still holding hands.

"You can go, but first I need to talk to Min-Ji for a second" the principal said, "alone, please"

Now you felt his hands that was letting go of yours. It was pretty nice to hold his hands. You needed some support.
When Jimin left the room you sat back down on the chair.

"Kiran" she said, "I didn't  want to say this in front with Jimin"

"What do you mean principal?" You said.

"Please call me Hirayama" she said.

"Hirayama?" You said confused, "are you Japanese?"

She nod her head, "but now about your aunt"

"Your mom kidnapped her"

"M-my mom?" you said shocked, "w-why?"

"We don't know" -Ms Hirayama folded her hands-, "but she's coming back"

"If you see her"

"Stay away from her"

-Don't forget to vote! ⭐️
(Sorry for the lame update but I will update soon, cause I need to write more about this FF and Taehyung his FF. Not only from Jungkook his FF lmao)

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