27. Safe

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Jimins POV

I went outside to search Ha-na, I met her once so I know her face. I run everywhere, sometimes I needed to fight to get through the woods.my breath becomes heavier, I tried not to give up.

I finally found them, she was tied up with a handkerchief around her mouth. She was being tortured, I knew that people was being tortured if they use their powers on some students, but what I didn't knew was that they did it outside. I didn't know what to do, help Ha-na or is this what she deserved. I look at the woman her neck, she had the 'tattoo'. On that point I began to realize that she was an outsider. I need to be sneaky or something bad will happen to me. Even the outsiders doesn't have powers anymore, they are quite smart and strong. I need to be careful or I will mess everything up.

Kirans POV

I followed Ms Hirayama, we went to our class to ask people who wants to help searching Ha-na, my mind went blank as I saw Ji-su raise her hands up. I frown my brows, she probably raise her hands up because she don't want the principal to know that she also used her powers on me. Everybody was shocked, cause they all knew what happen between us, except for ms Hirayama.

"Everyone who wants to search Ha-na, follow me" ms Hirayama turn around and walk away.

"I'm going to search for Ha-na, instead of learning about shit" I heard one of my classmates saying.

We all collected outside, "Everybody, please listen carefully".

"You all know the history of this forest, there are outsiders that took OUR Ha-na, if we don't find her before dark, we probably don't know if she's already dead" Ms Hirayama looked at me with a straight face.

"Aren't the outsiders dangerous?" One of my classmates says.

"Yes" She answers.

"But they don't have powers right? So how can they be that strong?" A girl said, "WE ARE STRONG".

"YEAH!" Everybody yell.

"Children!" Ms Hirayama shouted, "Even we took their powers, we don't know what happen in these years".

"The forest is a lot of dangerous things, please come back safe, we need you all here!" Ms Hirayama said worried, "I already send Jimin to search her, but he needs OUR help".
Everybody nodded, these people don't look like a normal human being, they are worriers. To save everyone from this hell. Even Ji-su looks very serious with this, I didn't know what she was thinking cause I thought she hated Ha-na from day 1.

"Yah!" We heard a voice behind us, it was Jungkook, "I think you cant find her without our help!". I was amazed by how much people he got around him.

"Jungkook!" A bright smile escaped from my mouth, I run up to him and look at his people, "Thank you" I grab both his arms and smiled.

"Ugh" I heard someone mumbling.
"Yoongi!?" I chuckle, "I thought you stayed in class".

"We better find her, cause then I didn't waste my energy, I actually wanted to sleep" Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Ok! Everybody make teams of 5 peoples!" Ms Hirayama commanded. Everybody obeyed her.

I was teamed with, Yoongi, Jungkook, Momo, Jeongyeon and Ji-su. We were the only team that was with six people.

"Please come safe home" That was the last words that we heard from the Hirayama and went searching for Ha-na.

"Does anyone know the forest ?" Momo gulped.

"Yes" Jungkook answer, "We are in the middle territory".

"Middle territory?" I asked.

"Yes, this is a territory that everyone can come, it's nobodies territory. Mostly people fight here" Jungkook answer. I nodded, I was thinking about Jimin.

Is he safe?

Did he find Ha-na already?

Is he still alive?

My head was full of Jimin. I was so scared that he won't come back, that the outsiders took him and tortured him, or worser.

Killed him

"Don't worry I'm here" I heard a voice.

"Jimin!?" I began to look around, but Jimin wasn't here.

"Min-Ji, quiet!" Jungkook put his index finger on his lips, "we don't know what is following us".

"B-but I heard Jimins voice" my voice cracked.

"Min-Ji" he walk up to me and put both hands on my shoulders, "He isn't here, what you probably heard was the whisper ghost, they aren't really dangerous, what they want is YOU believing in them and they will drag you to hell".

"B-but that voice was so real" my eyes went teary.

"Don't worry" Jungkook hugged me, "Jimin is ok, I know him, he's my brother, he won't leave both of us".

"Are the two of you ready?" Yoongi scoffed. We walked further, we didn't see Jimin nor Ha-na.


We all heard a stick breaking. We all turn around frightening. My legs began to shake, my lungs went up and down. Jungkook went for a look, but I held his arms.

"Don't" I stutter.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to look" he smiled. He went for a look, we stay where we stood. Jungkook walk back to look what it was. "It was probably a rabbit--"

Ji-su and Momo both screamed, we all watch Jungkook being speared. His shirt was full of his blood, Jungkook spit some blood. My jaw dropped, everything went on slow motion.

"JUNGKOOK!" I scream my lungs out.
I wanted to run to Jungkook, but Yoongi grab me and put me on his shoulders.

"Yoongi!!! JUNGKOOK NEEDS US" I tried to escape from his grip.

"ITS TOO DANGEROUS!" He breathed heavily as he run.


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