36. Eliminate

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Taehyung was laying on his bed. He had bandages over his injuries. He got attacked by Jimin. Well... Kiran thought because 'Jimin' was Taehyungs last word before he closed his eyes. Kiran was so confused and wanted to know what happen to both of them. Kiran was biting her thumbs until Taehyung woke up.

"Hey..." Kiran said with a soft voice, not wanting to ask him loads of questions what happen to him since he just woke up.

"H- Aish" Taehyung groans noticing the injuries on his body. "Hey" He weakly said with a weakly smile.
"Do you want to drink something?" Kiran ask as she stood up, but Taehyung grabs her by the wrist and shakes his head. "No.. it's too dangerous if you walk alone.." he tried to say and hold his pain from the injuries, "Did they already find Jimin?" He adds with a worried voice.

Kiran looks down at her hands and shakes her head, "no.. we didn't found him yet.." Kiran curves her lips as she tried to smile. "They need to find him as soon as possible before-" Taehyung got cut off by a scream outside his room. Their attention went to the door confused, "stay... I will look" Kiran went to the door to look what just happened. "Watch out.. it could be Jimin.." Taehyung breathed out as his hands began to shake a bit.

Kiran grabs the cold door link and opens it slowly. She peeks and saw nobody. 'Weird' Kiran thought in her head and shifted her head to the other side and saw a student on the ground. Also with blood. "Oh my god-" Kiran gasped as she covers her mouth from not screaming her lungs out.

"Min Ji?" Kiran heard Taehyungs voice from behind, asking what she saw. Kiran turns around and put her finger on her lips to sign him to be quiet. She turns back to the body and it was gone...

Kiran wondered where the body was. She slowly closed the door walking closer where the body was, which was dumb of her. Jimin could appear again and kill her in any seconds.
Kiran stood on the same spot where the student was laying. Out of nowhere liquid drips down on the floor. It was red, like blood.  And again it drips faster down and down on her nose as she looks up. She couldn't see clearly as the liquid drips on her forehead, sliding down her face. She took a step backwards as she saw the dead body from the student from before, her upper body hanging out the ventilation.

Kiran began to scream as she stumbled over her own feet and fell on her bum. Students heard Kiran her scream and saw also the corpse hanging. Some of them gaged and began to feel sick. They went to get a teacher and the principal and put a blanket around Kirans shoulders as they took her to her room.

Kiran shakes really bad. Momo and Jeongyeon was comforting Kiran. But it didn't really help... Miss Hirayama came with one of her nurses and colleagues. "4 more corpses miss..." Her colleague whispers to miss Hirayama.

Her eyes widen up as she tried to act normal and nods. While everyone left the room except for Kiran, Miss Hirayama began to speak. "It's Jimin... we lost 5- no.. 7 people because of him... we need to eliminate him.." Miss Hirayama said with a stern voice.

"W-what?! No!" Kirans gaze went up and shakes her head, "no no no!! It's the demon controlling him! Please!" Kiran begs as tears began to stream.

"I'm sorry... he killed 7 people, even a demon is controlling him.. we can't bring him back" Miss Hirayama said, "we decided that we won't kill him.. but as soon we found Jimin.. he will get banned from our territory.. it's for our own safety.."

"B-but you said that IF that person has a good heart they can't get through the safety barrier... he still have a good heart Miss Hirayama!" Kiran tried to change her mind, but she shakes her head. "I'm sorry... it's for the best... please take care we will find him soon" Miss Hirayama her voice was neutral and left the room.


Jimin was founded in his cabin with ripped closed, collapsed. They brought him back to the campus. Tied up so that he couldn't move to harm people as the demon take his body over. Kiran and the rest of the people were watching Jimin as Miss Hirayama walks toward Jimin. "W-what is this..." Jimin said confused looking around as the students avoided his eyes.

Kiran bit her lips. It was hard to see Jimin like this. "Min ji.." His soft voice called Kirans name, but she also ignored him. She had to..

"Park Jimin..." The principal began, "you killed 7 of our students... it wasn't on purpose, but the demon in your body who is controlling you is dangerous for our students ... we tried to stop and heal you.. but nothing worked.." Miss Hirayama took a deep breath and exhaled through her mouth, "because we can't safe you.. we aren't going to kill you... but ban you from our territory..." her voice was stern, but also filled with sadness since she treated Jimin and Jungkook as her son when their parents died.

Jimin gulped and sniffed, trying to hold his tears. "I'm sorry... thank you for everything..." Kiran couldn't believe that Jimin was still smiling. Even everyone was crying. He smiled.
Jimin looks then to Kiran and also smiled to her. Kirans heart aches as they took Jimin to the other side... to a dangerous territory.. she knows that Jimin was strong.. but she didn't know how long he would survive out there.

Kiran saw them taking Jimin. She stood frozen on the same spot... it was hard for her to move, but she did run after them. Kiran saw the teachers and principal surrounded Jimin and did a spell that she never heard of. "From now of on... you're banned.." Miss Hirayama her nose began to bleed as Jimin nods. He understood that it was for the best. So that he can't harm them anymore... he protected them...

Jimin was about to step out of the barrier. Kiran pushes the people away and pulled Jimins wrist towards her body and gave him a kiss. It might be their last one...

Jimin deepen the kiss as he reminds the soft lips of Kiran. He pushed himself out the kiss and stepped out their territory with a smile, not even a tear. Just a smile.

"I love you"

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