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Says I'm gonna update every second day. Updates every day XD

Felix's POV
As I walked home I noticed shouts coming from a nearby house. There almost always seemed to be cries coming from it but no one ever goes to check.

I remember the police checked once but there was only a male there in his thirties or forties. He said he was simply on a call to his ex wife and trying to solve some issues but rumors were spread that someone heard a kid scream one day.

I didn't know if it was true or not but a lot of people seemed to believe it was. I always kept my eyes away from the place. But this time I looked.

A loud crash sounded from inside and the sound of glass breaking. Then a male stumbled out of the house, clearly drunk, and climbed into the car that was parked in the driveway.

The car pulled out and sped down the road, nearly hitting a car as it swerved around a corner. I looked back at the house. I shouldn't.

I sighed and ran across the steer and up to the front door. It had been left open a jar and I pushed it open fully. Bear bottles littered the floor with the occasional patched of broken glass. The house looked a mess.

I heard the crunch of glass and looked up to see a young boy stumble into the hallway. He was clutching his head as blood mixed with his hair and ran down his hand and cheek.

He looked up at me and I gasped. It was Cry. His eyes widened but before he could speak he fell to floor. I only just caught him before he hit the ground and checked his head.

He had a big cut that ran from above his eyebrow to just below his eye. Then i realised that he had a black eye and a few smaller cuts across the same side of his face.

I quickly picked him up and carried him out of the alcohol reeking house and down a few houses to mine. My mother gasped when she saw me with Cry and quickly hurried him to the hospital, me still carrying him until a doctor took him from me.

"Do you know the name of this person?" A nurse asked. I shook my head.

"The only thing I know is that his name is Ryan and he lives in that old rundown house in town. I think his father abuses him. I was able to get him out of the house before his father returned," I informed. She nodded.

"Alright, I'll send a group of police to investigate. Thank you for your cooperation," the nurse said before hurrying off.

"Are you alright?" I heard my mother ask. I nodded. "Your teacher told me you had a speech to prepare. Do you want to go home and do that?"

I felt myself groan internally. I forgot I had to do that. I should probably do that but what about Cry. Then again, my last in counter with Cry didn't go too well...

Cry's POV
I woke with a dizzy feeling and pain all through my head. The recognisable symptoms of me waking up after being unconscious. But this time it felt different.

I couldn't smell the sour stench of alcohol or hear the loud snores of my uncle after he fell asleep on the couch. My mind felt fuzzy and I couldn't remember anything.

Then I heard voices. Voices I hadn't heard before but one sounded familiar. I tried opening my eyes but it was too bright. What happened to me?

The voices stopped and I managed to open my eyes. Pure white light shone into my eyes but I let them adjust before scanning the room carefully. I couldn't move my head because of the pain but I didn't need to because I knew where I was.

A hospital...

How did I get into a hospital? How did I get into a hospital? Who brought me here?

I tried sitting up but fell back down when pain erupted through my body. I let out a gasp when I felt a warm hand on my arm.


That voice. I've heard it before. I turned to see a young dirty blonde haired boy with light blue eyes standing next to me. He had a worried yet relieved look on his face.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. I tried to remember his name but none came up. I knew he was in my class. He was one if those cool gamer boys. He called everyone his bro and had a strong Swedish accent but no name came up. Why?

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I couldn't. I couldn't speak. I rarely ever speak, only when needed. My uncle said my voice was horrible. He said I don't deserve to speak or show my face.

I gasped again when I realized I wasn't wearing my mask. I covered my face in my hands and tried to hide from the male.

Felix. His name was Felix. That's right. He saved me from the bullies at school. Him and his friends did. And he saved me from my uncle. He brought me here.

"Don't hide your face Cry, you're beautiful," he said quietly. I felt a blush creep across my face and I hid deeper into my palms.

Why did he say that? Did he mean it? No, of coarse he didn't. My uncle said I was ugly and my uncle is always right. I can't disobey my uncle.

"Cry? Cry are you.. Crying?" I heard Felix ask. I was. I had started crying at the memories of what my uncle had done. My crying turned into sobbing and I was pulled into a warm embrace. Felix was hugging me.

I hugged back. I didn't care what my uncle would do I just needed comfort right now. I needed someone to tell me it will be okay even if it won't be. I just needed someone.

Boobs. I am trying not to cry sorry.

Through The Pain (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now