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Felix's POV
I couldn't help but smile all day. And every time I looked at Cry I would watch his smile grow and a light blush form across his cheeks. But I knew mine did exactly the same.

I had asked him out after sharing our first kiss and he said yes. I wanted to tell my parents but he said to leave it for a while and see if they could figure it out. Of coarse I agreed. Anything to make him happy.

So now every time our hands brush against each other or our gazes meet we would smile like idiots and I get to watch Cry become all flustered and red. He was just the cutest.

The fair was later today and I was planning on making it like a date for me and Cry. I would do anything he wanted and make sure he was smiling the whole time. My dad said we would be able to go off by ourselves so I wouldn't have to hide our relationship from them. Not like I wasn't already I just wouldn't be making it less obvious.

Ken had dropped his mask off since he left it behind yesterday and asked if he was okay. But when Cry came running to the door with Edgar chasing him, laughing and smiling, I had no need to answer.

Even though Cry had his mask back I was able to convince him not to bring it with us later and he agreed with a little reluctance. I assured him I would be there for him if anything happened.

~skep to carnival~

Me and Cry walked through the entrance of the fair gates and entered the crowd of people. I felt his body tense next to me and I grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

He looked up at me and a small smile formed in his face. I led him over to different rides and stalls; buying him things here and there. He would try to refuse but I wouldn't listen and buy it anyway.

As we walked into a small shop he immediately ran over to all the hoodies. I laughed but followed him. He looked through all the different colours and designs before pulling one out.

It was completely white but the hood had two black rings that looked like eyes and a straight black line that looked like a mouth. I saw his eyes flicker with wonder as he studied the hoodie.

He was about to put it back but I took it from his hands and hung it over my arm. He looked like he was about to object but sighed when figuring I wouldn't listen anyway.

He ended up pulling a second one out that was black with white designs instead that looked like it would fit me.

"You're getting this and wearing it too, since you insist on buying me everything," he said with a smile. I smiled in return and took the jumper, hanging it with the first.

After walking around the shop a little more we bought the jumpers and some other accessories. As I stepped out of the store I hear Cry make a noise behind me. I turned around to see him pulling his new jumper down over his body, his old one on the bench next to him with some of the other stuff I bought him.

He looked up at me and I swear my heat melted from how cute he looked. He gave me one of his adorable smiles before picking up his stuff and walk in up to me.

"Put yours on," he said quietly as he took my things to free my hands. I chuckled and easily slid the black hoodie over my head, since I had been wearing a jumper to begin with. It was a little big on me but so was Cry's on him.

His smile grew and he handed me back the things I had been carrying with a cheeky smile. I was confused at first but let out a sigh when he gave me his things as well. I didn't complain like he though I would, instead adjusting everything so it was more comfortable and heading towards some lockers.

"You don't have to carry everything Fe," Cry said giggling. I felt a light blush from the name but simply smiled and let out a hum. He was quick to realize the lockers ahead of us and rolled his eyes.

"And I thought you were trying to be a gentlemen," he laughed. I snorted.

"Me? Yeah right," I said making us both laugh. I quickly dropped everything off and took Cry's hand. He blushed but looked up at me with a bit smile on his face.

I led him to the lakeside and found a spot by ourselves to sign down. Because it was getting late now most people had left I were leaving so it was a little quieter and we could hear the distant music and the wind that rippled the water. 

Cry sat down next to me and snuggled into my chest. I wrapped an arm around him and held him tightly around his waist. He looked up at ms and I stared into his glistening blue eyes.

"Hey Fe?" He said, keep in his voice low.

"Yeah," I responded just as quiet. He smiled softly and tilted his head a little.

"Thank you, he said in an almost whisper. I smiled, knowing exactly what he was thanking me for.

"No problem," I said quietly. The sun began to set and his face was cast into red and orange colours that made his eyes stand out even more.

"Hey Fe?" He whispered again as he leaned closer to me slightly.

"Yeah," I whispered, my voice unable to go any louder.

"I love you," Cry whispered, just loud enough for my ears to hear. My smile broadened as my heart fluttered.

"I love you too," I whispered before connecting our lips again. I felt the same fireworks from this morning. I felt him smile into the kiss. I felt complete.

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