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Felix's POV
I pulled Cry into my room. I didn't want him to feel forced to talk with my parents so I thought I may as well let him settle in.

As I pulled him into my room I saw his face light up with amazement. He looked around my large room before stopping on me.

"This room is huge!" He exclaimed. I chuckled at his childish amazement. He looked so cu- FELIX!

"I guess it is," I said making his jaw drip a little.

"You Guess! This room could fit like, three queen sized beds!" He said while I jumped on my own double sized bed.

"I wouldn't say that," I said laughing.

"Yeah you're tight. It could fit four," he said laughing. His laugh sounded so amazing.

"Luckily then it we wouldn't have been able to fit and extra bed for you in here. And its good for sleepovers," I said with a chuckle.

Cry's eyes drifted to the spare bed that was made neatly for him with light blue blankets. I watched as the shock turned to wonder in his eyes. (Anyone else know who I'm referencing here;)

He looked at me as if asking for permission and I nodded. He giggled and jumped on the bed, snuggling into the soft blankets.

I chuckled and he looked at me. He was laying on his back and had to hang his head over the edge of the bed to see me. I smiled at how adorable he looked.

A smile crossed his face and he rolled around in the blankets until he was tied up like a susi roll. He look so cute and innocent.

I heard my mum call us for lunch and Cry tried to wriggle free but found he was trapped in the blankets. I laughed and offered my help but he refused it.

After struggling for a little longer he let out a sigh in defeat. He looked up at me with pleading eyes and I laughed then a thought came to mind.

I smirked as I picked him up, blankets and all, and carried him downstairs. Cry blushed but didn't struggle to break free.

"Ah, F-Felix?" He stuttered out. I hummed in response as if oblivious to the situation in my arms. "W-what are you doing?"

"Carrying you," I stated simply. He stared at me as if waiting for more but sighed when I did t give him any.

I walked I to the dining room and sat him down at the table then sat next to him. He glared at me and began struggling again but once again failed.

My parents walked in and glanced between Cry and me. I smiled as if nothing was wrong and Cry looked embarrassed.

"What's going on in here?" My mother asked. I shrugged and Cry struggled, only to fail again.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I answered innocently.

"Feliiiiiix," Cry whined. I looked at him and smiled as my mum set some hot chips and a burger(idk) on the table.

"What is it Cry?" I asked innocently. He huffed and struggled again.

"Help meeee," he whined like a child. God he was so cute and I didn't want this moment to end.

"What with?" I asked with a smirk. He gave me a childish glare and huffed. He looked at his food then back at me. My smirk grew even bigger.

I picked up one of his chips and held it in front of him. He blushed and gave me a glare. I just smiled back. When he saw I wasn't moving or going to do anything else he took the chip in his mouth.

I smiled more and took a bite of my burger. Cry gave me a cold glare before standing up and waddling a small distance from the table and shaking the blankets off himself. He smiled triumphantly before smirking at me.

I had to admit I was a little disappointed he had gotten free. I was really enjoying him being all cute and incapable.

I realized my parents were staring at me with their parental knowing look. I looked at them in confusion.

"What?" I asked as Cry sat back in his seat, blanket free. My parent just smiled and returned to their own conversation.

What was that about? I thought to myself as I turned back to Cry. He was gobbling down the fries like it was his last meal. He had told me he doesn't usually eat much but since the three days my mum brought him food in the hospital he began to eat more and more. He saw me staring and looked at me.

"What?" He was after swallowing his mouthful. I chuckled and shook my head as I continued to eat my own food. Cry chuckled before continuing to shovel more food into his mouth.

After lunch we helped my mum wash the dishes then Cry asked to have a shower. While he was inside I answered missed texts and calls. I heard the shower cut off and Cry hot out if the shower.

"Uh, Felix?" I heard him ask a few minutes later. I looked up to see he was almost completely dressed besides a towel around his shoulders and torso.

"Yes Cry?" I asked as a blush firmed on his face.

"Uh, c-can y-you g-get my sh-shirt from my b-bag?" He stuttered out, trying to hide behind the door. I smiled and grabbed his bag. I heard the door close and laughed at Cry's flustered reaction. He looked so cute.

I opened the front pocket to his bag to discover the two broken pieces to his mask inside. He must really love that mask. Maybe I can fix it for him... I closed the pocket and opened the second one.

I pulled out a black long sleeve shirt. I was surprised to find all his shirts were long sleeved. I didn't question it as I knocked in the door to the bathroom. Cry opened it a crack and snatched the shirt from my hands.

I laughed again as he walked out of the bathroom, pulling down his sleeves. His face was all red and flustered and he looked so cute. He stuck his tongue out at me as he plopped down on his bed.

"Hey uh, my friends have been wanting to do a games night tomorrow. Do you want to come with me?" I asked him nervously. He remained silent for a second, glancing at his bag quickly before looking back at me and sighing.

"Okay. I'll come with you," he said giving me a weak smile. I walked over and sat next to him.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to," I assured. He smiled a little more and shook his head slightly.

"No, I'll come. Its okay," he said looking at me. We stared at each other for a while and I hot the sudden urge to kiss him. I looked away nervously to stop myself.

"Well if you insist then you can come. I'll tell Mark, Jack and Ken you'll be coming," I said nervously. Cry gave me a confused look but nodded. He then got up and said he was going for a quick walk.

When he left I felt like screaming but I just sat there for a moment before my eyes drifted to his bag. Maybe I should fix his mask now so he can wear it tomorrow. Dad is really good and fixing things like that. I quickly pulled his mask out of his bag and ran downstairs.

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