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Felix's POV
I waited for Cry outside the school. We had arranged to meet up and walk home together but the bell had rung nearly fifteen minutes ago an he still hasn't shown up.

Then the two jocks that had bullied Cry last term walked out with evil smirks on their face and laughing. They looked over at me and snickered. I knew they had done something bad.

As soon as they were out of sight I ran back into school and made my way to where Cry said his class was. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard crying coming from a nearby cleaning cupboard.

I opened the door to find a poor little Cry curled up into a little ball, sobbing into his knees. I ran up to him ad tried to pull him into a hug but he flinched away.

His head shot up and I could see the tears staining his face. But what broke my heart the most were the dark shades of purple that outlined his eyes and smeared his cheeks. The large gash that slid across his face and the blood that mixed with his tears and blinded his vision.

"Cry?" I whispered out, unable to speak any louder. "What happened?"

He didn't answer. He just leapt into my arms and cried his eyes out. He was still crying as I called my mum and she took him to the hospital again to get fixed up.

But when he stopped crying he didn't say a word to me. He didn't answer me or even acknowledge the fact that I was standing right next to him. He just stared off into the distance as if in a dream.

The doctor said he just needed time alone and allowed us to take him home. I carried him to our room and lay him down. But as I began to walk away I felt a weak hand take hold on my own.

I turned to see Cry looking up at me sadly. He didn't need to say anything for me to know what he wanted. I climbed in next to him and he instantly snuggled into my chest.

"I'm sorry." I was taken back by his comment.(I'm shook XD) what was he apologising for?

"What for?" I asked, allowing my confusion to show through my hushed words. He looked up at me with teary eyes.

"I let them get to me. I let their words get to me. I'm so sorry...," he trailed off as he broke into tears again. I pulled him into my arms and rubbed his back to calm him down.

"It's okay Cry. Don't worry, I'm here now. Its okay," I said in a calm voice. He slowly calmed down but didn't look at me, instead looking out through the balcony doors.

"It was the two jocks again," he whispered. I felt rage burn through me but it calmed when Cry pressed his hand against my face.

"Those bastards deserve to die for what they did to you," I growled.

"It doesn't matter Fe. I'm fine," he said looking away.

"YOU'RE CERTAINLY NOT FINE! YOU WERE IN A HOSPITAL!," I snapped loudly. Cry flinched at my sudden rage and I immediately felt guilty.

"I'm sorry Cry but, they can't go unpunished by this. Look at you," I said desperately, motioning to the bruises on Cry's face.

"I'm fine Fe," he said quietly, still avoiding my gaze.

"Cry. You know you're not fine. Please, don't let them get away with this. Or they'll keep coming back because you're an easy target," I pleaded. He let out a small shaky sigh and looked up into my eyes.

"Okay Fe. I'll tell someone," he finally gave in and I smiled warmly at him.

"I'll come with you tomorrow okay. I can't have you going alone," I said with a smile. He weakly smiled back and nodded his head a little. It was silent again but this time it was a comfortable silence.

"I love you," Cry broke the silence and I smiled more.

"I love you too. Now get some rest, you've been through a lot today," I said caringly. (Totally a word guys)

"Yes mother," Cry said in a typical sassy teenage way. I laughed but pulled the most serious face I could.

"Now don't speak to your mother like that young lady. Go to your room," I said in a girly voice making Cry laugh.

"But I am in my room," he sassed. I held back a laugh by taking a deep breath.

"Don't sass me child. Do as I say," I said sternly. He pretended to pout and let out a huff.

"Fine. I'll go to my room," he said grumpily and pulled the blankets up over his head. I laughed and pouted myself.

"Nuuu, come baaack. I want to see your pwetty eyez," I whined but he didn't come out.

"No. You told me to go to my room so I went to my room," he said, his voice muffled by the blankets.

"Nuu. I sowy. Pwease come back out," I continued to whine.

"Nu, I'm neva coming out," he said, poking his head out to say it before covering his face again.

"Fine then. I'll just have to come in and join you," I said smiling. Before he could object I lifted the covers over my head and made a small pocket so I could see him.

"Hey," I said seductively. I could see his face blush in the darkness and chuckled.

"What are you doing in my room mom? I don't want you in my room," he said, trying to cover up the blush on his face.

"I wanted to see my baby. Give your mother a kiss," I said, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him close to me, kissing him all over his face.

He squealed and tried to push me away as he laughed his head off. I continued to kiss him until he caught my face and kissed me on the lips instead. But when he broke away I pulled him back in again just because I loved kissing him.

Awe, cute. Fe made Cry happy again ^-^

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