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Cry's POV
I stood in the doorway to my old room. Broken pieces of glass still lay hidden around the room, but clear to my eye. My bed still lay messy and unmade from me struggling against my uncles grip.

I felt tears come to my eyes but I forced them away. I was here for one reason, to get my stuff. I carefully made my way to my draws and pulled a bunch of clothes out (which wasn't really that much since u didn't have much).

I searched around my room and found my school bag on the ground. I picked it up and shoved my clothes inside and zipped the main pocket. I grabbed my phone, which I only use for music,(me really) and my headphones. Slinging my headphones around my neck and putting my phone in my pocket.

I gave a quick glace around the messy room before moving to the bathroom, then the front door. As I passed the dining room I caught a glance of pure white on the table. I turned to see the two pieces of my broken mask. The mask my mum had given me.

I picked them up and shoved them in the front pocket to my bag before rushing out the door. I climbed into Felix's mother's car and buckled my seatbelt. Felix sat in the seat behind me with a smile on his face.

"You got everything? Doesn't look like much," he asked, his eyes flicking to the small bag on my lap.

"I don't have much," I said shrugging. He looked sad for a second before smirking.

"Guess I'll just have to share then won't I?" He said making me blush. I looked out the window so he wouldn't see since I wasn't wearing my mask.

"Don't worry Ryan. We'll make sure you get more things. If you live with us you won't go without. Trust me," his mum spoke up. I had tensed at the name.

"Uh, please call me Cry and you reply don't have to get me anything," I urged. It sounds bad but I hate getting things from people because it makes me feel like a pain.

"Cry it is and don't worry, you won't even be able to make a dent in the costs we have. If Felix couldn't with all his stuff then you won't," she insisted.

I looked at him to see he was nervously rubbing his neck accompanied with a nervous laugh. It looked adorable. NO CRY! STOP!

"Well if you insist..."I trailed off.

" I do. And don't even worry about annoying us about anything. If you want or need something then just ask," she said smiling proudly. I just nodded, holding a poker face as I pondered on what she said.

Are they really that rich? If so then why doesn't Felix talk about it at all? As if reading my mind, Felix glanced at me and smiled warmly.

"I prefer to keep it secret. Only my closest friends know," he said giving me a sincere look. I nodded, showing I understand he wanted to keep a secret and I will.

~time skip because this is getting boring~

We pulled up the driveway of an average sized, white and light blue house, that looked amazing. It didn't look too big but it was beautiful. It had two stories and a balcony at the top that led into what looked like the master bedroom. All the windows were beautifully designed and matched with sky blue curtains and drapes.

Felix had to take my hand and lead me inside because I was frozen in place. When we stepped inside it was no different.

Instead of a white and light blue colour the house was mainly white with a dark blue lining along the roof and floors or all the walls and polished wooden flooring. Everything inside looked extremely expensive and only now did I realize how rich they really were.

"I see you're not used to seeing stuff like this," a deep males voice came. I looked away from the beautiful architect and at the man before me. It was Felix's dad, who I had met earlier in the hospital, and nodded.

"I'm lucky if I even get to go outside if it's not for school let alone go shopping," I said truthfully. The man chuckled.

"Well don't you worry. We'll take you out as often as you want. That reminds me, there's a fair coming up and I was wondering if you two would like to go. It's on next weekend so it gives you plenty if time to decided upon it," he said smiling.

I looked at Felix to see him giving me a child like pleading look. I laughed and turned back to his father.

"How can I say no to that face?" I said laughing more. Felix cheered and his father chuckled.

"Me and his mother say the same thing," he said, ruffling Felix's hair. Felix pushed him away smiling and fixed his hair.

"You wanna see our room Cry?" Felix asked, making a face to his dad. They looked so happy just messing around. I wish I had a father.

My father left before I was able to get to know him (true story). It was just my mum, little brother and I for a while. Then my mum and my brother got caught in a car accident and I was left with my uncle. It wasn't good.

"Cry? Are you okay?" I heard Felix asked. I pulled out of my daze and met his worried eyes. Even his father was giving me a worried look.

"Y-yeah, why?" I asked, my throat felt sore and I didn't know why.

"You're crying Cry," Felix said softly. I lifted my had up to my face to discover it was indeed wet (pfft, moist). I rubbed away the salty liquid and made a whining noise.

"I didn't even know I was crying. Why do you do  this?" I said to my own eyes as if they were a person. "I'm fine really. I was just... Spacing out I guess."

Felix gave me an unsure look but didn't push it. Instead, he took my hand and led me upstairs. I felt myself blush like crazy but was thankful he didn't look back and see. I gave a quick wave to his father before we vanished from sight.

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