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Cry's POV
The holidays were over too fast. I wanted to stay and fuddle with Felix forever but soon enough I was walking into the front gates of the large building I hated the most.

People would snicker and whisper things as I walked past, as if I couldn't hear them but I heard every word. I was wearing my ask so they couldn't see the sad look that I had as I looked at the ground.

"Ignore them Cry. They don't know what they're talking about," I heard Felix whisper next to me. He hasn't left my side since leaving the house.

I looked up at him and smiled, knowing he couldn't see it but still felt it was the right thing to do.

"Thanks Fe," I whispered back so people couldn't hear me. He gave me his stunning smile before we heard people calling our names. I looked up to see our friends waving us over.

Me and Felix made our way over to them and we all said our Hello's. We were talking about random games we played or needed to play.

"Cool Jumper Cry," Mark said when we finished a conversation. I smiled behind my mask as he pointed to the white jumper I wore.

"Thanks, Felix got it for me. He has one that's black but he is a messy eater so its in the wash," I said shrugging. Everyone laughed while Felix pouted.

"Hey, you were distracting me," he said crossing his arms.

"How was I distracting you? I wasn't doing anything," I complained. He had a small smirk on his face.

"You didn't need to. Your eyes could catch my attention from anywhere," he said with a light tint on his face. Compared to mine, his wasn't noticeable. I was bright red. Thank goodness for my mask.

"Sh-shut up," I said looking away from his smile.

"Awe, is Cry blushing?" He asked in a teasing tone.

"N-no. Leave me alone," I said turning my back to him but a smile plastered on my face. Everyone else was laughing their heads off at our little performance.

"Awe, don't be like that Cry. Come here and love me," he said in a pouty voice. I felt my face burning from what he said and had the urge to just turn around and hug him but I resisted.

"No. You're mean to me," I said like a ten year old.  Our friends laughed even more and I nearly joined in to but I wanted to see where this went.

"I'm sowy Cwy. Pwease fawgive me," Felix whinned but I shook my head, feeling like I was about to laugh.

"Oh my god. Stop. Im gonna die," Ken laughed out but i still didn't turn around.

"Fine then. Have it your way Cry," Felix said in his normal voice. I was about to turn around when an arm hooked under my lags and around my back and I was lifted of my feet.

I let out a squeal as Felix began carrying my to class bridal style. My face was burning with embarrassment as people gave us weird looks.

"Don't worry about it Cry," Felix whispered and I felt my body relax. I looked up at his smile and saw our friends catch up to us and start new conversations but I remained focused if Felix.

"Okay," was all I said as we walked through the door to the classroom and Felix put me down by my seat. My blush still lingered on my face but it started to fade slightly.

"Thanks for the lift," I said in a posh accent. Felix laughed but straitened his posture.

"My pleasure. That would be twenty dollars good sir," he said, mimicking the posh accent I held.

"Charge it to my bill," I replied as I held back a laugh.

"You mean my bill?" Felix said, his voice returning to normal.

"Yup," I said giggling. He rolled his eyes just as the bell rang for class to start. Throughout the lesson he would make funny faces and mimic what the teacher said behind her back. I was surprised he didn't get caught.

It was like this throughout the day. We would just joke and hoof around and he would cheer me up when people said horrible things to me. But then it came to the last lesson. I didn't share it with him or any of my new friends. I was alone.

"Hey Fag. I saw you hanging out with your boyfriend. You guys are so pathetic. I bet he doesn't even like you," someone would call.

"He probably just feels sorry for the loser," another would shout.

"He doesn't even have any parents. I bet they left him because he was ugly. That's why he always wears a mask." Each nasty comment I took straight to the heart.

"Ugly." One

"Stupid." By

"Freak." One

I was frying behind my mask but I didn't let them know that. That would mean they got what they wanted. But I didn't stand up for myself either. I just wished the teacher would come and save me but she was out getting some things.

When people became brave enough to get out of their seats and approach me it got even worse. They were able to touch me then.

My head was smashed against the desk and punches were thrown in my direction. But I took them. Because I knew I was too weak to fight back. I was always too weak.

"THE TEACHERS COMING BACK!" Someone shouted but I only just heard them as everyone scrambled back to their desks and pretended to do work.

I lay my head on my desk and wrapped my arms around it so the teacher would think I was just tired. But then again she never pays attention to me anyway. I was just another quiet student to her.

None if the teachers knew about what happens to me because I was too afraid to tell them. I was scared people would hurt me more if I did but I knew the abuse wouldn't stop if I didn't.

I cri... Erry Tym.

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