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Cry's pov
Felix has been exciting over my birthday since we got off the plane. He started off with mumbling things we could do then settled with just a surprise party. He didn’t care that my apartment was a mess when we arrived, he said his was usually messier but I doubt it.

My phone went missing soon after we arrived but i figured Felix took it to see my contacts or something. He was probably inviting people over for the 'party'. I ended up spending the spare time tidying my apartment. If Felix was going to stay or if he was planning a party then I may as well clean up.

"Hey Cry!" Felix asked as he came out of the room he was in. I turned to him with a smile.

"Yes Fe?" He handed me back my phone with a sheepish smile.

"Just borrowed this for a while, sorry about not asking," he said embarrassed?

"No problem. I didn't need it anyway, I was cleaning up," I reasured.

"Here, I'll help you," he said as he helped pick some things laying around.


We spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up and messing around. It helped take my mind off of things. I was able to relax and enjoy myself. It's like I didn't have to worry about anything.

It came time for dinner and I was feeling pretty tired. Felix said he'd make us dinner and to just lay down and relax. So I flopped down onto the couch and put my earphones in. I turned to volume up full blast and hummed to the best.

I felt my exhaustion creep up on me and I slowly drifted off to sleep. I tried to open my eyes and stop myself but they felt too heavy. The music dulled and i was brought into my dreams.

~sleepy sleep dreams~

I was in a park. I don't know where or why but I felt calm.

The wind gently rustled the leaves and sent a cold breeze through my hair. I closed my eyes and took a deep bresth of the fresh air.

It was peaceful here. I felt like I could stay here forever. Like all my worries would be forgotten. But that would be creating false hope.

With that single though a loud rumbled rang out through the area and a bright flash made my eyes hurt, but I couldn't feel the pain.

The atmosphere changed and it wasn't so peaceful anymore. The sky wasn't a bright blue but dark swirling clouds. The gentle breeze became a raging storm and rain rushed down in blinding sheets.

I didn't feel calm anymore. I felt afraid. I was running now. Running as fast as I could. Trying to get away from the danger behind me. But what was it?

"Come back!" A voice was carried through the harsh storm and made my heart sink.

I tried to run faster but through the rain and the tears that ran down my face and blinded my vision, I didnt see the branch that fell from a tree and triped. I fell to the ground with a heavy thud and pain errupted from my wrist.

I clutched at it to see it was wrapped in a damp bandage. Flashed of a white room and long halls flashed through my head and I felt sick. I tried to stand uo but I was in too much pain. My breathing was too quick and my heart was too fast. Images of my past flashing through my mind.

I heard a voice behind me and my breathing stopped. I rolled over to see a dark figure standing over me, his face shaded from the dark storm clouds. A bright flash spread across the sky beyond him and a loud crack carried out instantly.

I was ablw to see the angered expression on the mans face and found myself unable to move. He quickly reached down and grapped my sore arm. I let out a scream and felt the sensation of pain but the pain itself wasn't there.

A hand clamped over my mouth and no sound could escape my lips anymore. I tried to wriggle away but the grip on my wrist tightened and I instantly stopped. The angered voice continued to shout but I closed my eyes.

Then everything faded away, lowering to just a dull noise in the back of my head. A soft voice rose through the blurred noises and all the fear vanished. I found myself trying to listen to the voice; focusing on the words they were saying.

The voice got louder the more I listened and soon it sounded like it was all around me and no other noise was around. I let out a long steady breath of air and relaxed more.

The voice mixed with images of peaceful times. I found myself going numb again but the voice continued to linger as new dreams formed. These dreams were happy though. No storms, no fear, just joy.

I wanted to stay like this forever. Just listening to the voice. I forget about the bad things when the voice songs. That voice. His voice....

Through The Pain (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن