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Cry's POV
Felix and I walked into class. He had convinced me not to wear my mask this morning but allowed me to take it with me in my bag. I felt nervous but also calm.

"Ah, do we have a new student today?" The teacher asked with a slightly confused smile. Felix was about to speak up but I spoke first.

"I've been in your class all year Miss. Do you not recognise your own students?" People started whispering things, trying to figure out who I was.

I ignored the teachers glances and sat down in my usual seat next to Felix. I shot him a smile as I pulled out my mask and put it on. Everyone gasped and more whispers were heard.

"Oh, Cry. I hadn't recognised you without your mask on sorry," the teacher apologised. I shrugged it off but didn't hide the smirk I had as I looked at all the shocked faces.

The lesson started and halfway through I took my mask off again, laying it on my desk. I noticed some students turn and look at me again and some girls whispering and looking at me.

There wasn't any bullying that lesson. Probably because people realized that I was an actual person and not some hideous monster they all made me out to be.

I did the same thing throughout the day. I would walk in without my mask on then sit down and put it back on. Me and Felix would quietly laugh at the constant surprise in everyone's faces. And throughout that day, not once did anyone say something mean to me.

I had some people come up to me and apologize for bullying me, to which I accepted. I didn't want to be a snob all of a sudden because then I would be a bad as they were.

As the last lesson approached I began to get nervous. I didn't have Felix or anyone there to walk in with me or help me if something went wrong. What made it worse was that the jocks were in that class and were bound to try something. But Felix said to stay in the class with the teacher and wait for him to meet me there after class ended.

I felt nervous as I walked in and sat down in my seat at the back of the class, mask on the desk in front of me as I finished the homework I had forgotten yesterday.

"Hey dude," a soft voice called, making my attention turn to three figures standing in front of me. At first I thought they were going to hit me but the smiles they had were way too friendly.

"Sup," I replied simply as I sat back in my seat a little.

"You know, now that you took your mask off a heap of girls want to ask you out," said one with long brown hair and simple squared glasses.

"Russ," the middle one said. He had short black hair that spiked up a little and light brown eyes.

"What? It's true. Haven't you heard all the gossip out there?" Russ I presumed asked. I was shocked. Is that really true? All because I took off my mask?

"Anyway, we were wondering if you liked playing video games?" The black haired male asked. My eyes twinkled in delight.

"Do I? I'm pretty sure 'like' is an understatement," I replied laughing a little. They all looked at me with slight surprise.

"Oh my god, your laugh is amazing. And your voice is way deeper than I thought it would be. No wonder you could make all the chicks swoon in one day," Russ said laughing a little.

"It's not that surprising," the third male said. His voice was deep and gravelly and I nearly jumped in surprise. And I thought Mark's voice was deep.

The third male had long messy black hair that had an army like band tied around his head with light blue eyes. (I know that's not what Snake looks like but I'm used to this way so deal with it).He was pretty tall and slim. He seemed like the type that didn't talk much but new just what to say to make you feel better.

"Oh really Snake? And how is that?" Russ asked laughing a little. Russ' voice sounded so much quieter and calmer compared to Snake's deep gravelly voice.

"He's attractive," Snake replied blandly. Russ looked at me but then shrugged.

"I guess he is," Russ said smiling.

"Will you two just stop? We came to see if he wanted to play video games not discuss how attractive he is," the black haired male said slightly annoyed.

"Awe come on Scott. Loosen up a little," Russ said, nudging his friend playfully.

"So do you want to play with us? Even though this guys an idiot," Scott said but stopped when I sniggered.

"Oh I'll play with you guys alright," I said before I burst out laughing, turning a few heads as I did.

"At least he has a sense of humour," Russ commented. Even Scott joined in laughing a little.

"Yeah, I'll play. When and where?" I said smiling.

"We have a gaming night in the weekend. We all play online though since it's easier," Scott replied.

"Okay," I stated. I was interested in playing with these guys. They seemed pretty layed back.

"What's your Skype name?" Scott asked. I was about to answer when the two jocks walked through the doors.

My eyes flicked to them and I suddenly lost my voice. The other seemed to notice because they turned to the doors and scoffed.

"Jocks. Think the own the place. Pick on all the easy targets just to make a point," Russ said, his voice filled with anger and disgust.

"Yeah, I should know. Been to the hospital enough times because of them," I said as they took their seats.

"Shit. I'm surprised they haven't been expelled and charged for that," Scott said shocked.

"I haven't told anyone about it," I stated blankly. The others nodded slowly.

"So back on our last note. What's your Skype name?" Scott repeated. I gave a slight smile.


Heh, I edited for once XD

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