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Felix's POV
Me and Cry lay lazily on the couch, cuddled close to each other. My fingers laced together with his as I lightly ran my thumb against the promise ring I gave him. I wore an identical one that was silver with gold writing.

My parents were away on a business trip and wont be back until later, leaving the whole day for me and Cry to snuggle. School had been canceled because of a storm that cut the power off the the whole town in the night.

I wasn't complaining. I got the whole day to be with the love of my life. A movie played in the background that neither me nor Cry payed attention to. He was quietly snoring as his head lay against my chest, the sound making me feel relaxed.

I heard the heavy rain outside and the wind making it collide against the side of the house, sending a loud clatter through the quiet house.

It was dark outside and the occasional sound of a car driving by would get drained out by a thunderclap. But everything else remained calm, nothing disturbing the loud noises.

A loud knock at the door almost made me jump. I remained silent, as if thinking I had imagined it, but it ran out again and woke Cry up. He rubbed tiredly at his eyes as he sat up a scowled at the door as more loud knocking rang out.

I tiredly climbed to my feet and stomped towards the door. I would have just left it but the constant knocking was driving me crazy.

I swung the door open and glared at the man in front of me. His dark brown hair was soaking wet and looked darker than usual and his hazel eyes were cast into shadows in the darkness.

"What do you want?" I said in an irritated tone. I could hear Cry shuffling up behind me and wrap his arms around me,the long sleeves to my black hoodie hanging past his hands, as he rested his head against my back.

"I would like to see Ryan. I need to talk to him," the man said calmly.

"Ryan's not here. Check the graveyard," Cry muttered into my back. I nearly giggled at the tickling sensation it gave me.

"Oh... Ah, Cry. Can I talk to you?" The man asked a little surprised by the fact that it was Cry hugging me.

"I don't want to talk to you," Cry said, lifting his head so his words were clearer. The man let out a sigh.

"I know you don't want to talk to me but I need to talk to you. Uh...," he trailed off as he looked at me.

"Felix," I said blandly. He nodded.

"... Felix. Are your parents home?" He asked.

"They're on a business trip so I cant let strangers into the house," I said with a little sass. He seemed taken back by the statement.

"I'm not a stranger. We met the other day," he said with some desperation.

"Oh really, cause I don't even know your name," I stated with a slight smirk.

"It's... It's Ryan," he said with a hint of sadness. (I wanted to make it like Cry was named after his father) my eyes widened and I felt Cry tense against my back.

"Let him in," Cry mumbled. I slightly turned to look at him.

"You sure?" I asked unsure. He nodded and walked back to the couch. I gave the man a small glare but allowed him in out of the raging storm outside.

I closed and locked the door behind him and followed Cry back to the couch. When I sat down Cry leaned against my side and I wrapped an arm around him.

Ryan stood by the entryway, awkwardly looking at us and shuffling his feet on the tiles. Water ran down his coat and created a small pool at his feet. I got up and gave him a towel to stand on then returned to Cry.

"What do you want?" Cry said almost emotionless. It twinged at my heart to hear him like that.

"I was hoping to talk to Felix's parents but they're not here," he tried procrastinating.

"Then you'll just have to settle with us. You better hurry because you don't have much time before I kick you out," Cry said, his voice becoming assertive. Ryan shuffled slightly but his face became serious.

"I talked to some people and they said that since I'm your biological father I get rights over you," he said and Cry froze. I was too shocked to speak or move. My breath hitched and Cry's caught in his throat.

"What?" Cry managed to whisper.

"As soon as your parents are back Felix I expect you to contact me instantly," Ryan said, ignoring Cry's question.

"I'm not going with you," Cry continued to whisper.

"I'll be back in three days to pick you up Ryan so I expect you to be ready by then," he continued and that was Cry's breaking point.

"Get out," Cry growled.

"I also expect your manners to be better," Ryan continued.


Ryan turned and left but as he did my parents walked in through the front door.

"What's going on here?" My mother asked, looking at the scene in confusion.

"I'll see you soon Ryan," the man continued to ignore Cry's words.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" Cry yelled as tears rolled down his angered face. The man left without another word and I turned my attention to Cry.

He was shaking and his breathing was irregular. He squeezed his eyes shut and placed a hand on his chest as he struggled to breath.

I started speaking calmly to him and telling him it would be okay. He sank to the floor and continued to try to breath. After nearly an hour of me saying soothing things, and my parents helping as much as they could, Cry started breathing properly but began sobbing. I pulled him into my arms as his body still shook and I tried to comfort him but he didn't calm down...

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