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Cry's pov
I sat on the floor of the bathroom with my back against the door. The way Felix looked at me, he was deep in thought I know but the look in his eyes. They showed all the emption swirling around in him. I saw all the emotion from when we were younger. All the memories.

I didnt want the same thing to happen, which will be an obserd way to think since Ryan is in jail now, but if Felix were to find the truth of what happened. I dont want to think of what might happen if he finds out I lied to him. But I just couldnt tell him, I couldnt.

There was a knock on the door and I heard Ken call my name.

"Cry, come out of the bathroom," he said playfully. I couldnt help the slight smile etch at my face.

"Um, no," I replied.

"Young lady," Ken said.

"Nooo," I replied, dragging out the 'o'.

"Come out of the bathroom right now," he said.

"You dont understand me Ken," I said in a girly voice.

"Come out of the bathroom right, I- this is your father speaking and you will respect me in my house," he said deeply. I held back a laugh as I stood up.

"What?" I yelled as I banged my fists on the door. (No he doesnt open the door on Ken's face)

"Don't hit the doors in my house and dont you dare raise your voice at me," Ken said in his 'fathers voice'.

"Ahhhg, you never listen to me," I yelled in my 'young lady voice'. I heard Felix laughing in the background and smiled.

"That was the most realistic teenager I've ever heard," Felix said laughing. I burst into laughter at his words and so did Ken. When I calmed down I took a deep breath, pulled down my sleeves and opened the door. I held a sassy teenage look and made a bitchy pose.

"What do you want?" I sassed. Felix laughed more, doubling over from the pain it brought him, while Ken took a deep breath and put his hands on his hips.

"I dont want you locking yourself in your room all day. You need to go out and socalize," Ken said grumpily.

"I do socalize though," I said as I pulled out my phone and pretended to text someone.

"Face to face," Ken said sternly but I heard the laughter he was holding back so desperately.

"I can use face time. Now can you leave me alone, you're in my personal bubble," I said in a bitchy girls tone. Thats what sent Felix over the edge. He fell to the floor and laughed like crazy. Ken and I looked at him and shrugged.

"Dont know whats gotten into him," Ken said calmly but a smile was spread agross his face.

"Me neither," I shrugged, also wearing a smile but it was hidden by my mask. I had put it on after running out of the room. I felt safer with it on, people can't see my emotions that way.

"You... you guys...," Felix tried to say but was still in the middle of laughing. He took deep breaths to calm down and wiped away all the tears that had run down his face.

"Awe, is lil ol Fe crying?" I mocked and he glared at me but faltered slightly upon seeing my mask. Memories of when he felt uncomfortable around me when wearing my mask flashed through my mind but I shook them away.

"You guys are way too good at that," Felix said with a smile but it looked a little fake, as if he forced it. Ken didnt seem to notice though as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and chuckled.

"It's because Cry is secretly a girl," he whispered quite loudly. He deliberately wanted me to hear it. I would have snapped at him but I thought I may as well play along.

"Yeah, and I need more make up and a new outfit. My old one is totally yesterday. I need the latest fasion," I said in a super girly voice. "Daddy, I need it now. I cant go out in public looking like a reject."

Ken looked surprised I had played along but quickly hid it, replacing it with his father look.

"But darling, I only got you that dress yesterday. It cost almost three hundred dollars," He said dramatising the 'three hundred dollar' part.

"But everyone has that dress now. I need to stand out. I need to be special," I whinned.

"Trust me, you're special alright," Felix said with a smile. I blushed, knowing he didn't mean the way I had portrayed it. I looked down at the floor, unable to hold his gaze.

"Oh, there's a new game that just came out and its a big hit. We can record some videos of it and put it on our chanels. It's an online Uno game," Ken said, oblivious to what was happening silently between Felix and I.

"Sure, lets set it up," Felix said with a smile and I nodded. We returned to his recording room and set everything up. Me and Ken went to different rooms, me in Felix's and Ken in the lounge, so we couldn't see eachothers screens and so that Felix could get a good recording of it.

It wasnt long after when we finished recording and just decided to mess around on the game. I had won three of the five games we played so Felix and Ken had to buy me dinner. Felix was getting the meal while Ken was getting the dessert. It was a deal we had made at the beginning of the match.

"Cry you cheater!" Felix shouted. I laughed as another match ended. "I dont want to play anymore."

I laughed even more at Felix's childish attitude and nearly fell off his bed. Ken had left earlier to do something and Fe continued to complain about how I always won and that I must be cheating but it was just his excuse for him sucking at the game. He had only won one of the matches so far.

"I'm not a cheater. I play fairly," I argued back.

"You're in denial," he said.

"No im not," I denied.

"Yes you are," he said back.

"I am hot," I said instead with a smirk.

"Yes you are," Felix said then stopped when he realized I had said something differently. His face burned a bright red. "Yes,"he said under his breath but I heard him and smiled.

"So are you," I whispered and I saw a smile spread across his face.

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