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Felix's pov
I've been married to Cry for nearly a year now. We found a house in the UK that we now live in together. (😏) We have two dogs and a cat that we love very much (I'm pretty sure Cry also has a dog right. Or just a cat. Idk). We take the dogs for a walk every weekend and get a lot of support from our fans.

We were both laying in the backyard to our house cloud gazing. Cry would point out all the different things he saw in the clouds and we'll both make a story out of it with each new shape we saw. I let out a content sigh as the sun came out and we were bathed in sunlight. I closed my eyes and let warmth sink into my body.

"Hey Fe?" Cry murmered, using the same nickname he always calls me.

"Yeah Babe," I responded, not opening my eyes.

"I think we should adobt," he proposed. My eyes shot open and I looked at him, but it wasn't a bad look, I was actually quite excited my self. I had thought the same idea a few months ago but didn't think Cry was ready for it just yet.

"Are you sure?" I ensured first.

"Yeah, we've been together for a while now and we already have the pets. But I want to start a family with you, with kids," he said as he gazed up at the sky. I stared at him for a while before looking back at the sky. The sun was once again being covered by a fluffy white cloud.

"I think we should but adoption takes a while to do. We have to wait so long before we actually get the chance to see kids and thats only if we still want to adopt by then," I said sadly.

"Well, then we could find someone who is willing to carry a baby for us and we can get a segregation. That doesn't take as long does it?" Cry asked eagerly.

"I don't think it does no," I said as I though it over. "What would we call them?"

"Hmm, I was thinking. If it is a girl, we can call her Skye," he said as he smiled at the vast blue and white above him.

"And if they're a boy?" I asked, more and more entrigued.

"Not sure, I was gonna leave that to you, since I chose the girls name and all," he said, finally looking at me. I thought for a moment.

"Daniel," I stated.

"Why that name?" Cry asked with interest.

"Bacause then we can call him Dan and drive a van and he'll be our #1 fan," I said jokingly.

"As stupid as that is, I like the name Dan," Cry said with a laugh.

"Skye and Dan it is," I concluded. We lay there for a while longer until it began to get cold before heading inside to find a mother for us. I wonder where this new life will lead us? Where ever it is, I'm glad Cry is by my side.


Yup, thats the end of le story. If you want a sequel then ask by simply typeing 'I want a sequel' or anything allong the lines of that in the comments XD. Well, thats all for now. Bye guys.

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