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Felix's pov
Cry invited me to his late night livestream with the late night crew. I was skepticle at first but thought it might be a new experience. I also wanted to meet up with Cry's friends and see who he hung out with while I was gone.

We called his friends before starting the stream so we could set everything up. Russ was the first person to answer. That name seemed familiar....

"Oh look, it's mr sexy man again. How ya been?" A smooth voice said. Wait, Russ. As in the short brown haired dude that had invited Cry to play games with him all those years ago? Does that mean...?

"Hey guys," another familiar voice called.

"Hey," a deep voice said.

"Russ, Scott, Snake. You all remember Felix right?" Cry asked as he set up the livestream.

"How could I forget those dreamy eyes," Russ sid with a giggle.

"Russ!" An angry females voice said sternly.

"Oh shit. Hey, babe," Russ said nervously. Everyone else laughed and soon everyone was in the call. Cry made a side video and posted it to youtube, telling everyone there was a stream, before starting the stream itself.

"Hello everyone and welcome to the late night crew with Cry and Russ. Today we are joined by Jund, Snake, Red and Pewdiepie everyone!" Cry said excited. We started up a game but found that we needed a total of ten (imagine a game that requires that number of people. Go!)

"Who are we going to add?" Russ asked the viewers. I read a few that said we should invite Ken, Jack and Mark since i was on the stream. A lot actually.

"Looks like they love your friend there Cry. The audience wants to see him on more often and they want to bring his friends in too. Would you be able to invite them Pewds?" Red asked politely.

"Well, Jack would be awake. So would Ken since he's here in Sweden but im not sure about Mark," i said just as there was a knock at the front door. "I bet thats Ken now. Hold on, ill be right back."

I got up and answered the door to find the bearded man with his iconic bear hat standing in the doorway. He smiled and greeted me like usual.

"What are you and Cry doing?" He asked with a smirk.

"We're doing his livestream actually. You're just on time too. We need four more people and people were acking for you. You can use my spare laptop to play," i explained quickly and he was in my recording room in no time. I chuckled to myself before closing the door and joining them.

"Well, Ken is here and Minx is going to join us. That leavs two spots left. Do you still want to see if Jack or Mark could join?" Cry said as he typed at the computer.

"Yeah sure. Ill see if Jack can come first since he should be awake," i said as i pulled out my phone. I dialed his number. It rung for a while before Jack answered breathlessly.

"What do you want Felex?" He said irritated and... flustered?

"Uh, Jack? Are you okay there? You sound like you just ran a marathon," I chuckled. He was silent and i swear i heard Mark's voice in the background. "Jack?"

"Oh, s-sorry Felix. I was talking to a friend," he said quickly.

"Does the friend happen to be Mark?" I asked teasingly.

"Sh-shut up!" He said and i realized i was right. I held back a laugh as i shouted.


He shouted at me from the other end and Ken took the phone from my hand, also shouting.

"I SHIP IT!!!"

We all burst out laughing and Red said something about the chat going crazy. I managed to take my phone back to hear Jack shouting at us down the line. I laughed even more.

"Is that Ken i hear? Is Ken at Felix's house again? Are they fuuucking?" I heard Mark ask and nearly choked. Ken took the phone again and after being told the same thing looked at Cry and laughed his head off.

"I only came to get another sandwich but i got to go on a livestream instead," Ken said sassily. "Also, the people want you two love birds to join. It's with some other youtubers though and we're playing a game. We can add you two to the call if you want."

After some more messing around; Minx, Jack and Mark were finally in the call and we were able to start playing. I kept thinking back to the call though. Mark is at Jack's house. He's apparently 'just visiting' but i didnt see anything about him visiting Jack at all. And i doubt it is any regular frindly visit. If ya know what I mean.

As i continued to think my mind wandered to the nightmare Cry had the other night. He didnt want to tell me anything about it and i respected his privacy but I was curious. What had gotten Cry so frieghtened? Was it a nightmare about his uncle or Ryan? Or was is something else? I'll just have to wait and see because i dont want to pressure Cry into telling me something he doesnt want to tell me.

"EARTH TO FELIX. WE COME IN PEACE," Ken's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and i jumped slightly. "Jeez Pewds, you really zoned out there. We've been trying to get your attention for a while now."

I realised the stream had ended and the call had ended. I looked around to see that Cry wasnt in the room anymore before returning my gaze to Ken.

"I guess i just got lost in my thoughts sorry. How long have i been zoned out for?" I asked.

"About half an hour now. You really scared us. You were just staring at Cry without blinking almost. He left the room pretty quickly when he realised you were. Your eyes didnt leave his spot though and we had to end the stream. Cry's been gone for about ten minutes now. I think hes in the bathroom," Ken explained. I nodded and rubbed my face. How am i going to explain this?

Guuuyzzz, Cry's in the bathroom ;)

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