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Felix's POV
I hurried towards my house after another extremely long day at school. All I could think about was Cry. He had been crying all night and only just fell asleep this morning before I had to leave.

I almost ran through the front door but stopped when I saw my mother. She was sitting in the couch balling her eyes out. My father was trying to comfort her but it didn't look like it was working.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Felix, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I had no other choice. I had to let him take him," my mother rushed as she sobbed more.

"Wait, calm down. What do you mean?" I asked but I dreaded the answer. My mother shook her head as she sobbed uncontrollably.

"We're sorry Felix. There was nothing we could do," my father said sadly. "He took Cry. They've gone back to New York."

I froze as a mixture of emotions overwhelmed my body. He was gone. Cry was gone. No, he couldn't be. He's upstairs right now.

Without knowing what I was doing I ran upstairs and searched all the places Cry could be but he wasn't there. He was gone.

I stood in the middle in my room, no our room as tears welled up and slid down my face. Cry was gone. The love of my life was gone. To think just this morning I cradeled him in m arms and now. He's gone.

Cry's POV
I sat on a bed in a large room, my tears fresh as they burned down my face and stained my cheeks. I looked at the small silver and gold object I rolled around my hands with blurry vision. A symbol of a promise I don't think I'll be able to keep anymore.

I remember falling asleep in Felix's arms, in the sanctuary of his room, but when I woke up I was in a private jet flying to New York. Ryan had come and taken me while I slept, using 'the law' to get me into his custody since he was the closest blood relative I had to look after me and all that shit.

I had cried and tried to jump out of the plane but of coarse I was stopped and strapped back into my seat as I kicked and thrashed and sobbed out curses. I hated Ryan so much he doesn't even deserve to be called my father anymore. He lost that privilege the day he left us.

I heard knocking at my door but I didn't answer it. I didn't have to either because Ryan walked in anyway, his usual bossy attitude showing.

"Get up you're going to school," he commanded but I didn't move. I didn't even acknowledge his presence as I stared at the ring in my hands. He stomped over and snatched it from me.

"Get up. You're going to school, now," he ordered again. I jumped to my feet and tried to take back the ring that was so precious to me.

"Give it back," I growled but he ignored me.

"Get your things ready Ryan, we leave in five minutes," he said as he headed back to the door.

"My name is NOT Ryan," I hissed.

"I am not calling you Cry. It is a ridiculous name," he scowled. 

"Then I'm not listening to you and give me back my ring!" I shot back angrily. Who does he fucking think he is?

"You don't need the ring and you will do as I say, I am your father(no)," he growled.

"You will never be my father and that ring is mine, not yours," I hissed.

"By genetics, I am your father and what's so special about this ring anyway, it's worthless," he said observing the designs.

"Felix gave it to me now give it back," I growled as I tried to snatch it from his hands.

"That boy you were cuddling? I knew you too were more than just best friends," he said in almost disgust.

"And what's so bad about that?" I was beyond angry at this point.

"Get your stuff ready, were leaving soon and I don't want you wearing that hideous jacket," he said, avoiding my question a he motioned to Felix's black jumper.

"No, now give me back my ring!" I yelled as I tried to grab it. I knocked it out of his hands and it rolled down the hallway we were now in.

Ryan grabbed onto my wrist with one hand, raising his other had as it to hit me. Everything flashed and I was back in the house I lived in with my uncle.

He was holding my wrist with one hand, the other raised as he continuously hit me with it. I managed to hit him across the face but it only made him angrier.

His grip on my wrist tightened and I let out a scream. His free hand raised as a balled up fist and it swung right into my head and everything went black.

I gasped for air as Ryan let go of my wrist and my legs caved in beneath me. He looked scared and apologetic as he tried to reach for me again but I scrambled away from him.

I managed to climb to my feet and run into the room I was in and slam the door shut, fumbling with the lock before backing away from the wooden surface.

I backed into a shelf and things fell to the floor, some shattering, glass and other shards flying across the floor. I took no notice in all of this as I managed to back myself into the corner of the now all to big room.

I tried to control my irregular breathing but nothing seemed to work. Memories of the past flashed through my mind; the crash, my uncle, Felix...

I needed Felix. He knows how to calm me down. But he wasn't here. No one was. I was alone.

Awe. I want to cuddle and comfort the poor child

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