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I have school again... Kill me now.

Cry's POV
Me and Felix spent the whole afternoon playing with his friends. I said nothing the whole time. I tried to join in but I just couldn't force the words out of my mouth. I had a nervous feeling in my gut that made me feel sick and dizzy.

So I just stayed quiet. Listening to the way Felix would laugh at his friends misfortunes or when they did something stupid. And when he would scream in Swedish when his character died or was being attacked by a separate character.

Felix offered me to play instead of him, saying he would be better at the game than me, but I refused. Silently waving my hand in dismissal. I remembered the sorrow that crossed his face momentarily but was quickly hidden behind a smile as Jack began screaming at Mark.

I felt bad for not playing with them. I actually really wanted to play but just felt that if I did I would screw something up. That they would end up hating me because if it.

"So Cry...?" Ken began as his eyes flicked to me for a second. "I don't mean to be offensive or anything but... Do you even speak?"

His question didn't come as a shock. I had been asked it several times before. Usually I would tilt my head as a response but I found myself looking at Felix. He gave me an encouraging smile and I took a deep shaky breath.

"Yes," I simply responded, internally cheering that I didn't stutter. The three friends turned to look at me with shocked eyes and I could see the faint smile on Felix's face.

"Holy balls your voice us way deeper than I thought it would be," Jack stated, making me laugh. I don't know why but I found his statement very hilarious. I stopped laughing and tilted my head slightly.

"My voice isn't as deep as reddy here," I said shrugging. I mentally slapped myself for not remembering the males name.

"He's got a point there Jack," the deep voices male said.

"Shut up Mark," Jack shot back. Oh yeah... Mark. Ken turned to his bickering friends and told them both to shut up. The pouts the two made brought a smile to my face.

"Well Cry, it's nice to meet you. And hear your stunning deep voice," Ken said in a girly voice as he bashed his eyes.

Me and Felix burst into laughter. Mark and Jack started saying girly things as well that made me laugh harder and I found my stomach hurting. And when Felix joined in I felt like I was about to die from how much I was laughing.

I didn't know his Mark was able to make his voice so high pitch but it was super entertaining. I ended up joining in once I stopped laughing but kept noticing the look on Felix's face when he turned to me. I'll talk to him about that later.

We took a break to calm ourselves and get more snacks. In that time Mark and Jack let to get food, Ken took a toilet break and me and Felix stayed to choose a new game. This gave me time to ask him why he was looking at me oddly.

"Felix?" I asked quietly. He looked up at me and a frown twitched at his face but he quickly pulled it into a small smile. I sighed.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I sighed looking down. I could still see the frown that formed on his face though.

"Do what?" He asked. I looked up at him to see that he was actually confused as to what I was talking about.

"Why do you frown every time you look at me? You try to hide it but I can still see it. Did I do something wrong?" I asked in a sudden shaky voice.

He saw the distress in my voice and quickly stood up and pulled me into a hug. I felt my face flush and was glad I had my mask to hide it now.

"Oh Cry. You could never do anything wrong. Don't worry about it alright?" He said softly. I pulled away and looked at him, tempted to say 'I'll worry about it' but found myself nodding instead whispering a quiet 'okay'.

I heard footsteps approaching and sat back down on the floor just as Jack and Mark came back into the room. The two seemed like they had the remains of a blush on their face.

They sat down and shared a quick glance but I knew it meant a lot more to them than that. I could read peoples faces easily and I knee they had something between each other. I knew exactly what too from the smile that spread across both of their faces and how their cheeks turned a darker shade if pink.

Ken came back in and flicked his wet hands at Felix, making him groan in disgust. He wiped his face clean and stuck his tongue out at the bearded man.

They talked about what game to play next but after a quick glance at Felix I felt my head spin a little. He had a slight frown on his face and sorrow lingering in his eyes. His friends were too engaged in their conversation to notice but I did.

I felt guilty for causing him this sorrow and I knew it was me who caused it. If I hadn't had asked that stupid question everything would have been fine.

A sudden sickness fell over me and I felt like throwing up. The room began to spin and everything blurred. I stood up at tried to excuse myself but my words fell short.

I stumbled over my feet and felt warm arms hold me up. I looked up and was met with two blue orbs staring back at me. It became harder to breath and I felt my breath being caught behind my mask. Blurred voices rang all around me but no words made sense in my head.

Everything darkened and I felt my body become cold and numb. I could feel my body slip towards the ground but passed out before I reached it.

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