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Cry's POV
I walked down the footpath with my head down and my hands in my pockets. I kept thinking of how I had looked at Felix. When looking at him I had the sudden urge to kiss him but I knew he didn't feel the same way.

In class I had noticed him always looking at this girl with long dark brown hair. Marzia I think her name was. She was very beautiful and had the sweetest Italian voice ever.

I knew Felix liked her from the way he looked at her so I should stop thinking about kissing Felix. I told myself over and over again all the different excuses why I shouldn't love Felix but with each excuse I found d myself only thinking about him more and more. I let out a frustrated groan and stopped to rub my face, as if all my worries would flood away.

I looked around the place I had stopped to discover it was my old house. Yes, old house. I live with Felix now not here. So why did I get the sudden urge to go inside?

All the police had left when they had found all the evidence they needed. They had left just after I got my stuff. Police tape still stuck to some trees and around the front porch.

I approached the door and went I side. I remembered something I had forgotten when I was last here. I remember my uncle had thrown it in a box somewhere but where?

I searched his room and nearly cheered in delight when I found the box. I searched through it quickly and sighed happily when it was still there. I searched a little more but left when I found nothing else I wanted.

I quietly left the house but stopped when I saw the two jocks across the street. The saw me and started stirring towards me. I did what my natural instinct was. Run.

I ran as fast as i could all the way back to Felix's house. I glaced over my shoulder as I approached to make sure they weren't following and was glad to find they weren't.

I hurried into the house, almost slamming the door as I did, and ran upstairs. Felix sat on his bed with his phone in his hand. He glanced up at me with a face full of worry.

"Cry, are you okay?" He asked before his eyes drifted to my hands. "What's that?" He asked, pointing to the object I held firmly to my chest.

I looked down at the small picture frame in my hands. I hesitantly held it up so he could see the three smiling figures in the frame.

"It's a picture of my mum, Nathan and I," I stated sadly. "It was the last time we ever went out together."

His eyes widened in realization and he jumped up to hug me. I felt tears form in my eyes and I hugged Felix back.

"If I hadn't have begged them to take me to that stupid theme park they would still be alive," I blurted out, breaking down into sobs.

Felix rubbed my back and said soothing things to me. I calmed down after a few minute and recollected myself. I wiped away the tears that stained my face and met Felix's caring eyes.

"It's okay Cry. I'm here for you now. Do you... Wanna talk about it?" He asked cautiously, not wanting me to get upset but also wanting to know what happened.

I sighed and shook my head. I wasn't quite ready to talk about it yet but at the same time a part if me desperately wanted to. That part will just have to wait though.

"I understand. Hey uh, I have something I want to show you," he said, taking my hand. I blushed slightly but nodded, letting him lead me to a room down the hall.

He opened the door and what I saw amazed me. The room looked like gaming heaven. A whole wall was dedicated to shelves filled with games, gaming posters hung on all the other walls. At the other end of the room a large couch sat in front of a giant wide screen TV that was hooked up to all sorts if different gaming consoles and bean bags and recliners sat around it. In one corner, closer to the door, lay a desk with three monitors on it connected to a gaming PC. A gaming chair sat in front of the desk.

My mouth hung open in amazement. I had never seen so much gaming equipment in my life, not even when my mother took me to a gaming store.

Felix's laugh pulled me out of my daze and I looked at him with wide eyes. He had his usual chilled smile resting on his face and seemed casual as always.

"Wanna play a game?" He asked. I nodded my head furiously as he walked up to the large TV and turned it on. Bloody trap land was already loaded and I saw he was only on level three at the current moment.

"Can we play that?" I asked, pointing to the screen. Felix grumbled something about and impossible game but nodded with a smile.

He set up the second controller and we began to play. I soon discovered why Felix was only on level three and that I was actually awesome at this game.

"STUPID FUCKING BRO FIST!" Felix cursed as he tried to get past the same object I was currently sitting on too of.

I was laughing at all of Felix's failed attempts and how angry he got each time he didn't pass the same trap. He kept getting more and more angry with each time. I decided I should probably say something to calm him down.

"Hey Felix?" I asked as I stopped my giggles.

"What?" He asked as he died again.

"Look at my blanket," I said childishly as I made my character move. He smiled and took his eyes away from the screen and turned to me.

"It's a lovely blanket Cry," he said as he returned to his normal calm manner. I smiled again as I killed his character.

He swore in Swedish but started laughing. The evening was filled with us mucking around and laughing at our failed attempts. Well, mostly Felix's failed attempts but that doesn't matter. At least we had fun.

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