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Felix's POV
The days went by too quickly after that. I would spend the mornings recording videos, sometimes with Cry, and the evenings editing or doing whatever I felt like doing really.

I kept finding myself thinking about what Ken told me. I had one month... How is this even going to work? I have less than a month now to get Cry to fall in love with me again? That's impossible. I don't even know what he looks like now!

"Face it Felix. You're going to be humiliated by Ken. Cry will never forgive you," I told myself as I fell onto the couch. My phone started ringing and I saw it was from Ken. Speak of the devil.

"Hey Pewds," he said cheerfully.

"What got you in a happy mood?" I asked as I put the phone on speaker and opened my laptop.

"Ohhhh, no reason," he said, sounding more suspicious than ever.

"What are you planning Ken?" I was really curious. With the end of the month coming up next week he was probably planning something for then.

"I'm planning a holiday. Can I stay at your house for a week?" He suddenly asked.

"Ah, when?" I picked up my phone and looked at it, even though it showed a blank screen at the moment.

"Next week. I just need a place to stay for a bit and hotels cost heaps in your area," he said quickly.

"Uh, sure. I'll need to clean up a bit and tidy the guest room but when will you be here?" I asked, though I was still suspicious.

"I'll be there in three days okay. We can talk about how you're going to confess to Cry," he said, his smile obvious through the tone of his voice. That's what he was planning.

"Oh you-," I began but the line went dead. "Fucking ass."

I let out a sigh before figuring I may as well start cleaning up a little. Ken knows I'm not very tidy at home but I still clean when he comes. I gotta look a little hygienic.

~time skip to when Ken arrives~

I heard a knock on the door and slouched over to answer it. I already knew who it was because Ken was shouting out "NOTICE ME SENPAI!" At the top of his lungs. I opened the door with a not so amused face and half glared at him as he bashed his eyes.

"Get inside you idiot," I laughed and stepped aside. He cheered and rushed inside, going straight to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and closed the door.

"You got any mayo?" Ken asked as he made himself a sandwich. I pointed to the fridge (or where ever you keep mayo. I don't like it so I wouldn't know) and he immediately opened it and found what he wanted.

"Want some?" He asked as he held up half the sandwich. When I shook my head he shrugged and began gobbling down the chicken and mayo sandwich. I shook my head and sat down on the couch.

"So what are you doing here in Sweden?" I asked as I flicked through social media.

"Oh, a friends coming over. He should be here soon actually," he said. I was about to speak when there was a quiet knocking at the door. "That should be him now actually."

Ken hurried to the door with the rest if his sandwich in his hand. I heard him talking to someone quietly at the door as I approached.

"Ken? Why didn't you tell me that someone else was coming?" I asked but froze when I saw a white porcelain mask. "Oh."

"Oh, hey Pewds. I think I might just actually stay at a hotel after all. You know, since you only have one spare bedroom and I'm sure you two wouldn't share a bed just yet," Ken said as he started rushing back to his car.

"Wait, what? No Ken don't you dare you fucking...," I started swearing in Swedish as his car started and drove away. I hadn't realized I had walked halfway down the driveway until I had to walk back to Cry, who was still standing awkwardly at the door.

"Sorry about that. Ken is just a jerk," I said irritated as I stomped through the front door and to the kitchen to clean up the mess he made.

"Great first impression there Pewds," I head a deep voice say and nearly jumped when I looked up to see Cry leaning against the doorframe. I scoffed.

"Yeah, well he's a dick and it wasn't my first impression," I stated with a shrug. His mask only covered his eyes and nose now and showed a bearded face and the smirk that crossed his lips.

"As adults it is," he said slyly as he took a step closer to me. I laughed and shook my head slightly.

"No, we've talked on Skype as adults," I said.

"Face to face you doof," Cry said, taking another small step.

"Well, it's not quite face to face. Face to mask more likely," I replied as I finished putting everything away. I turned around and jumped back into the wall when I was met with Cry's mask up close.

"I can take it off if you want," he said in a deeper, quieter voice than before. I bit my lip at the urge to kiss him and shook away all the thoughts that flew through my head.

"You don't have to," I whispered, my voice somehow taken away by his closeness. He tilted his head slightly and I could see his bright blue eyes glint in the reflection of light for a moment.

"It's your choice," he whispered. "Take it off it you want." He leaned a little closer and I reached up and gently slid his mask off. As I did he leant closer and soon or lips were together and I was leaning into him.

I dropped the string of the mask over my hand, leaving the mask hanging from my arm and my hands tangled into Cry's hair. His hands rested against my chest and I wouldn't be surprised if he could feel my pounding heartbeat. He pulled away and we smiled at each other.

"Welcome back Cry."

Well, that happened

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