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Note: Wattpad has been flipping out and I am currently watching my little sister for the evening so there might not be much. Also, i havent edited it so there gonna be a lot more errors than usual... sorry

Cry's pov
I woke to a gently hand shaking me and a soft voice calling my name. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with a kiss on the lips. I leaned into it and I felt the person smile. They pulled away and chuckled.

"Looks like someones awake," Felix said quietly so it didn't disturb my tired head. I smiled lazily and snuggled into his arms. He laughed again and wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"Why'd ya wake me up man?" I said sleepily. I felt vibrations run through my head as Felix hummed.

"We have ten minutes until we need to be at the airport. I gave you some time to wake up," he said. His grip loosened and his warmth vanished. I whinned at the coldness that washed over me and heard Felix snort. I scoffed and sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"You're mean," I mumbled as I swung my legs over the bed. I stretched and stood up.

"How am I mean?" Felix objected. I put my hands on my hips and pulled a sassy pose.

"You disturbed my beauty sleep. This doesn't come naturally ya know," I said, motioning to my face. He laughed but was quick to stop his giggles.

"It looks perfect to me," he said before leaving the room to let me get dressed. I stood silent for a moment before realisong I hadn't had any nightmares. Felix had stayed and made sure I didnt. He kept his promiss.

I smiled at the thought and quickly got changed into some more public apropriate clothes, since I was wearing my pj pants, and headed into the kitchen. Felix was making sandwiches and our stuff was at the front door. Felix was humming a song when I approached.

"What ya makin?" I asked, still a little tired. He smiled and stuffed some crisps into his mouth.

"A snack," he said through the foor and I scrunched uo my nose.

"Don't speak with your mouthful you pig," I said with fake disgust. He smirked and sruffed more chips in his mouth.

"Mu house my rules," he said through the mouthful of chips. I laughed and shook my head, taking a chip before sitting on the bench. I slapped my back playfully.

"Don't sit on the bench, its where i cook my food," he mimicked my tone and i rolled my eyes, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Says the one who was spitting food everywhere," i scoffed. His usual cheeky smirk crossed his face.

"If i spit food everywhere and food belongs on the bench then technically you're my food and I'm gonna spit you out," he said in a deep voice. I blushed but was quick to think of a reply.

"Why? Can't you handle the taste of me?" I smirked. He blushed a bright red and looked dosn at the foor he was making. I laughed and jumped off the bench. I walked behind Felix and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"You've changed Cry," he said jokingly. I giggled.

"Awe, you can't handel comebacks now?" I mocked. He laughed and twisted his body around so he was facing me.

"Nah, it's just a surprise coming from you," he said calmly.

"So i have to stay the stuttery shy one all the time?" I asked with fake offense. Felix shook his head quickly.

"No, i didnt say that. I was just saying you're cute when you stutter and blush," he said with a smile. I felt myself blush and his smile broadened.

"Sh-shut up," I scowled then realised I was doing the two things he wanted to get out of me. He laughed and finished off our snacks. We then called a taxi and headed to the airport. I smiled all the way there until realising i had left my apartment a mess.

Such as his bed from fucking so much 😂

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