A ЂώζЅŧ of Fate ♪ Four

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“Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.” ~Markus Zusak, I am the Messenger

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2012 © All rights reserved

A ЂώζЅŧ of Fate ♪ Four

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
From whatever
We will still be
Friends forever
Vitamin C's song - Graduation, played repeatedly in the background as we hugged and embraced each other. How I loved this song yet hated it at the same time! The words were so heartbreaking yet so true. Val and I held onto each other as tears flowed down our cheeks.
"I can't believe we are finally graduating from high school!" She wailed loudly.
I nodded. It had been a memorable three years - we got to know each other back in our first year.
"And now we are going on our ways!" She bawled like a three year old kidwhose lollipop had been snatched from her.
Val had selected to enroll to a college in London while I had opted for a cheaper college nearer to home. We could still meet up whenever she gets back home during the vacations, but I'm sure she'll make new friends and probably lessen her visits. Besides, I was not sure what my new schedule would be. The only word I could use to describe it would probably be - hectic.
Yes, in case you are wondering, I have decided to take up Mr. Barlow's offer as One Direction's resident drummer. After all the arrangements he had done for me, it would seem heartless for me to reject it. And frankly speaking, my pride was too large to give up such an opportunity.
Just few days ago, I have signed a one-year contract with them. The schedule showed a fully packed itinerary up till December before breaking into smaller breaks for the first quarter of next year which suited me fine because I was only going back to school in January. The money and allowance was good - more than what Mom and I could ask for. The only concern I had was Mom, but I promised I'll be home whenever I can.
Apart from Mom, I told nobody else about the contract. Not even Val. I wasn't sure how she would react and besides, I like to keep a low profile.
The boys were over the moon after they learnt of my decision and were bugging me to join them as soon as possible. But I wanted to be here forgraduation. So I'll join them at London after the graduation party.
"I can't believe you've found yourself a job," Val grumbled.
I smiled.
"When do you have to leave?"
"Tomorrow." I have told Val that I was going to London to help my Aunt ather shop business.
"So soon?!" She sighed. "Why can't you wait till when I leave so that we can leave together?"
"School will start by then and I'll have to be back," I reminded.
She pouted, "Then, make sure you are coming to the party tonight." She wriggled her finger at me.
I frowned. I wasn't that keen to go for any parties. I had an early flight to catch and I was hoping to spend some time with Mom.
"Maybe not..."
"You are skipping it again?!" She scolded. "You've skipped prom and now the party?"
I waved her off, "Go have fun, don't worry about me." I assured her.

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"Mom, that's way too much clothes to bring!" I protested as she tried stuffing another coat into the bag.
"It's bound to get cold," she answered.
"Mom, it's summer!"
"It'll be autumn soon." With a hard shove, she managed to squeeze in two more coats. "You know how easily you catch a cold."
I sighed. You can never fight against mothers.
"Did we leave out anything?" She walked back to the wardrobe and began ransacking the chests.
"I think you've packed the entire wardrobe," I pointed out.
She looked at me and grinned sheepishly.
"It's the first time my baby is going away on her own. Can't blame me for over reacting, can you?"
"Mom, I'm seventeen," I informed her before I went to her and gave her a bear hug. "I'll be fine but I'm going to miss you..."
"Me too," her voice teary before she drew me apart and looked at me sternly. "Now, you better behave yourself young lady."
I narrowed my eyes.
"Don't look at me like that," she pointed. "I don't want any hanky panky stuff or hear any trouble about you."
"Mom! What were you thinking?" I retorted.
"There's way too much at stake here with five growing up boys..."
"Mom!" I cut her. "I'm nobody for the boys to even fancy!"
Her eyes softened, "Darling, you are a beautiful girl. It only takes a decent guy who loves you enough to figure that out. You can forget about those who look at your surface."
"I know that!"
"Don't be taken in by men's sweet words. Think with your head rather than your heart," she sighed.
I looked at her saddened face as she sat down on my bed.
"Are you talking about yourself?" I teased.
"I loved your father," she answered. "And I believe I did use my head despite what your grandfather thought."
I never doubted my parents' love for each other. Now don't get it wrong. There's nothing bad about my father. Only thing was my granddad - mom's daddy, didn't think him worthy of mom.
My mom was an accountant and a good one back in New York when she met my
dad. Dad was a free lance photographer from Birmingham. Since he was free-lanced, he had no stable income. It all depended on what kind of projects he could get. Mom gave up her job when she married him and moved to Birmingham.
Three years ago, he had a breakthrough. One of the newspaper agencies wanted a photograph in the Iraq war. Dad jumped at the opportunity especially since it brought good money. But he was caught in a cross fire and that was the last we heard of him.
Finding the memories too hard to bear, we moved to Manchester hoping to start anew. That's when Mom got her job at the Korean firm. Money wasn't fantastic but at least it gave her time with me.
Grandma - mom's mom had suggested for us to return to the states but mom's pride could not afford it. (Now you know where I inherited my ego.) She would not even accept the monies grandma sent except my Christmas gifts.
"You sure you would be alright, Mom?" I asked worried.
She gave me a reassuring smile as she brushed through my hair, "I'm a big girl. Just keep me updated."
"I will call every day," I promised.
She laughed, "You don't have to, especially if you are on the road."
"I will." My tone determined.
I walked back to the luggage lying by the bed, "But Mom, seriously, this is way too much clothes..."

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