You again

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Megan's prov.


"Megan, is that really you?"

"Omg jake it's really you! I've missed you so much, I can't believe you got out."

"Ya we'll neither can I Meg's. I got out a day before you did that's why I wasn't there to see you off. I'm sorry baby."

"It's ok."

"So Meg's how's it feel to be out?"

"Amazing for now anyways." *sighs*

"Why what's wrong baby?"

"I have to go to my old school were the bullied me and tortured me."

"What school?"


"That's the school I have to go to."

"Really yes I'm not going to be alone and we can hang out again."

"Ya this is going to be great."

"I've missed you jake."

"Me to Meg's me to. hey why don't you use my nickname for me like I'm calling you Meg's and baby like we agreed."

"Sorry boo I'm just in shock. that your here."

"Hey Meg's did you get a phone yet?"

"Ya. why?"

"Give me your number."

"Oh ok 817-342-7980"

"Thanks ill text you later I got to go baby. see you later."

"By boo." they hugged good bye and went there separate ways.

I wonder where Clair is? I lost her when I started to talk to boo. hmmm... she might be in Victoria secret. man I hate this store.


"Yes over here Megan."

"Finally I found you."

"Soo Megan who was that boy."

"Oh that's jake. we met and became best friends at the institution."

"That's cool. so do you like him, as in like like him?"

"Omg no,maybe,yes"

"Awe look Megan's blushing and has a little crush."

"Shut up. can we go home now?"


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