Stay away from me

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Megan's prov.

I woke up in my bed, but how did I get here? the last thing I remember is that I tried killing myself and that I relapsed and cut. after that I dot remember anything else or before that.

I got out of bed and just collapsed onto the ground. I'm so lost I don't know what's going on and why I can't walk. I screamed in pain again, but it looks like no ones around to help me. I spoke to soon jake barged into my room and came to my side.

I looked at him and then looked behind and saw a puppy. then everything came back and hit me like a ton of bricks. I screamed and pushed jake off of me and scooted away. the puppy looked scared/sad but I didn't care.

The reason why I'm so scared of the dog is because, when I was younger and I lived with my dad. he had gotten me a cat and a dog I loved them both. you see my cat ran away two days later so i looked to the dog for company.

Little did I know my dad had a plan for the dog. he had trained it to attack on his command and one day after he had his "fun" he sent the dog after me. I was attacked by the dog and i was bleeding out. later that night my dad killed the dog right in front of me.

You see the dog was my only friend and I love the dog. ever since then I haven't let anyone in or even got the closest to touching another animal. So seeing that puppy brings back memory's and jake forcing me to be with the dog is to painful.

Me:jake get that thing away from me

J: why Megan why should I it's not hurting anyone

M: please jake please get it away from me

J:no it's for you and stop being a bitch and take the damn dog

M: GET OUT!!! just get out and leave me alone. LEAVE JAKE JUST LEAVE I screamed while crying

J: why I don't understand what's the big deal of having a dog.

M: because jake but you don't understand NOW GET OUT!

J: fine bitch

After he left I just cried, but I didn't know the dog was still here. I looked at it and cried harder.

I HATE MY LIFE I screamed and then passed out

Jakes prov.

Remember when I said if Megan was kidnapped I wouldn't go find her well I take it all back. when I saw her relapse and me seeing her act the way she did about the dog. gave me a viewing of Megan she looked so scared and alone, broken and it broke my heart to see her that way.

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