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Megan's prov.

Ever since I walked in on jake and Sydney in a very heard make out so never was the same. I ignored jake and focused more on training and getting to know conner. I also replaced my training partner to conner.

Jake and I were called to the academy office. as we're walking to the office jake tried talking to me but I just ignored him. I could tell he was getting a little annoyed but he stuck with not saying anything.


Professor: just the two i wanted to see. now there's a mission and I want you two to take care of it.

Me- WHAT!!!! you can't make me work with him can I please work with Conner. or anyone but him or Sydney please, don't make me.

J- wait just a minute you and I are the best team you can't just replace me and why do you hate me so much. what did I ever do.

M-actually just take me out of the whole mission let him and his bitch of a girlfriend do it.

P- Megan, jake sit down NOW! listen here and listen good, you two are our best spies and our best team. work your shit out on you personal time. now both if you are going on this mission of boyfriend and girlfriend. Ja...

M- WHAT!! are you serious I'm not going to be his pretend girlfriend and or best friend anymore I'm done with that. I'm sorry but I will and can not go on this mission with him.

P- ok Megan you will get a new partner jake you and Sydney are on this mission. Megan you and your twin are now partners now leave.

And with that I got up and left. I started running cause I knew jake was pissed.


M- you tell me jake

J- really new partners, you know we're the best team

M-so what conner and I are a better team HE doesn't LIE to me or go behind my back

J- look Meagan dont do this

M-to late already done bye

And with that I left jake alone and with tears streaming down my face. at that moment I promised I would never cry over him or another guy again except Conner but he doesn't count.

Later that night I locked myself in the gym all I did was push myself to the limits. eventually conner had to come get me. he knew something happened and I explained to him what all happened. he was very understanding and happy that we were new partners and had a mission coming. but also sad for some reason no clue why though.

That night I fell asleep with conners arms wrapped around me. I felt ten times more safer with him than jake. ugh jake I hate, but I could never hate you. why me, why me.

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