Just a dream

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Megan's prov.

I woke up from a nightmare. I checked my phone for any tex but there wasn't any. It was just a dream that jake and I got together.

It was 2:00am when I realized that jake was here. I was confused I woke up jake to see what happened.

Jake I whispered and whispered until he woke up.

"What is it megan?"

"What happened last night I'm so lost what are you doing here?"

"You called me here because you were scared."

"What was I scared of and are we together?"

"That your dad was gonna come back an hurt you and no why would you think that?"

"Oh ok and because of my dream sorry for asking it just felt so real."

"Hey Meg's it's ok I promise and please don't cry."

"Ok." *sniffles*

"Shhh, shhh go to sleep."

When I woke back up at 10:00 am jake was gone I had found a note saying he left because of his parents called him and he made sure that he wasn't home and that I was safe then left.

I went downstairs and found Clair there making breakfast and I thought it was time to ask her about my dad and about why they married.

"Hey Clair I have a question."

"What is it sweety?"

"Why did you marry my dad?"

"Want to know the truth?"


"Because I heard that he had his daughter taken away to an asylum, and me being me i needed to know why all heard was a lie you see I work for the CIA and well I can tell when people lie. so I needed to get close and now since your here I can find out the truth you see your dad is away for work so I need to work fast to find out the truth."

"Oh well ok then."

"I would ask you but your a bitch and are a good liar and secretive so I can't find anything out."

"I'm only a bitch to my dad an besides I want to go I don't want to be here!"

"Then leave."

"Ok fine I will I just hope you guys watch your back cause I'll be back"

I ran up the stairs and called jake and told him what happened and he had asked his parents if I could stay with him. so I started packing and once done I left.

Revenge is mineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora