Im free

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Megan's prov.

I'm so excited right now I'm literally jumping in my seat. Jakes sitting there laughing his ass off at me. I already punched him to make him stop but that only got him to video tape me. ugh!!! men.

Anyways I'm finally getting out of the hospital and I'm excited because it was so boring and weird. I also get to start back up at the academy again with jake and finishing school there and becoming the best spy.

Jake and I start next week. also were partners so we both go undercover together. yay I'm so happy.

As soon as the doctors said I could leave I ran out of that room to my car and waited for jake who was taking his time to get there. he was doing that on purpose because he knew I was about to explode.

Once he got there I took the keys and started the car and started heading home when I took a "detour" to chic-fli-a to get REAL food. then to the prank store, or as i like to call it the revenge store. muahaha

Jake understood why i did though I'm gonna get my revenge on that school and the people in it. you all heard the saying KARMA'S A BITCH well be warned I'm also a bitch when you mess with me.

I turned to jake and asked:

M: now tell me the truth who was it that put me in that coma and are we done shopping?

J: yes and I already told you I don't know

M: that's bullshit

J:what is

M: you know damn well what now tell me who

J: oh look were home

M: don't you fucking move jake

J: fine it was .....

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