Where is she

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Jakes prov.

The note was supposed to be a suicide note but I know what Megan's hand writing looks like. and I knew that wasn't hers. it was none other than Jacksons.

But I know that he isn't working alone. But with who. this is so frustrating. the note said:

Dear whoever cares,
I can't take it anymore. the pain, my life, any of it. I'm sorry but I have to go. I know this will break you jake but I can't do this anymore. it's to hard. I'm just gonna get out of your hair. good bye.
P.S. don't come and find me.

I re-read it to try to figure out how he found us and who actually took her. I just hope he didn't hurt her. I swear if they hurt her I WILL kill them.

I called my dad to tell him what happened.

M- hey dad there's a problem

D- what do you mean problem?

M- Megan's been kidnapped

D- what!

M- ya I was making dinner for her and when I came back to get her. she was gone. the window was broken and there was a "suicide" note.

D- how do you know it wasn't real?

M- it wasn't her hand writing

D- then who wrote it.

M- Jackson

D- that bastard

M- but listen he couldn't of done it alone someone is working with him but I don't know who.

D- all right I'm going to send help you go as plan just say your sister is sick for now.

M- got it

Then the call ended. I promise to find you Megan. I promise. even if it kills me. good night baby wherever you are. stay safe.

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