Welcome to the hell hole

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Megan's prov.

So jake and I left for the hell hole called school. we left in my white Chevy Malibu that I got as a "welcoming home" gift,but it wasn't really a gift because I'm not welcomed home.

Anyways I was driving because I know where the the hell hole was. as I'm driving jake keeps trying to encourage me that everything will be ok and there's nothing to worry about.

I finally had enough of him so I slightly turned and punched him as hard as I could, and let me tell you I punch hard. once I punched my door and the door had to be replaced.

Next thing you know you here jake screaming like a little girl. let me tell you it was hilarious.

I turned to jake and apologized and asked him:

Me: "want to hear a horror story in one word?"

Jake: " sure."

Me: "school."

Jake: "haha that funny"

Jake: " hey everything's going to be ok I promise, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

Me: " I know you won't."

Jake: " we're here."

So I parked our car and got out only to be looked at by everyone. it's the exact same as I left it before I had to go to the facility. I just walked right past everyone and went straight to the front office to get or time tables.

Me: excuse me mam were new here and we need to get out time tables.

Lady: oh hello and sure what are your names?

Me: Megan carp and this is Jake Whelms

Lady: here you go sweetie and you have the same name of a girl I once knew

Me: news flash I'm that girl

After that I just walked out to go to my locker. the funny thing is, is that it's the same locker I had before I left for the facility. it also turns out jakes locker is right by mine and we have all the same classes.

I turned to jake cause he called my name and he whispered in my ear: "hey before you know it we will be out of here because we're ahead of everybody at this school and we can graduate early."

Me: I know and I'm excited for it.

So jake and I were heading to our first period class only to be stopped by the queen of bitches. you see back then I was short kinda chubby and had acni now I'm tall,skinny and I don't need makeup because I don't have anything on my face and I have the perfect tan.

Bitch#1: hey slut what do you think your doing acting like you own this place and trying to take my boyfriend away.

Me: who you calling slut bitch and umm first of all it's called walking to class and second I don't even know your boyfriend

Bitch: ugh, and yes you do your standing by him

Me: you mean him* points to jake*

Bitch: ya him moron

Jake: umm who said I was yours last time I checked I never met you and I was still single and your a bitch.

Bitch: ugh

Jake: let's get to class

Me: ok

Me: you just saved me from punching the crap out of her

Jake: who was that?

Me: Stacy and her evil minions surprisingly they didn't talk, god I hate them

Jake: calm down Meg's

Me: sorry boo they just get on my nerves specially since she called you hers

Jake: well that won't ever happen

Me: I hope so, but welcome to hell

Jake: you said it

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