Im free

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Megan's prov.

I woke up in my bed. how did I get here? how am I not dead? Who found me and got me out? how long was I asleep and away from here?

Then everything hit me like a ton of bricks. everything that had happened to me since I was kidnapped. I was beaten, raped, starved, tortured. how jake was the one who carried me out of there.

All I could do was cry. not out of sadness but out of happiness and that I was free, but also out in pain and being scared. did they kill Jackson and my father or are they still on the run?

I started crying harder thinking of the last thing. then I heard people talking in walkie talkies. then the door flew open with a frantic jake and my trainer.

They saw me and came towards me. they both looked horrible. they came and sat by me and told me what had happened since jake got me out. and what I had to hear was miserable, and made me cry harder.

Jake sat there with me all night and soothed me till I fell asleep. that night I had a dream.


I saw my mom and she was talking to someone but I couldn't tell who. she turned to me and smiled and hugged me. she said:

Mom: Megan you have a twin.

Me: huh what do you mean I have a twin

Mom: sweety you have a twin brother. he's at the house you were tortured in.

Me: what how

Mom: your father sent him away you spent two years with him he knows your alive he saw you at the retched place

Me: what's his name

Mom: Conner

Me: is he safe can we get him

Mom: honey they saved him when they saved you ask about it tomorrow

Me: what does he look like

Mom: exactly like you but in guy form you'll know when you see him now I must go i love you

Then the dream was over. I woke up panting. I started to wake up jake. he finally woke up.

Me: jake I need to talk to you now

J: why

M: I have a twin you guys saved him when you saved me

J: huh

M: just take me to all the prisoners you saved now

J: fine

We looked and looked when I found someone sobbing. I went to the room and knocked on the door. And the person answered it.

My mom was right I knew exactly who he was. it was Conner.

M: Conner

C: Megan, it's really you

M: I can't believe I didn't know I had a twin

C: I knew but the day you left was the hardest for both of us

M: did anyone hurt you

C: no I got a good family that was until they were murder by our father. but what about you.

M: I was stuck with dad I lived in the attic and was raped by him and his friends and beaten and sent to a mental institution for something I didn't do.

C: that bastard

M: I missed you Conner I remember you I remember everything now.

C: I miss you to sis

J: umm I'm lost who is this

C: Megan who's this guy

M: Conner meet jake my best friend we met in the institution and jake meet my twin Conner that I haven't seen in 16 years.

C: nice to meet you and is there anything going on between you two

M: no Conner there isn't and it's nice to have my over protective brother back

J: I'm just gonna Meg's. I'll let you catch up.

M: bye jake and thank you.

Conner and I talked for hours. we talked till we fell asleep. we were woken up by jake.

J: Megan. megan. Megan get up

At this I punched jake in the face once again.

J: Owwww what the fuck megan

M: you know better than to wake me up ass

C: haha that's hilarious you got punched and hurt by a girl.

J: shut up she punches hard

M: Conner do you wanna get punched to

C: nah I'm good thanks for the offer

After that we all just kinda hung out and became really close. now it's time to go to school and training. yay school not.

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