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Jakes prov.

I can't do this anymore. I can't go on knowing that she's out there and in danger. I get a call every two days from her kidnappers. I still haven't figured out who's the second person is.

It's been two weeks since she was taken. two weeks of agonizing pain. two weeks without sleep. two weeks of me constantly worrying about her.

I'm not the only one who's a total wreck. my father and mother are worried shitless. It's getting harder on all of us to continue with. some are starting to give up hope and faith while others just don't want to believe it.

One of our workers that was Megan's trainer jumped out of his seat and screamed:

Brian: iv found her!! iv found her!

Me: what! where is she?

B: she's at and old abandon where house 30 miles south of the house you and her were at.


Megan's prov.

I'm so tired. I'm emotionally I'm in pain. mentally I'm depressed. spiritually I'm stressed. physically I smile. but it's getting harder to keep going.

Everyday I'm beaten. my body hurts. I can't take it anymore. I'm so exhausted of trying. I stopped screaming and fighting when they take me from my room and beat me and rape me. sooner or later I'm going to die so why care.

I hear them coming down the hall to come and take me to the torture chamber. I don't care anymore. they can do whatever they want and it doesn't hurt me. I open the pain with open arms. I deserve it, every bit of it.

When they opened my cell door it wasn't who I expected it to be. it wasn't Jackson or my dad it was jake.

I could hear jake talking to me but I couldn't concentrate. I was really weak and exhausted. Everything was getting fuzzy. and the room was spinning. I could feel I was getting picked up but I could say anything. I finally felt safe. Looked up and saw jake looking down at me and I slightly smiled and in a horse voice i replied with:

M: you.

And I started to doze off but not before I heard jake say:

J: your safe now. go to sleep baby and rest.

Then I was out like a light.

Jakes prov.

I found her. I finally got her back, my baby back. I'm not letting her go ever again. when I found her she look exhausted and warn out. she looked like she was tired of trying and giving up. she was all bloody and dirty. she was naked to and everything looked infected.

I carried her out of there and got her to the hospital and got her fixed up and got to take her home/ to the academy.

She's been asleep for a week. but I understand why. I can finally rest in peace knowing she's here and safe. I hear her scream in her sleep from nightmares but I can only whisper in her ear and soothe her.

Everyone is still on edge of what happened and is adding more guards to her room inside and out. the only thing is, is that her takers got away they saw that we were coming and got away.

She's going to be scared and pissed when she finds out. then when she's all healed she's going to push her self over the limits to get back in shape and get her revenge.

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