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Jakes prov.

When we hugged goodbye it felt like we were hugging for the last time. I hate to say this but I fell and I mean I fell hard for my best friend. I just don't think he likes me that way.

As I watched her walk away it tore my heart out to see her go.

When we first met we couldn't stand to see each other, but once I saw her cry from what I had said and she had finally took it to heart she snapped. what I had said truly haunts me.

My exact words were " at least my parents did this for me out of good yours never liked you bitch!"

She replied with tears in her eyes " my mom died giving birth to me and my dad hated me for it and abused me raped me and I was blamed and sent here for HIS mistake."

After that she ran from the cafe in tears. I went and looked and looked for her but no use until I found a girl crying/screaming. I opened the door to see Megan trying to open a pill bottle of anti-depressants at this I knocked the bottle out of hand and just held her till she fell asleep even then I didn't let her go. we stayed there all night.

That morning I apologized and she forgave me and since then we did everything together and became best friends and started to love her.

Later that night I texted her our convo was:

Me:hey baby

Meg's: hey boo how's it goin

Me: look I need to tell you something...

Meg's: what is it jake please tell me you didn't go into a relapse

Me: no never I've been clean for 5 months but what I have to say is personal.

Meg's: spit it out boo

Me: I'm in love with you. I have been since the day I saved you from killing yourself. I can't get you out of my head

Meg's: really jake. I'm in love with you to always have been always will be

Me: ya I'm serious and Meg's does this mean you will be mine and only mine

Meg's: yes and forever and always


Meg's: and I LOVE YOU

Me: hey babe I gtg ill tex ya later k

Meg's: ya sure night boo

Me: night baby

Yes I finally have her as mine. I won't let her go easy I will love her till the day I or she dies. she's mine and mine only and I love her with all my heart.

Just kidding I couldn't send it.

Revenge is mineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora