Chapter 8 ~ Regret is Torture

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(Torture with a whip ahead, but just a tiny bit, only for about a minute or two. Ya know, it's Blackberry, let him have some 'fun' for once.)

Error's POV

"wAiT. HoW dId ThE hUmAn EsCaPe? i ThOuGhT hOrRoR WaS SkIlLed iN KeEpInG sOmEoNe HoStAgE?" I asked Nightmare, who just rubbed his skull in frustration. "Underfell apparently tackled Horror to the ground and left the cell door wide open for the human to escape... with the help of his axe. They fought over a chocolate bar. Why would anyone fight over something so useless? It's almost as useless as when someone would protect a human. It just doesn't make any sense at all."

I crossed my arms. "WeLl, i'M NoT sO SuRe iF It'S tHaT UsElEsS wHeN ThE hUmAn Is sOmEtHiNg WoRtH." Nightmare glared down at me in a superior manner. "What are you trying to tell me." I scoffed as I shrugged. "WeLl, i DeFiNeTeLy dOn'T MeAn tHe PoWeR oUr CuRrEnT hOsTaGe HoLdS. tHiS ClOaKeD hUmAn-MaLe-tHiNg ToLd eAcH Of uS AbOuT tHaT SoMe sOrT Of gReAt PoTeNtIaL LiEs wiThIn ThE hUmAn. I'm nOt SuRe wHaT, ThOuGh. aNd I dOn't BeLiEvE tHaT He wAs LyInG, bUt He wAs ClEaRlY tHe MoSt iNsAnEsT CrEaTuRe i'Ve EvEr sEeN. ThAt'S fOr SuRe." Nightmare looked like he wanted to say something. "tHe FiRsT sEnTeNcE WaS sArCaStIc." I added.

"Let's see what kind of 'hidden potential' he meant. The human doesn't seem much like the 'powerful' type. It's still a human, or else we would have already found out about her being just another monster pretending to be human. Well, at least she isn't determined enough to reset our progress." He said as I got an idea. "hOw AbOuT i LoOk aT HeR sOuL WhEn iT's My tUrN To wAtCh HeR?"

Nightmare tapped his chin with his phalanges, thinking. "It would be best if you would go after the others had their turns. We don't want her to freak out or anything just yet. She might escape due to her fear again, and I really don't want to deal with yet another mistake made by anyone else. Now, I need you to find out the current position of the 'heroes'. And while you're at it, try to find Cross." The word 'heroes' came out of his mouth like it was a disease. I smirked.

"sUrE ThInG."

Blackberry's POV

As I stepped back into the cell with my whip, a cloth as gag, two ropes and a knife, I saw the human folding the empty chocolate paper on the ground. I locked the door again and made my way over to her, curious by her action. "What are you doing?" She looked up to me with a confused look. "Um... you- you r-really don't know o-origami?" I raised a bonebrow at her. "W-Well... i-it's wh-when you fold a-a piece of p-paper to form c-certain f-figures. I-I could teach you. O-Only if you'd l-like, I-I mean." She quietly explained. I shook my head, much to her disappointment.

"I thought you wanted to see the toys I have?" I asked sternly, she looked down at her 'origami'-figure. It somewhat looked like a frog from the surface. "Oh... y-yeah." Seeing her like this made me feel sad in a way, I didn't know why. Yet, I continued to pull out the ropes and tied her wrists together behind her back. She looked at me, her cheeks were slightly red in embarrasment. "Wh-What are you d-doing, Bl-Blackberry?"


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