Chapter 13 ~ Attached in Less Than An Hour

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Error's POV

The girl seemed pretty tired, so I figured bringing her back to her cell would be the best options to this, especially since I had no idea if Nightmare would even allow her to own a better room. Meh, he might give her one soon. Or he'll assign someone to share their bed with her. That thought made me mentally gag. She'd be dead the second she'd step into one of the bedrooms.

I sighed as we reached the castle's cell wing, and like always were the other prisoners either glaring, growling or staring at me in fear. Typical. Eventually we reached (Y/N)'s cell and I walked in with her. It was still weird how she wasn't really scared by the fact that she has to live in a cell and that she didn't seem terrified by our looks. In fact, she was actually only acting rather shy and anti-social near us.

I locked the cell's door from the inside and detached the magic leash from her black collar, then I stepped back until my spine hit the cell's wall. She looked at me with big, curious yet tired eyes. I could feel warmth on my cheekbones. "Wh-WhAt dO YoU wAnT?" She let out a small yawn in response and rubbed her eyes while lying down onto the cold, hard ground. I kind of felt bad that she had to sleep on the ground, but I shrugged that feeling off and kept quiet about it. At least must have been her hoodie thick to keep her warm enough.

"Are- Are you staying here?" She asked me, odd was the fact that she wasn't stuttering. I shrugged. "eH, I hAvE To wAtCh OvEr yOu FoR aT LeAsT tOdAy. I'm nOt SuRe wHo'Ll WaTcH yOu ToMoRrOw oR If i HaVe tO WaTcH oVeR YoU aGaIn, BuT fOr NoW aM I kEePiNg An eYe SoCkEt oN YoU, eVeN WhEn yOu NeEd tO SlEeP." I mentally skullpalmed at my answer. 'Well done, Error, you've officially made a fool out of yourself for making it sound like you were a stalker. Which you technically are, but whatever.'

I expected her to freak out now that I said it like that, however, all she did was look at me tiredly and then shrug. Then she lied back down. What she said before she fell asleep kind of shocked me.

"Goodnight... Error..."


Once she was asleep, I couldn't help but stare at her. What I didn't notice was the yellow blush on my cheekbones.

"gOoDnIgHt, PuPpEt."

Killer's POV

"oi nightmare, what would you prefer? crimson, ruby, or garnet color for the couch? but scarlet would also fit pretty well to the color scheme of the carpet." I asked him as I held up , smirking in thought. Nightmare rolled his blue pinprick as he continued to read his novel, ignoring me. I huffed as I put my hands onto my hip bone. "oh c'mon! i'm torn between those colors! i need someone else's opinion!" The King of Nightmares held down his novel in annoyance and glared me down from his throne. "Why the fuck would you need yet another couch? I just let you get one last week!" "but that was dust's couch, not mine, i just helped him transport that thing!" "Fine! If you really need an opinion then go ask whoever's free! Ask Error and the human or something..." He grumbled the last part as he read he novel again. Yep, I loved it to annoy him.

I walked out of the throne room with the fabric, satisfied by successfully annoying Nightmare once again. I might have been his most loyal follower, but even I needed to go against my boss sometimes. I headed back to my bedroom while the Nightmare Papyruses looked at me like I was crazy, which I was, but it was strange for them to see me with red fabric. What? Can't a skeleton enjoy his new soon-to-be couch for once?

On my way back came I across Underfell, at least did he seem much calmer than about four hours ago, so I decided to approach him. "hey underfell, which color do you think would fit the new couch best? I already picked out a matching color of red for the carpets color scheme, but now am I torn between these red colors." I whined as I held up the fabric towards his skull. He growled and shoved my hands with the fabric away, then he glared at me. "listen up, i don't give a shit about your damn couch. leave me alone." I just had a straight expression as I shrugged. "welp, seems as if i'm gonna ask error and (y/n) about the color afterall." Underfell groaned. "fuck this. you too? geez, horror also called the human by her name during nightmare's 'chat' with us and it didn't end quite well with us in the throne room." Then I realized what he meant and mentally skullpalmed. 'Never call the hostage/prisoner/human by their name, it's a sign of getting attached to them.' Underfell then sighed.

"tibia honest, i don't care anymore. i don't give a damn about if you get attached or not. that's your fault if you start a conversation with the human and you end up being her slave. she might say later on you're friends, but i doubt that. like the cloaked bastard said, the human has hidden potential within her. it doesn't seem like it's physical. you can still ask for her opinion on the colors, though it's up to you if you really wanna risk getting attached to her. welp, see ya, killer."

The edgy me then casually walked away as I was in thought. 'I haven't gotten attached to her already, have I? I mean, I haven't even known her for a day, so why am I saying (Y/N) instead of human or pet?'

Little did I know that Nightmare was just as much in thought as I was.

[Published: 5/29/17]

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