Chapter 13~ Beca

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Chapter 13~ Beca

I couldn't handle it. I thought I could but I couldn't. Jesse keeps looking at me and I can't help but to look at him too. Finally, I decided enough was enough. I had to straighten things out in my head and I needed Brittany' s help. It's time to tell her what happened 3 days ago.

When we entered the restroom Brittany immediately got serious.

"You've been acting weird all week. Spill it." she said.

Tears started to slowly run down my face as I turned to look at her.

"Oh my God, Beca. Tell me what's wrong. Who do I have to kill?"

"No, it's not like that. It's you remember how I was late to History Monday?" I searched for the words.


"I lied. My locker was working perfectly fine but I wasn't. I met someone behind the bleachers by the track and one thing led to another-"

"Beca! You're rambling. Just spit it out." Brittany cut me off.

I took a deep breath, "I kissed Jesse."

She went dead silent as her jaw dropped to the floor.

"Don't just stand there. Say something." I said.

"Oh my God." she spit the words out. "Are you serious? What about Asher?" she couldn't help the smile that had formed on her face, she was actually happy about my disloyalty to Asher.

"I don't know! I don't know what happened, one minute we were talking and the next kissing."

"Ok, calm down. As long as you didn't use tongue, it won't be as bad. You didn't use tongue did you?"

"Well since it was more like making out than kissing, I'm going to go with, yes I used tongue." I said sarcastically.

"You made out with him?!" Brittany said as her smile got bigger.

"I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted to talk to him, y'know about the Asher thing but when he was on top of me all I could think about was how much I wanted him and then everything just happened."

"He was on top of you?" 

"Stay focused." 

"This is bad Bec."

I leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the floor.

"What am I going to do?" I asked, hoping she'd know.

Brittany put her hand up as she walked closer the wall on the other side of the room.

"Do you hear that?"

I listened as I slowly stood and walked over to where she was at.

"Sounds like-"

"FIGHT!" somebody on the other side of the wall cut Brittany off.

Just then, a girl walked into the room.

"Did you guys not hear? Asher's beating some kid up because he thinks he kissed you, Beca." she said then left.

Brittany and I looked at each other and simultaneously said, "JESSE!"

I ran for the door and yanked it open with so much force that it hit the wall behind it, almost taking Brittany out with it. I slowed my pace as I approached Asher. I tried talking as calmly as I could but the anger quickly started to bubble up inside of me.

"Ash, what's going on?"

"Just taking care of business." he said turning to face me.

Just then I saw Jesse fall at Asher's feet. His once angelically beautiful face was know full of blood and cuts. Jesse looked at me and I heard a very scratchy 'Beca' come from him. Asher heard it too and gave him swift kick in the gut telling him to shut up. That's when I cut in. I stepped between Jesse and Asher, stopping his next blow. 

"STOP!!!" I knelt down and checked Jesse for consciousness then I stood back up and got in Asher's face. "What are you doing?"

 "Teaching him a lesson."

"What lesson? How to die a slow and painful death because that's what it looks like!"

"I was told he was caught hitting on you."

"So you're just gonna go around 'teaching people lessons' because they like me? He didn't do anything Asher so just back off!"

"Dylan said-"

"Dylan is wrong! Jesse didn't do anything I did." I wish I could take that back.

"What?" Asher asked seeming angrier than before.

"I kissed him! I was the one in the wrong not Jesse! Stop assuming that I'm perfect and can't do anything wrong because I'm only human Asher! For the past week I've been feeling unsatisfied with our relationship and when I'm with Jesse that feeling melts away and when I kissed him I was fully satisfied so if you want to kick somebody's a*s kick mine!" I probably shouldn't have done that but I did and there's no taking it back now.

Asher didn't look hurt. He just looked angry and kind of surprised. I didn't know if he believed me but he started to back off anyway. He backed away from me then he his soccer buddies left. I watched as they walked away, Asher glaring at Dylan for mixing up the situation.

When they turned the corner to enter the senior hallway (which is where the seniors' lockers are located) I knelt beside Jesse.

"Jesse?" I said quietly as I stroked his cheek feeling the urge to cry at the sight of what Asher did to him.

Jesse eyes slowly fluttered open, his eyes full of pain. He managed to give me a little smile.

"I knew you'd help me." He said in a weak voice.

I smiled his remark, "Of course." I said as he lost consciousness.

It was dead silent and I looked up to see everyone stopped doing what they were doing and stared at me, Brittany with a look of 'awe'.

"Can somebody get the nurse?" I asked.

"She's not here today." somebody in the crowd said.

"Sh*t." I said under my breath as I glanced down at Jesse. "Brit, do you still have that first aide kit your parents made you bring?"

"Uh yeah, I'll go get it." She said and darted for her locker.

"Uh, John, right?" I asked some kid standing beside.

He looked shocked so I figured that was his name.

"Can you help me get him into the girls bathroom?" I asked.

He nodded and started to grab Jesse but I quickly stopped him and told him to be careful. Together, we slid him into the restroom and Brittany came back with the first aide. I thanked them both as the bell rang and they scurried off to class.

I looked back at Jesse, the sense of guilt filling me once again. I took a deep breath then wetted a paper towel.

As I wiped the blood off of his face he kept coming in and out of consciousness but never long enough to say, do or see anything. After about the fifth time of waking up for a total 3 seconds he lost consciousness again and stayed unconscious this time.


Sorry for the late update, I had a big presentation for English last week and I've been pretty busy with school. School is the WORST!!!!

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