Chapter 24~ Jesse

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Chapter 24~ Jesse

Weird enough, the car ride to Beca' s house was anything but awkward. We were singing, joking around, and just talking about life (mostly about how awful school is).

"Ok, we're here." Beca said as she put the car in park and turned the engine off. I looked out of the window to see a huge house with a neatly planted garden surrounding the bottom of it.

"This is home?" I asked.

"Yup." She answered. I just sat in the seat and stared at the house in awe. Beca had already gotten out of the car and she scared me when she opened my door.

"Are you going to go in or stare at it all day?" She asked as she leaned against the door and bit her lip a little making her look even sexier. I unbuckled and stepped out of the car.

"Sorry and stop doing that." I said with a smile. She smiled back and tilted her head a little.

"Doing what?" She asked.

"Biting your lip like that. Do you want me to take you right here on your front lawn in front of your family?" I asked as I put my hands on the car door on either side of her blocking her in.

"That doesn't sound too bad." She replied jokingly. I chuckled and put my mouth right by her ear.

"I don't think your parents would like that." I whispered in her ear and she giggled a little.

"Let's go." She said as she gently pushed me off of her and grabbed my hand. I shut the car door then followed Beca into the castle she calls home.

The second I walked through the threshold of the front door my mouth watered from the heavy scent of pork chops, green beans, and mashed potatoes. Beca lead me into a room to the side of the living room.

"This is my dad's study, he writes magazine articles." She explained then I saw a man that looked as if he was in his late 20s but was probably in his early 30s, come out of the study bathroom.

"Hi daddy." Beca said as she dropped my hand and hugged the man.

"Hey sweetheart." He said as he hugged back. "Is this Jesse?" He looked up at me.

"Yes, Jesse this is my dad." Beca introduced us. Her dad stuck his hand out and I shook it.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lawson."

"Nice to meet you, too son. And please, call me Matt."

"Ok, Matt." I said then dropped his hand just for Beca to grab my hand again. She led me down the hall into the kitchen. I saw a youthful looking woman running around the room.

"This is my mom, she's a chef." Beca said. Her mom spotted us and wiped her hands off on her apron before she shook my hand.

"You must be Jesse, I'm Sarah, Beca' s mom. It's so nice to finally to meet you." She said as she shook my hand.

"You, too."

"Your brother is in his room, I'm sure he'd like to meet Jesse." She said and gestured toward the stairs. Beca rolled her eyes but led me up the stairs anyway.

The upstairs looked just as big as the downstairs. There were two doors on both sides of the hall and one door on the farthest end. Beca opened the first door on the left. There was a guy sitting in a bean bag chair in front of a flat screen TV with a x-box controller in his hands and those headphones with microphone attached to it for the x-box live games.

"Ben!" Beca yelled a couple of times but he didn't respond to her. She let go of my hand and stomped across the room to her brother. She smacked the back of his head knocking  the headphones off.

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