Chapter 23~ Beca

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Chapter 23~ Beca

It's the next morning and the first thing I do is go downstairs into the kitchen and badger my mom. Everything has to be perfect, Jesse has to like my family and my family has to like Jesse or this relationship will go nowhere. After about the 20th time of bugging my mom she finally snapped.

"Beca!!" She yelled and I shut up. "Everything is under control. I've got everything for dinner, I've made sure your dad will be home in time, and I've already threatened your brother. I'll take care of things here you just take care of you and Jesse, ok?"

"Thanks mom." I said then checked my phone. It's 8:00, time to go get Jesse. I kissed my mom's cheek then headed for my car (my parents bought it for me after the whole Ben fiasco).


When I arrived at the local supply store Jesse was sitting on a bench by the door. He had his headphones in and he was messing with his iPod. I parked a couple of spaces away then walked up to him. I could hear the music blaring through his headphones so obviously he doesn't notice me. I reached down and quickly but carefully pulled his iPod away from him pulling his headphones out as well. He looked up, headphones dangling from his ears, ready to yell but his expression softened when he saw it was me.

"You know, listening to your music that loud can deafen you, right?" I asked and held his iPod up. He smiled then grabbed my arm and pulled me onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck, careful not to drop his iPod.

"You sound like my mom. You totally just became unattractive to me." He said as he pressed his forehead against mine.

"If I made myself unattractive to you then why are you going to kiss me?"

"I lied. You will never become unattractive to me." He said as he leaned in and kissed me, I giggled as his lips touched mine. I cut the kiss short and stood up. He gave me a look as I handed his iPod back to him.

"Sorry but we gotta get to school." I said then grabbed his hand and pulled him off the bench.


The school day is halfway over and I stop by Jesse's locker before lunch just like I always do.

"Hey." I said then leaned against the locker beside his.

"Hey Bec." He said with a smile as he neatly shoved his textbooks into his locker.

"So, about tonight....when you meet my brother....well, he's...we don't get along very well and...." I was trying to find the right words to say.

"Bec, just tell me what's on your mind." Jesse said as he pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"My brother's a jerk and he's not afraid to show it. He'll kick your a*s in a heartbeat, well he'll try, he's not very strong." I explained. Jesse chuckled a little as he shut his locker door. He cupped my face in his hands and lightly kissed me.

"It'll be ok, I can handle him." He whispered against my lips. I smiled as I  wrapped my hands around his back, lifted up on my toes, and pressed my lips against his again. He kissed me again but then pulled away, paying me back for earlier. He smirked at me then stuck his out. I rolled my eyes at him as I grabbed his hand.


Three class periods later the final bell rang. I quickly stuffed my stuff into my locker and headed for the parking lot. Once by my car I leaned on the hood and began playing Temple Run on my phone.

After a few minutes a pair of hands covered my eyes making me lose my game.

"Guess who?" I didn't have to guess, I already knew perfectly who it was.

"My crazy boyfriend who just made me lose my game of Temple Run?" I played along a little.

"I'm sorry, can I make it up to you?" he asked playfully as he moved my hair to one side and began placing light kisses down my neck. I smiled then slowly turned to face him.

"As a matter of a fact," I started then wrapped my arms around his neck, "you can." I finished then pulled his head down to mine and kissed him. I began to pull away again and he tried to stop me.

"No, don't pull away again." He said against my lips then kissed me again.

"We have to go or my mom will yell." I said between kisses. "But don't worry, we can pick this back up at my house." I said with a smile then kissed him one more time before we got into my car.

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