Chapter 29~ Beca

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Chapter 29~ Beca

I woke up the next morning laying in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room, with a familiar scent of Old Spice cologne and body wash. I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light.

"Morning beautiful." I heard Jesse before I saw him. He was standing by his closet wearing nothing but a pair of pants, in other words, he was shirtless and looking AMAZING. He had perfect muscle tone and beautifully carved abs.

"Wow." I said as I watched him pull a shirt over his head. He smiled as he grabbed his shoes and walked over to the bed. He leaned over and kissed my forehead before sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling his shoes on.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as I pulled myself up. It took me a minute to remember why I had come over here yesterday.

"Good." He leaned over and pulled me into his arms, putting me in an even better mood. "Great, now." I changed my answer. He chuckled as he pulled the hair out of my face and kissed my forehead again. I sat in his arms enjoying every moment of it until I remembered something.

"Sh*t! My mom! I didn't call her last night! She's gonna be p*ssed!" I said as I pulled out of his arms and looked for my phone.

"Woah, Bec." He said as he grabbed my waist and pulled me into his lap. "Don't worry, I called her when you fell asleep and told her you were here."

"Thanks." I said with a smile and kissed him. "Wait, she didn't freak out?" I asked when I quickly pulled away.

"No, I just said you came over to visit, stayed a little later than you intended, and fell asleep. I also told her that I, being the amazing gentleman I am, let you have the bed and I took the couch."

"You liar." I said and pressed my forehead against his.

"It's better than telling the truth and my girlfriend not being allowed over here again. Besides, a little white lie never hurt anyone." I giggled and kissed him again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close.

Suddenly, Jesse's bedroom door opened. We snapped our heads over to see his mom, again. I, still sitting on her only son's lap, awkwardly looked around the room biting the inside of my cheek as she realized that she had interrupted.

"Sorry for the intrusion, again. But, you're going to be late for school if you don't head out soon." She said.

"Thanks mom, we'll be down there in a minute." Jesse said trying to politely to shoo her out before it gets any more awkward.

She gave him a thumbs up then closed the door.

"Why does that always happen?" I asked when I heard her walk away. He shrugged before kissing me one more time. He then wrapped his arms around me and stood up, picking me up bridal style.

"Ok, let's go."

"What about my shoes?"

"Right." He carefully leaned down and grabbed my shoes. "Now, let's go." He said then carefully carried me through the doorway and down the stairs.


"So, my car?" He asked when we were on the porch, he's still carrying me.

"How am I going to get to home?"

"Oh right, I've been meaning to ask you something."

"What's that?"

"Wanna come over for dinner tonight?" He asked. I smiled and kissed him.

"Sounds great." I said between kisses. We kissed as he slowly and carefully walked over to his car. Continuing to kiss me, he opened the door and carefully set me on the seat. He pulled away and handed me my shoes before closing the door and climbing into the opposite side.

Once he got comfortable he turned to me and asked, "How do you wanna get him back?"

"Excuse me?"

"Asher. I know you're seeking revenge and I wanna help. What are we going to do?"

"Who said I am seeking revenge?" he gave me a weird look.

"I know you, Bec. You want revenge for him using your feelings against you. Now, quit playing games and tell me the plan I know you've been itching to share with me."

"Wow, you know me so well." he nodded his head as if to say, duh. "I do have one trick up my sleeve."


Sorry for late updates, been busy-ish. Hope you enjoy and now that I'm out of school, more updates should be coming soon!!! :-)

P.S. Ignore any mistakes please, I haven't proofread this and I dont plan to because it's 3 in the morning and quite frankly, I'm tired.

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